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And how are you going to do that traduction Français

38 traduction parallèle
And how are you going to do that?
Et comment allez-vous faire?
- And how are you going to do that?
- Et comment tu vas faire ça?
And how are you going to do that? I'm going to tell the orderlies to confiscate all your personal items.
Je vais ordonner aux infirmiers de confisquer tous vos effets personnels.
And how are you going to do that?
Et comment tu vas faire ça?
And how are you going to do that?
Et comment vous comptez faire ça?
And how are you going to do that?
Et comment?
And how are you going to do that?
Et on fait comment?
And how are you going to do that?
Comment vas-tu faire?
And how are you going to do that?
Et comment vous allez faire ça?
And how are you going to do that? !
- Et comment allez-vous faire ça?
And how are you going to do that, you know, since you're still having your little panic attacks?
Et comment tu comptes faire ça, puisque tu as toujours tes crises de panique?
And how are you going to do that?
Et comment comptes-tu faire ça?
And how are you going to do that? I don't know.
Je ne suis pas loin de yodler.
And how are you going to do that?
Et comment allez-vous le faire?
And how are you going to do that?
Tu vas t'y prendre comment?
What I'm going to do is ask a few questions about how you met, what your plans are and things like that.
Voilà : je vais vous poser quelques questions sur votre rencontre, sur vos projets et d'autres choses.
And if you do it before you're even ready... how are you going to see all that?
Et si tu passes à l'acte avant d'être prête... comment verrais-tu cela?
And then of course by the time I get off work and drive all the way back there, the kennel will definitely be closed, so I'd have to break in, and that would set off some kind of security system, and then I'd be arrested, and so I should probably put a nail file in my shoe and how much longer are you going to make me do this?
Bien sûr, quand j'aurai fini et que je pourrai rentrer, le chenil sera fermé, j'entrerai par effraction en déclenchant un système d'alarme, je serai emprisonnée, donc il me faut une lime à ongles,
But how are you going to do that, any of that, and still be a part of Walt's life?
Mais comment comptes-tu faire ces choses tout en t'occupant de Walt?
How are you going to do that and work here?
Comment tu vas faire en travaillant ici?
I want you to want me, and I want to want you, but how are we going to do that, George?
Je veux que tu aies envie de moi, et avoir envie de toi, mais comment on va faire?
Because if Madison and Jack were going to do it, then you two are probably going to do it, too, since that's how you and Madison are.
Si Madison et Jack allaient le faire, alors vous deux aussi. Madison et toi êtes comme ça.
So, how are you going to feel if we do nothing and we read in the paper that he shot someone else?
Comment tu va te sentir, si on fait rien, et qu'on lis qu'il à tuer quelqu'un d'autre?
And how are they going to do that, you soft twat?
Et comment il vont faire, imbécile?
And how are you going to do that?
Comment ferez-vous?
I think the most important thing to remember about the CAR is that it's a young virgin country where there's lots of business to do. You have seen with your eyes what's going on in the country and how things are going smoothly in the country.
You have seen with your eyes what s going on in the country and how things are going smoothly in the country.
Yeah, and how the hell are you going to do that, huh?
Et comment allez-vous faire?
And, you know, to remind you how bad you are at your job, I am going to be sleeping here in the den or the living room or whatever you call this until you get fed up enough to do something that is really going to help me.
Et pour vous rappeler combien vous êtes mauvaise dans votre travail, je vais dormir ici, dans la piaule ou le salon peu importe comment vous l'appelez jusqu'à ce que vous en ayez assez pour faire quelque chose qui va vraiment m'aider.
And how are you going to deny what we do and admit that a cooking utensil has the power to kill?
Et comment vas-tu nier ce que tu fais et admettre que cet ustensile a le pouvoir de tuer?
And just how are you going to do that?
Et comment allez-vous faire cela?
And how do you think Nessa Stein is going to react when she finds out that even here, even here, we are covered in it?
Comment pensez-vous que Nessa Stein va réagir quand elle va trouver que même ici, on couvre ça?
[gentle, rhythmic music ] [ gentle, rhythmic music] What I'm going to do now that I've seen how beautifully adorned they are, is to shoot abstracts and turn it from just a cultural image into something a little more abstract, more Picasso-eqse if you will, and create art from it.
Après avoir vu la beauté de leur parure, je vais en photographier des fragments et transformer ces images culturelles en quelque chose de plus abstrait, plus proche de Picasso, en faire de l'art.
And how are you going to do that without any money?
Comment tu vas faire sans argent?
And do you know how we are going to do that?
Savez-vous comment faire?

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