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You want to know something traduction Espagnol

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And you want to know something else?
¿ Y quieres saber otra cosa?
" Do you want to know something?
" ¿ quieres saber de una cosa?
You want to know something? I've even seen them share the same toothbrush.
Una vez compartieron un cepillo de dientes.
If I'm gonna spend a ridiculous amount of money, I want it to be for something practical, you know, like a sweater.
Si voy a gastar tanto dinero, mejor que sea en algo práctico, como un suéter.
And I don't want him... I don't want him to think there's something wrong with him. You know?
Yo no quiero... no quiero que piense que es anormal. ¿ Entiende?
I don't know... And you want to get in her pants, or something.
No sé... quieres meterle mano, o algo así.
You know I have something that you don't want to share.
Debes imaginar que quiero decir algo que no quieres compartir.
Another one's sleeping with a pervert that you brought into her life, so I don't want to get into something silly like a cute talk about a marriage that we both know would be doomed from the start, so you know what I'm talking about.
Otra está durmiendo con un pervertido que tú trajiste a su vida, así que no quiero meterme en algo tonto como una charla bonita sobre un matrimonio que ambos sabemos estaría condenado desde el principio, así que ya sabes de qué hablo.
You know, I can drive if you want. if you want to take a break or something.
Puedo condecir, si quiere descansar.
I don't know if you want me to call the cops or something.
No sé si quiere que llame a la policía o algo.
You know, we kid around a lot here but the truth is, we care about each other. We're excited to be back because we want to address some serious issues. - You know, do something we can all be proud of.
Bromeamos mucho por aquí, pero la verdad es que nos queremos mucho y nos alegra volver porque hay algunos asuntos serios para discutir y, ustedes saben, hacer algo que nos enorgullece.
Most people want me to paint something else, you know... with fewer eyes, Less violent, less insane.
Mucha gente prefiere que pinte otra cosa, tú sabes... con menos ojos, menos violento, menos demente.
You know, it's not like somebody tied me up, forced me to do something I didn't want to do.
No es que alguien me forzara o me atara para hacer algo que no quería.
If something worse happens, I don't know about you... but I don't want to be out here in a car without a roof.
Si sucediera algo peor, no sé ustedes... pero no querría quedarme en un auto sin techo.
It's just a... you know, it's something we've been talking about for a while, and... and...'cause I don't know if we want the girls to grow up in this city.
Es algo de lo que hemos estado hablando por algún tiempo y... Porque no sé si queremos que las niñas crezcan en esta ciudad.
There's something I want to ask you but I don't think you'll understand why unless you know a few things about me.
Hay algo que quiero preguntarte, pero no creo que entiendas por qué a menos que sepas unas cuantas cosas de mí.
I er... I know you get anxious about your boy's education, that you worry about the future and that's why I want to tell you something.
Yo ee... yo sé que se pone ansiosa por la educación de sus hijos, que se apura sobre el futuro y es por eso que quiero decirle algo.
And it's not like I want to be a dad, all right, but there's something about not being one, you know?
Y... no es que yo tenga ganas de ser padre, ok? Pero hay algo en el... no hacerlo, entiendes?
At the same time, you want to go, but... something keeps you in here, you know?
Así como uno quiere salir... también hay algo que te retiene, ¿ no?
But you know something, folks, maybe you don't want to be on cable.
pero saben algo amigos, quizás no quieras estar en el cable.
But beyond that, I just want you to know that I genuinely feel something for you.
Pero más allá de eso, solo quiero que sepas, que lo que siento por ti es genuino.
Just... tell somebody something you're not completely certain you want them to know.
Solo... dile a alguien algo que no estás completamente segura que quieras que sepan.
The minute that you know something, I want to know.
Enseguida que sepa algo, yo lo quiero saber.
Um, listen, I know you guys didn't want to write a bit or anything, but, um, I'm really thinking the network is gonna expect me to say something.
Um, escucha, sé que ustedes no querían escribir una rutina o nada, pero, yo creo que la cadena va a esperar que yo diga algo.
Listen, Lorelai, if you decide that your breakup is something... that you want to talk about, please let me know.
Lorelai, si decides que tu ruptura es algo... de Io que quieres hablar, por favor, me avisas.
There's something personal here, something you don't want us to know before your hearing.
Hay algo personal aquí, algo que quieres que no sepamos antes de la audiencia.
I want you to know something.
Debo decirte algo.
Robin, it's so obvious to me, that's what you want. And I kind of feel like... I don't know, that you set me up or something.
Robin, es tan obvio para mi que es lo que quieres y siento como que me pusiste una trampa
I want you to know something.
Quiero que sepas algo.
I want you to know that I genuinely appreciate the opportunity you've given me with this job, but something has happened.
Quiero que sepa que aprecio la oportunidad que me ha dado con este trabajo, pero algo sucedió.
I don't know- - is there something you want to talk to me about?
No lo sé.... ¿ Y tú?
You want to know did I suspect there was something going on between them.
Quieres saber si sospechaba que había algo entre ellos.
You know, maybe for once in my life, I actually want to do something with my life, like something important.
Quizás es la primera vez en la vida que yo quiero hacer algo por mi vida.
You know, actually, there is something I want to ask you.
En realidad, hay algo que quiero preguntarte. - ¿ Sí?
I don't have to tell you anything. Look, Michael, I know you don't want to have to think about this, but if something were to happen to you, God forbid, then I would need to know in order to take over.
- Mira, Michael sé que no quieres pensar en esto pero si algo te sucediera, Dios no lo permita tendría que saberlo para hacerme cargo.
Nathan, I need to ask you something, and I really don't want you to take it the wrong way, but... I need to know what you want from me or from us.
Nathan, necesito pedirte algo, y realmente no quiero que lo tomes de mala manera, pero... necesito saber que es lo que quieres de mi o de nosotros.
But I want you to know something, Nathan.
Pero quiero que sepas algo, Nathan.
You know, if you want to change something, you have to be willing to work hard at it.
Sabes, si quieres cambiar algo, tienes que estar dispuesto a trabajar duro por ello.
You want to know something?
¿ Sabes una cosa?
Oh, and the best part is, if you, like, want a Mountain Dew or something, you don't have to go and get it and open the can, you know?
- Papá, ¿ me compras este bolso? - Hola, cariño. Allí he visto unas chaquetas bonitas.
So... you don't want to know the ending of something.
Entonces... ¿ Tú no quieres saber el final de algo?
Something someone didn't want you... to know about them...
Algo de alguien que no quisiera que tú supieras...
Or divulge something... you didn't want me to know.
O de revelar algo que tú no quieres que sepa.
Lois, if... if you found out something... something someone didn't want you to know about them...
Lois, si tú descubrieras algo algo que alguien no quería que supieras. ¿ Se lo dirías?
You want to know something interesting?
¿ Queréis saber algo interesante?
I'd want to eat something on the brink of extinction, you know, like the last emu or a meerkat.
Querría comer algo que estuviera al borde de la extinción algo así como el último emu o un perrillo de las praderas.
Wait - you know we want you to, like, sign something, right?
Espera, ¿ sabes que queremos que nos firmes una cosa, verdad?
I just want you to know that I genuinely feel something for you.
Quiero que sepas que siento algo por ti.
Before you die I want you to know something.
Antes de matarte, quiero decirte algo.
I just want to know that you... that this isn't something you would take lightly.
Sólo quiero saber que tú que esto no es algo que tomarías a la ligera.
I came all this way back, three days on the train... because there's something I want you to know.
Volví aquí, tres días en el tren porque hay algo que quiero que sepas.

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