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Zurita traduction Espagnol

12 traduction parallèle
M. KOZAKOV as Zurita
Zurita : M. KOZAKOV
There're no guarantees against such criminals as Zurita.
como Zurita.
But if it hadn't been Zurita, it would have been someone else...
sería otro...
Pedro Zurita brings charges!
¡ Pedro Zurita acusa!
It's a pigeon which has been bred by artificial selection from the wild rock dove and in this case it has been bred for the thickness of feathers and for size of crop.
Una paloma criada por selección artificial a partir de la paloma zurita silvestre. En este caso, por el espesor del plumaje, y por el tamaño del buche.
Damiana Gonzalez de Zurita, Leonilda's mother Thanks, Mom.
Gracias, mamá.
Damiana Gonzalez de Zurita, Leonilda's mother Damiana Gonzalez de Zurita, Leonilda's mother Good evening.
Buenas noches.
Damiana Gonzalez de Zurita, Leonilda's mother Good evening.
Buenas noches, señora.
Damiana Gonzalez de Zurita, Leonilda's mother Good evening.
Buenas noches.
# Thou stock-dove whose echo resounds tho'the glen #
# Tú paloma zurita cuyo eco resuena en la cañada.
Ricardo Muñoz Zurita is a very well-known chef here in Mexico.
Ricardo Muñoz Zurita es un chef muy conocido aquí en México.
Leonilda Zurita, deputy senatorial candidate, MAS My union is made up of 27 chapters, so we divide them in three regions :
Como mis federaciones son 27 centrales, las dividimos en tres sectores :

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