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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You want to try it

You want to try it traduction Espagnol

767 traduction parallèle
Do you want to try it now?
¿ Por qué no te lo pruebas ahora?
Do you want to try it?
¿ Quieres probarlo?
- Do you want to try it?
- ¿ Quieres probar?
If all of you want to try it, I'll agree.
Si todos queréis hacer la prueba, de acuerdo.
I tell you what. You and me could go in on a double, if you want to try it?
Oye, tú y yo podríamos coger una doble, si te parece bien.
This way looks sort of interesting. - You want to try it?
Por aquí parece interesante. ¿ Probamos?
- Do you want to try it? - Sure.
- ¿ Querés intentarlo?
What do you want to try it on this time?
¿ En qué quiere probarlo esta vez?
If you want to try it, I'm ready.
Si quieren, estoy listo.
You want to try it?
¿ Quieres probarlo?
Do you want to try it with me, Buck?
¿ Quieres probarlo conmigo?
- You want to try it on?
- ¿ Quieres probártelo?
Do you want to try it again?
¿ Quiere probar otra vez?
- Don ´ t you want to try it too?
- ¿ Quieres intentarlo?
I love Claire and whatever you try to do to stop it, I'll marry her and tell your husband what you've done. I don't want to hear anymore of your pleas.
Amo a Claire y aunque intente impedirlo, me casaré con ella y le contaré a su marido lo que ha hecho.
I want you to try that out on your fancy apparati in there... and see what's in it.
Quiero que la analice con sus aparatos elegantes... yvea qué contiene.
I want you all to try it.
Quiero que todos la prueben.
Say, do you want to give it a try with me?
Oiga, ¿ quiere intentarlo conmigo?
You see, I didn't want you to know that I was so extravagant, and I suppose it was awfully foolish of me to try to tell you...
¿ Sabe? No quería que supieran que soy muy extravagante y supongo que fue estúpido por mi parte decírselo.
And it makes more sense than anyone here, certainly. Mama, I try so hard to keep you romantic. Oh, but I don't want to be kept romantic.
Llamaría con más frecuencia, pero entre mamá y papá, tú y Ben, las llamadas de larga distancia llevan probablemente a la quiebra a todo el mundo.
- You want me to try it again?
- ¿ Quieres que lo intente otra vez?
You mean, you want me to try and put a hole through it?
Tire por su sentido de la orientación. Lo intentaré.
And you're not going to hold me responsible for it. If you want me, you try and take me.
Si me quieren detener, deténganme.
If this letter is found on me, if this ever reaches you, I want you to believe every word of it and try to understand. It all began that night we arrived in Istanbul.
Si encontras esta carta si alguna vez la recibes quiero que creas cada palabra y trates de entender que todo comenzó la noche en que llegamos a Estambul. "
He says there's a case coming up in the supreme court, and they want you to try it.
Quieren que juzgue un caso, en el Tribunal Supremo.
If you want to leave a chair, you get up and walk away from it. Try and get away from me.
Es más fácil alejarse de una silla que de mí.
I don't know how we're going to do it, but if that's the way you want it, lads, we'll have a try at it.
No sé cómo lo vamos a hacer, pero si es lo que queréis, lo intentaremos.
You'd better try to sleep this off unless you want that nurse doing it.
Acuéstate, si no quieres que te vea la enfermera.
C'mon, try to drink a little even if you don't really want it.
Vamos, intenta darle un sorbito aunque no te apetezca.
Give it to me I want to try to fix the radio. This way you can hear your cousin Santeria.
Deme, quiero probar a ver si arreglo la radio,... así podrá oír a su primo "Santolio".
- What is it that you want to try?
- ¿ Qué es lo que quieres intentar?
Hey, Grant, if you want to rehearse that, try it out on me.
Grant, si quiere ensayarlo, pruebe conmigo.
You want to go, I wouldn't try to talk you out of it.
Si quieres irte, yo no trataría de desanimarte.
You realise way down inside, no matter how much you try not to think about it, that maybe something's got your number on... and you want to leave a bit of yourself behind.
Te das cuenta de que en el fondo... aunque no quieras pensar en ello... quizás algo lleva tu nombre escrito... y quieres dejar algo detrás de ti.
I'm not going to ask any of you to try it if you don't want to.
No voy a pedir que lo intentéis si no queréis hacerlo.
I didn't say much or try to describe it. I didn't want you to be disappointed.
No les conté mucho sobre ella porque no quería decepcionarlos.
Do you want to try it?
- ¿ Quieren intentarlo?
I'm taking my friends out tonight and I want to try the nice car before you take it away.
Esta noche iré a Niza con los colegas y quiero llevarme el cochazo.
I'll try to get a job, if it's what you want.
Intentaré buscar trabajo si eso es lo que quieres.
Darling, I want you to remember one thing and please try to remember it I love you with all my heart.
Cariño, quiero que recuerdes algo y, por favor, trata de recordarlo te quiero con todo mi corazón.
She didn't tell you because she didn't want you to wear it out of a sense of duty. And I didn't tell you because I wanted to try you out.
Ella no quiere que se sienta obligado, y yo quería probarle.
You want to try doing it legal for once?
¿ Le gustaría hacerlo de forma legal por una vez?
And he will try to touch your heart so deeply with it you will want to restore his friend's losses to him.
ÉI intentará Ilegarle tan al fondo de su corazón con esa historia que querrá reponer usted misma las pérdidas de su amigo.
Do you want me to keep comin or go back and try it again?
¿ Quiere que siga o que vuelva a intentarlo?
You... You wouldn't want to try it just one more night?
¿ No quiere intentarlo una noche más?
You don't want to give it a try?
¿ No lo quieres probar?
I've made it so far, I don't want it all go down the drain now if you decide to try some trick on me.
Hasta ahora todo lo he hecho yo, no quiero que esto se estropee porque intentes jugármela.
I want you to try to get her to read it.
Trata de que la lea.
I take it you want to try again.
Supongo que quieres probar de nuevo.
Do you want to try and tell me why you did it?
¿ Quieres decirme por qué lo has hecho?
I know it was our first date and I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me, but... Well, I guess it's only natural for a fellow to try to get a little fresh with a girl and make a pass at her but you didn't do anything.
Fue nuestra primera cita y no quiero que tengas la impresión equivocada de mí... pero supongo que es natural que un chico se ponga un poco fresco con una chica... y le tire un lance.

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