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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You want to talk about this

You want to talk about this traduction Espagnol

547 traduction parallèle
If you want to talk about this, I'll be in my room.
Quiero hablarte. Ven a mi cuarto.
- Do you want to talk about this?
- Quieres hablar sobre eso?
I want to talk to you about discharging some of the servants in this house.
Tengo que hablar contigo sobre el despido de algunos de los empleados de la casa.
Now, this is what I want to talk to you about, Mr. Chandler.
Esto es lo que quiero hablar con usted, Sr. Chandler.
From this door, and that's what I want to talk to you about.
Del cuarto de al lado, y de eso quiero hablarle.
This town may explode on me any minute. I've four million things to think of.. And you want to talk about love at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Esta ciudad va a explotarme en las manos de un momento a otro, tengo cuatro millones de cosas en la cabeza y tú quieres hablar de amor a las cuatro de la tarde,
No... I want to talk to you about this student of mine.
No... quería hablarle acerca de uno de mis estudiantes.
Jane, if you don't want me to talk about this anymore, I won't.
Jane, si no quieres que hable más de esto, no lo haré.
I called you tonight because I want you to talk to her about this.
Te he llamado esta noche porque quiero que hables de esto con ella.
I want to talk to you about a great political and financial scheme, about this Argentine Canal scheme, in fact.
Deseo hablarle de un gran proyecto financiero y político. Sobre el proyecto del canal de Argentina.
I want to talk to you about that... they'll blow down this winter anyway.
Quería hablarle de eso... aunque se caerán este invierno.
No, this is not the time - oh, surely you want to talk about it now.
- Este no es momento... - Seguro que quieres hablar ahora.
Do you really want to fill her head with this kind of notion at this point? I don't want to talk to her about this.
¿ De verdad quieres llenar su cabeza con esa clase de nociones a estas alturas?
But if you want to come down to Joe's after dinner, we can talk about this thing a little more, and my time is my own.
Pero si quiere pasarse por el bar de Joe después de cenar, podríamos seguir hablando de esto, a esa hora estoy libre.
I know that all this talk of yours about the earnings report is part of a campaign to put me on the defensive because you want something.
Sé que toda esa reserva sobre el informe de ganancias es parte de una campaña para ponerme a la defensiva porque quiere algo.
I told you I didn't want to come and see people talk about business. Giovanna, why are you being like this?
Te he dicho que no tengo ganas de ir a ver a gente que habla de negocios.
Johnny, I want to talk to you about this lt looks like there's going to be a big fight lf Lee won this one, we're through
¿ Noticias? Los rebeldes invaden Pennsylvania Johnny, quiero hablarte sobre esto.
This whole house may suddenly collapse around our ears... and all you want to talk about is crab grass.
Toda la casa podría derrumbarse sobre nosotros... y sólo quieres hablar de los pulgones.
Now, if there's anyone you want me to talk to about this.
Si quieres que hable con alguien sobre esto.
And if you want to talk about your oath of office, I'm here to tell you, face to face, President Lyman, that you violated that oath when you stripped this country of its muscles, when you played upon the fear and fatigue of the people, and told them they could remove that fear
Si quiere hablar del juramento de su cargo... le diré que lo ha violado cuando nos arrancó nuestra fuerza.
If you want to be my friend, don't talk to me again about that... about all this.
Si quieres ser mi amigo, no me hables de esta... De todo eso.
What did you want to talk to me about this morning?
¿ Qué es lo que tenías que decirme?
And this is how you want to talk about his betrayal and our ruin.
En otras palabras, querrás decir, su traición y nuestra ruina...
Tonight, I want to talk about... We interrupt this program to annoy you
Interrumpimos este programa para molestarles y que se irriten.
I want to talk to you about this unfortunate man.
Quiero hablar de ese hombre tan desgraciado.
I want to see you tonight. I'd like to talk to you. It's about this game.
Quiero verte esta noche para hablarte de este juego.
Listen... i really want to talk to you Some more about this, ok?
Escucha, quiero que un día hablemos más sobre esto.
I want to talk to you about this.
Quiero hablar de esto contigo.
I want you to talk to me about this girl.
Que me hables de esa chica.
Actually, I want to talk to you about this girl.
En realidad, quiero hablarte de una chica.
I want to talk to you all this morning about a shocking incident which occurred yesterday when some students who might possibly even go to this school caused a major traffic accident on the freeway.
Quiero hablarles sobre un desagradable incidente que ocurrió ayer, cuando algunos estudiantes que es posible incluso que vengan a esta escuela causaron un grave accidente de tránsito en la autopista.
But enough of that, It's not this I want to talk to you about,
Pero, basta. No quiero hablarte de esto.
- I want to talk to you about this here.
- Quiero hablarte sobre esto
But later, if you want someone... to talk to about all this, ask your father to -
Pero más adelante, si quieres hablar con alguien de esto. Pídele a tu padre...
Is this what you want to talk about?
¿ De eso es lo que quieres hablar?
I've put this off all evening, but there's something I want to talk to you about.
Lo he aplazado hasta ahora, pero quiero hablar contigo de algo.
Do you mean nothing at all happened this week... that you want to talk about?
Bien, Jane. ¿ Quieres decir que no pasó nada esta semana de lo que quieras hablar?
Listen, Daddy, I want to talk to you about this singing.
Queria hablar contigo sobre eso de cantar.
You are a tough motherfucker I don't want to talk to you any more Move on from this shit about blackmail and Sunny because the reality situation is I didn't do it
eres muy duro no quiero seguir hablando contigo olvida eso del chantaje sobre sunny porque yo no la mate que puedo decir me has juzgado mal no lo creo se acabo estoy cansado de esta mierda oye que hay de chans?
Quiero hablarle sobre esto
Is this what you want to talk about, our imaginary love affair?
- ¿ Esto es de lo que quieres hablar?
We want to talk to you about this.
Queremos hablarle de esto.
Kelly, I want to talk to you about what happened this afternoon.
Kelly, quiero hablar contigo Acerca de lo que pasó Esta tarde
I want to talk to you about saving $ 250,000 on your income tax this year.
Quiero hablarte sobre cómo salvar $ 250.000 del impuesto sobre la renta de este año.
All you want to do is talk about this guy that you don't even know!
¡ Lo único que quieres es hablar sobre este hombre que ni siquiera conoces!
Do you really want me to talk about this in public, Chief?
¿ De verdad quiere que hable de esto en público, Jefe?
You're sure you don't want to talk about this.
¿ No quieres hablar?
You want to talk, about this, call me in we have to stick together.
Si quieren hablar, llámenme. Debemos permanecer unidos.
You know that, lots of people, lots of groups in this country want to tell you how to talk, tell you what you can't talk about.
¿ Sabéis? ¡ Montones de gente! ¡ Montones de grupos en este país quieren decirte cómo hablar!
Don't you think we should talk about this? You don't want me to move in?
Un momento, ¿ no crees que deberíamos hablarlo primero?
When you get settled down there's this idea I want to talk to you about.
Después que te calmes, tengo una idea de la que quiero hablarte.

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