All screaming traduction Français
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Thousands of them, all screaming against that Enright House.
Par milliers, elles dénoncent la Enright House.
[All Screaming] IT'LL KILL HER!
Elle va mourir!
I can't understand you if you're all screaming at me at the same time.
Si vous criez tous en même temps, je ne comprends rien.
They were all screaming and laughing.
Ils criaient tous et riaient.
So we broke the door in with the woman screaming bloody murder all the time.
Nous avons défoncé la porte, une femme hurlait : "Au secours!"
He's been screaming for you like a wounded horse all the afternoon.
Il t'a réclamé tout l'après-midi.
And every month in the dark of the moon, the drums would beat, and there "d be a rustle like a great wind and we" d hear them screaming and laughing, and we knew they were all meeting in the jungle.
Chaque mois, à la nouvelle lune, on entendait des tambours puis un bruissement, comme le vent puis des cris et des rires et on savait qu'ils se rencontraient dans la jungle.
They " ve been suffering all night. ( ANN screaming )
Elles ont souffert toute la nuit.
What was all the screaming about?
Pourquoi ce cri?
You're not gonna catch me walking the floor all night with an armload of little muzzlers screaming in my kisser.
On ne me verra pas arpenter la maison la nuit les bras chargés de flots qui me crient au visage.
What's all this screaming about?
Pourquoi ces cris?
Should've walked off the job 3 years ago when all I had to worry about was a pair of screaming', meaning', dissatisfied women!
J'aurais dû prendre ma retraite il y a 3 ans! Mes seuls soucis alors, c'était deux femmes méchantes et insatisfaites!
Thirty-five people, Johnny... Jumping through windows, screaming... All in flames as...
Trente-cinq personnes, Johnny... sautant par les fenêtres, hurlant... tous en flammes comme... des gens qui brûlent.
But they're under terrific tension, with cars screaming by all the time leaving him further and further behind.
Mais ils sont tendus, leur retard augmentant avec chaque bolide qui les passe bruyamment.
And I know your voice, mostly from all the screaming when they give you injections!
Je connaissais déjà votre voix, en particulier par les cris à cause des injections.
Oh Billy, all that screaming, I thought someone had been killed.
Billy, tous ces cris! J'ai cru qu'on tuait quelqu'un!
What's going on, I say? All this screaming.
J'ai dit, c'est quoi, ces hurlements?
And my father, he kept screaming he'd sooner die than be a cripple all his life... While they kept digging the bullets out of his legs.
Mon père hurlait qu'il préférait mourir que vivre une vie d'invalide pendant qu'on lui extrayait les balles.
The cops bring it by squad car, sirens screaming all the way from Beverly Hills.
Les flics lui apportent, toutes sirènes hurlantes, de Beverly Hills.
Don't be embarrassed about opening your mouth and letting rip with all you got. Because the person in the seat right next to you... will probably be screaming too.
Ne soyez pas gênés, votre voisin criera probablement lui aussi.
All around me, Abe and the rest were screaming like Apaches firing into the canyon till there wasn't anybody left to shoot.
Abe et les autres poussaient des cris d'Indiens. Ils tiraient dans le tas, jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste rien à tuer.
See. All that fuss, all that screaming?
Tout ce drame pour rien.
I ran in horror, I took the Tran Siberian, then the Tupolev, awfully screaming all the time.
J'ai couru... épouvanté... Transsibérien, Tupolev... Je pousse dans l'avion des cris terribles.
All that yelling and screaming, sure gave me a nostalgic feeling.
Tous ces cris, ça m'a rappelé de bons souvenirs.
All right, John Screaming Eagle, come here.
John Aigle Strident, venez ici.
A screaming wild man with nothing to back him up because his proof is scattered over a mountain disappeared in an airport, or it's all part of delirium tremens of a dipso senator.
L'autre étant la parole d'un sénateur frisant le delirium tremens!
- Sure was, Pinky. All those Pinky Benson fans screaming, yelling, crying...
Tous ces fans de Pinky Benson, qui hurlaient et pleuraient.
[Screaming Continues] IT'S ALL RIGHT.
Tout va bien.
You're talking about a panic? There's people all over the streets, already, running around, yelling, screaming!
Tout le monde est dans la rue, complétement affolé.
It all happened when she came back from your house screaming about your- -
Tout a commencé quand elle est revenue de chez vous en criant à cause de vos...
Screaming isn't all right. Not in my house, it isn't.
On ne crie pas comme ça chez moi!
What was all that screaming?
Pourquoi criez-vous ainsi?
We stayed up all night screaming at the top of our lungs.
On a passé une nuit blanche à s'égosiller comme des fous.
Buster say the first day you could hear Willie screaming in pain all over the camp.
Il a dit que le premier jour, on entendait Willie hurler de douleur dans tout le camp.
What's all the screaming about?
Silence! À quel propos criez-vous tous?
A tiny apartment, three kids... screaming all the time.
Un petit appartement, trois enfants, beaucoup de cris.
If I sit downstairs, I can hear them screaming... screaming and crying, and then I get all nervous.
si je reste en bas, je les entends crier... crier et hurler, ça me tape sur les nerfs.
She was all the time screaming, even talking to the radio.
Elle hurlait sans arrêt, elle parlait même à la radio.
Each of them has only one moment, a moment when it soars, screaming like a phoenix. All its pages aflame.
Chacun d'eux a une page, un moment où criant, il s'envole comme Phénix flamboyant de toutes ses pages.
She's wonderful, she's talking to all the people but then... suddenly the captain's voice comes crackling through that loudspeaker... and it's Eichmann, and he's screaming :
Elle est super, elle parle à tout le monde mais soudain la voix du capitaine retentit dans les haut-parleurs. C'est Eichmann et il hurle
TV would have shown us up. Half the population... got the screaming jeebies just because they couldn't see... how silly it all would have looked.
Avec la télévision, la population terrorisée aurait découvert la supercherie!
Don't you hear that horrible screaming all round you? That screaming men call silence?
N'entendez-vous pas ces cris effroyables tout alentour que communément on appelle... le silence?
Oh, the humanity, and all the passengers screaming around here!
Oh, la foule et les passagers crient autour de moi.
When all of a sudden, one of the parked cars on the clearing turns on the headlights to leave. My sister hears a kind of rrrrr... and that beastly creature jumps from behind a bush looks up, sees my sister and runs after her with a stick which was actually the tube, screaming like a banshee!
Ma sœur a entendu un brrrrrr et d'un arbuste est sortie cette horrible créature qui a poursuivi ma sœur avec un bâton
The Feds are screaming all the way to the top.
Les Fédéraux gueulent jusqu'au sommet.
[WOMEN SCREAMING] HUTCH : You're all under arrest for prostitution.
On vous arrête tous pour prostitution.
We can't have you interfering with the festivities... with all your yelling and your screaming.
Nous ne tolérerons pas vos interventions, ni vos slogans, ni vos hurlements.
Sounded like a real bloodbath - people hollering and screaming all over the place.
Un vrai carnage. Ça gueulait de partout.
"They'll all look at you screaming, that's it."
"Tout le monde le regarde crier, c'est ça."
Your screaming does not help at all.
Crier ne va pas vous aider.
So, I want you to be prepared for... excessive screaming, hysteria, hyper ventilation, fainting, fits, seizures, spasmodic convulsions, even attempted suicides- - all perfectly normal.
Alors, je veux que vous vous prépariez aux... hurlements excessifs, à l'hystérie... à l'hyperventilation, aux évanouissements... aux attaques, aux convulsions spasmodiques et même... aux tentatives de suicide... qui sembleront parfaitement normaux.
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