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You wouldn't believe traduction Espagnol

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You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
No me creerías si te lo dijera.
I wouldn't necessarily believe everything Briony tells you.
No creería todo lo que dice Briony.
You wouldn't believe that prick was junior minister of transport, would you?
Me cuesta creer que el maldito fue ministro de transporte.
-'cause I'm sure I know where you got it. - You wouldn't believe. - What?
- No te lo creerás, no te lo creerás.
You wouldn't believe the terrible propaganda about the prison camps.
No creerías la terrible propaganda sobre los Campos de Prisioneros.
They're definitely not government, but they have high ex-military contacts like you wouldn't believe.
No es gubernamental pero tiene contactos con altos ex militares, que ni creerías.
Called me names, you wouldn't believe, and worse.
Me dijo cosas que no creerías y peores.
Sometimes you wouldn't believe how hard it is to fucking die.
A veces no creerías lo jodidamente difícil que es morir.
You wouldn't believe my collection.
Ud. no cree en mi colección
I mean, you wouldn't believe how uptight he is about it.
Es decir, no creerías lo tenso que él es respecto a eso.
- But you wouldn't believe.
- Tienes que verla, hermana.
You wouldn't believe the resolution.
No creerían la resolución.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
No me creerías si te lo digo. ¡ Kevin!
You know, you just wouldn't believe the kind of day I had today.
Sabes, no vas a creer el día que tuve yo hoy.
Stinking jungles, you wouldn't believe.
Junglas increíblemente apestosas.
Like you wouldn't believe.
No tienes idea cuanto.
You know I will never cheat on my wife but I will cheat on a fucking diet like you wouldn't believe.
¿ Una fuente británica? ¿ Quién era?
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
No me creería si se lo dijera.
Things you wouldn't believe.
Cosas en las que no creerías.
He did a drum solo like you wouldn't believe.
Hizo un solo de batería increíble.
Intelligent, sweet, and with an Electra complex you wouldn't believe.
Inteligente, simpática. Y con un pedazo de complejo de Electra que para qué contarte.
I connected with the booking girl like you wouldn't believe.
He conectado con la chica de reservas que no te lo creerías
You wouldn't believe how much worse it would have been even a few years ago.
No creería qué tan malo hubiera sido tan sólo unos años atrás.
- You wouldn't believe me.
- No me creerías.
And, you know, I believe we would''ve won this thing if Ivy wouldn''t have been so, you know, evil.
Y, ya sabes, creo que hubiéramos ganado esta cosa si Ivy no hubiera sido tan, ya sabes, malvada.
- You wouldn't believe it.
- No lo creeríais.
I'd apologize but you wouldn't believe me if I did.
Me disculparía pero no me creerías si lo hiciera.
You Wouldn't Believe The Passion.
No te creerías la pasión que hay.
- Like you wouldn't believe.
- No te imaginas cuánto.
I wouldn't blame you if you don't believe me.
No te culpo si no me crees.
You wouldn't believe how much work the Gifted Child Foundation is. Really?
No imaginas la suma de trabajo en la fundación Donnez para los Niños.
You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that I've uncovered.
No creería algunas de las cosas que he descubierto.
I wouldn't expect you to believe me, Lucy.
Escucha, no esperaría que me creas, Lucy.
I wouldn't believe everything that Hugh tells you.
No me creería todo lo que Hugh te cuenta.
You wouldn't believe how comfortable it is.
No sabes lo cómodo que es.
You wouldn't believe how bad I have to pee.
No creerías cuanto necesito hacer pis.
I've had so many animals, you wouldn't believe it.
He tenido tantos animales, no lo creerías.
I didn't know that, and I was too chicken to call you myself, and you wouldn't believe the effort that has gone into this, and before I tell you anything else, I'm gonna need that drink.
No sabía eso y me avergonzaba llamarte yo. No sabes el esfuerzo que he hecho. Y antes de que digas nada, necesito esa copa.
You know, time rushes by like you wouldn't believe, Molly.
¿ Sabes? El tiempo pasa volando.
I knew you wouldn't believe me.
- Sabía que no me creerías.
You wouldn't believe how organized the J and R people are.
No te imaginas cuán organizados son la gente de Jenning and Rawl.
You wouldn't believe how organized the Jennings Rall people are.
No te creerías lo organizada que es la gente de Jennings and Rall.
It's only one line, but I'm gonna ham it up like you wouldn't believe.
Es sólo una frase, pero la exageraré como nunca.
Tiffany tried telling me you were queer, and I wouldn't believe it.
Tiffany intentó decirme que eras marica y no lo podía creer.
But you couldn't tell- - you couldn't talk about that kind of thing with guys from the neighborhood because they wouldn't believe you.
Pero no podías decir... no podías hablar de esas cosas con los tipos del barrio porque no te lo creían.
"you wouldn't believe the heat." Once there we were, all eight of us, lying and smoking cigars to keep the mosquitoes away, when the boss entered the office. " What?
Una vez estábamos ahí ocho, tendidos y fumando para mantener lejos a los mosquitos, cuando el patrón entró en la oficina.
I tried to tell you. You wouldn't believe me.
Intenté decirte la verdad y no me creíste.
I have to return phone calls, write thank-you notes, fill out forms. You wouldn't believe all the forms.
Tengo que regresar llamadas, escribir notas de agradecimiento, llenar formularios... no te imaginas cuantos formularios son.
You wouldn't believe that it is difficult to combine both.
No tienes una idea de lo difícil que es combinar ambas.
You wouldn't believe someone could have so many books.
Nunca podríais creer que alguien tuviera tantos libros.
You wouldn't believe the way she screamed.
No creerían la forma en que gritaba.

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