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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You tell' em

You tell' em traduction Espagnol

1,473 traduction parallèle
You tell'em what you know. You tell'em to find their voice and stay with it.
Dices lo que sabes... y dices para que encuentren su propia voz.
What was I supposed to tell'em... that you were sent to the penal farm... and I divorced you from shame?
¿ Querías que les dijera que te metieron a prisión y me divorcié por vergüenza?
I want to be there when you tell'em you're moving the team to Ireland.
Quiero estar allí cuando les digas que nos mudamos a Irlanda.
You call him up, they put you on hold for several days, you finally get'em, they tell you the next available appointment's three months away.
Llamas para pedir turno... y te dicen que tienes que esperar 3 meses.
Just tell me what you wanna look at, and I'd be glad to dig'em out.
Dígame qué quiere y estaré encantado de sacárselo.
Police are not ready to charge you, but they are a bit upset that no one will tell'em what's goin'on.
La Policía no está lista para acusarlos, pero están un poco alterados porque nadie les dice qué pasó.
You can tell somebody's family just by lookin'at'em.
Puedes saber si alguien es familiar sólo con verlos.
They might as well be living in the 19th century,'cause they have no idea of what's going on, and if you try to tell'em that, they wanna fuckin'kill you.
No tienen ni idea de lo que pasa, y si intentas decírselo, quieren matarte.
As a matter of fact, get'em on the phone right now, and you tell them...
De hecho, llámales ahora.
You tell'em. Please.
Usted, digales por favor.
If you find Nanahara, tell'em where we are.
Si encuentras a Nanahara, diles donde estamos.
You tell'em, morty.
Tú lo has dicho, Morty.
I tell him, "You should see the state of'em!"
Le digo, "¡ Deberías ver su estado!"
I mean, you can tell people you've seen the Virgin Mary and they'll light candles outside your bathroom, but you tell'em you've been abducted by aliens and they'll write you off as a lunatic.
Puedes decirle a la gente que viste a la Virgen María... y encenderán velas fuera de tu baño. Di que los alienígenas te secuestraron y te creerán lunático.
- You tell'em, Buddha boy.
Así se habla, chico Buda.
Did you tell'em you were with the star of Jack 2000, soon to be Jack 2001?
¿ No le dijiste que está la estrella de Jack 2000...... que pronto será Jack 2001?
You know, to tell you the truth, she doesn't sound worse than most of'em.
Para mí, ella no es peor que las demás. - ¿ Pero lo hará?
- You tell'em.
- Díselos.
You gotta let me tell'em.
Déjame decírselo.
Tell'em! Well, you know, someone else was breakin'in here, so I caught them and you can give me a reward, like more of the plant.
Otras personas se metieron aquí... pero yo las atrapé, así que denme una recompensa, por ej., más planta.
I'll tell'em to put it in a coal bucket just for you.
Haré que lo traigan en un cubo con carbón.
You tell'em!
¡ Le dices a ellos!
Just tell her you lost the papers. I don't know, tell her your dog ate'em.
Dile que perdiste los papeles, que se los comió tu perro
Tell her you ate'em. Max will get over it, all right?
Dile que te los comiste Max lo entenderá
Why don't you tell'em we're moving into a gingerbread house?
¿ Por qué no les dices que nos mudaremos a una casa de galletita?
I don't know, tell'em what you want.
No sé, diles lo que quieras.
¡ Lo usa como felpudo!
- What'd you tell'em?
- ¿ Qué les dijeron?
You tell'em, Jock.
Explícales, Jock.
Well, tell'em! You stay out of this.
- Tú te quedas fuera de esto.
Hey, you tell everybody in Emerald City that Supreme Allah is not done.
Dile a todos en Em City que Supremo Alá no terminó.
Díselo tú, rubito.
You look great. Hey, Jackie, tell'em what you told me in the car on the way over here.
Diles lo que me contaste en el camino.
Uh... when next you speak to one, tell'em I got iron root in my south field.
Cuando vuelvan a hablar con ellos, díganles que tengo una raíz de hierro en mi campo del sur.
- You tell'em to turn the camera off and get your friends the hell out.
- Diles que apaguen eso, y saca a tus amigos de aquí.
While you're at it, tell'em that square six doesn't work... unless you bring in a third person.
Ya que estamos diles que el cuadrado seis no funciona a menos que agregues a una tercera persona.
You tell'em, or I will.
Le dices tú o yo lo haré.
You tell Westmorel that he's got the authority. Tell him to get out there and kill Vietcong, and do whatever he has to do to hold em off.
Dígale a Westmoreland que está autorizado, que elimine al Vietcong... y que haga cuanto sea preciso.
I'll tell'em you said hi.
Les mandaré saludos tuyos.
Those guys are picking us up in less than an hour... and if you're gonna act like this all weekend... maybe we should just tell'em we can't go.
Nos van a recoger en una hora... y si vas a actuar así todo el fin de semana... quizá debamos decirles que no podemos ir.
Would you please go and tell'em you've changed your mind.
¿ Podrías ir a decirles que has cambiado de opinión?
I said I can tell you where you got'em.
Dije que podia decirte de dónde vienen.
How many times am I gonna have to tell you... don't open the potato chips until you pay for'em!
Cuantas veces más tengo que decirte... ¡ que no abras los paquetes de papas fritas antes de pagarlos!
I ain't loaning'nobody no money... so you tell'em don't even ask.
Y no le presto dinero a nadie, así que no me lo pidas.
But when you get that break, and you reach the top savour it, take it all in. And let'em suck your dick while you tell them how wrong they were for not believing you in the first place.
Pero cuando te llegue esa oportunidad y alcances la cima saboréala, no desperdicies nada y deja que te chupen la pija mientras les dices lo equivocados que estaban por no creer en ti en primer lugar.
Devon, man, I meant to tell you, brother, you killed'em out there.
Devon, amigo, te quería decir, camarada. Los mataste allá afuera.
To tell somebody that you love'em... and then the prenuptial comes into play.
Decirle a alguien que lo amás... Entonces el prenupcial entra en juego.
They don't make'em any tougher than Rena, I'll tell you that. It's that motherfuckin guard's fault.
aquél desgraciado ¡ planeó esto para mí!
I'll turn you over to District for a debrief. Tell'em what you've told me.
Lo entregaré a la fiscalía así lo interrogan.
Right, I'll just be droppin'him down to you, then. You wanna tell'em so badly? Go ahead.
vale, entonces le dejare caer ahi contigo tantas ganas tienes de decirselo?
- What did you tell'em?
- ¿ Qué les dijiste?

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