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And how would you know traduction Français

398 traduction parallèle
And how would you know of our business, eh matey?
Et que sais-tu de nos affaires? KEWPER :
Yes I am, and how would you know?
Oui, c'est moi. Comment tu connais mon nom?
And how would you know?
Et comment peux tu le savoir?
And how would you know what I like?
Comment savez-vous ce qui me plaît?
And how would you know that?
Qu'en savez-vous?
And how would you know that?
Et qu'en sais-tu, toi?
And how would you know that?
Et comment savez-vous cela?
Your affection means a great deal to me and now that I've lost the chance for ever, I want you all to know how much it would have meant to me to be Mayor, or the City Clerk or the Assistant City Clerk or the dog-catcher of this town, which is my grandfather's farm.
Votre affection compte beaucoup pour moi, et maintenant que l'occasion est passée et ne reviendra pas, je tiens à vous dire combien aurait signifier à mes yeux devenir maire, ou secrétaire municipal, ou assistant secrétaire, ou ramasseur d'animaux
But come. Never, so help you mercy, how strange or odd so eer I bear myself, as I perchance hereafter shall think fit... to put an antic disposition on, that you, at such times seeing me, never shall, by the pronouncing of some doubtful phrase as, WWell, well, we know, " "´ or wwe could, and if we would," " ´ or such ambiguous giving out, denote that you know aught of me.
Mais, si bizarre que soit ma conduite, même si je juge bon d'affecter la démence, jurez-moi de ne jamais insinuer que vous savez quoi que ce soit à mon sujet.
- What is it? I don't know if it's any good or not, but I thought... I was wondering, if I gave you and Buckley about $ 1,500, how would you like to elope?
Si je vous donnais... 1 500 dollars à Buckley et à toi?
But, uh, well, my dear fellow, you know how the boys feel about Fletcher. There might very well be a tremendous demonstration of affection and gratitude... which it would be wrong for me to cut short... difficult for me to cut short, anyhow.
Mais Fletcher est si aimé des élèves qu'il y aura sûrement une énorme démonstration de gratitude que je ne pourrais pas interrompre si je le voulais.
Through some miracle, we're safe here, but in the city, how do you know what would happen to you and...
Il n'y aura pas de miracle Je suis sur de ca. Mais dans la ville, est ce que vous croyez que vous arriverais a vous...?
I know how much it would've meant to you and the sheriff had he lived.
Je sais que c'était important qu'il vive pour le shérif et pour vous.
I know how much you would like to be out there playing and dancing, but music can be a source of happiness, too.
Je sais combien tu aimerais être là-bas avec les autres, à jouer et à danser, mais la musique peut aussi être la source du bonheur.
But the kind of life you lead, I ─ I don't know that life... and how could I make sure it would work out?
Cette vie que tu mènes, je n'en connais rien. Comment savoir, - si ça va marcher?
And you must know how you are well rid of a man who would do such a thing.
Et tu dois savoir que te voilà débarrassée d'un homme qui ferait une telle chose.
And anyway, I'd rather you asked me. But I would not know how to ask you. Very well, then, I'll ask you.
Vous voyez Victoria, moi aussi, j'en ai à apprendre.
I know how it's been with you and me... but what would you have done?
Je sais comment ça s'est passe entre toi et moi,... mais qu'est-ce que t'aurais fait?
- He said for you to enter. And that he would meet you. - Oh, well, how shall I know him?
- Il a dit de juste entrer et qu'il vous retrouverait.
You know how you do? It smelled so rich you felt like you just... You just throw out a handful of seeds and a whole crop of corn would sprout up.
Elle était si riche, qu'on avait l'impression qu'avec quelques graines, un champ de maïs pousserait.
No, my memories of my youth are still vivid and I know very well how boring it would be for you to dine with an old uncle.
Non, Angelica, mes souvenirs de jeunesse sont encore très vifs et je sais combien un vieil oncle est fastidieux.
The school would merely expel him and write a... long letterto his uncle. You know how businesslike that would be.
Le collège se contenterait de le renvoyer, en écrivant une lettre pompeuse à son oncle.
Because the order would fall on me next and you know how Captain Kirk's enemies have a habit of disappearing.
Sinon, cet ordre me reviendra et vous savez bien comment les ennemis de Kirk disparaissent.
How would a creep like you know the difference between right and wrong?
Un bandit comme toi ne sait pas la différence entre le bien et le mal.
How would you know? We're cousins, but I'm poor and have to work.
Ce sont des cousins, mais moi, je suis pauvre.
You said so yourself, and I don't know how. It would take weeks, months, years to learn.
J'en ai pour des années avant de savoir danser!
But Tabitha, how do you know a leprechaun would like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Mais Tabatha, comment sais-tu qu'un lutin aimerait un sandwich au beurre de cacahuètes?
What I want to know now is what your role was in Oberwald and how you managed to make her change in such a radical way, that nobody would have expected.
Mais quel rôle vous avez joué ici et avec quelle ruse vous avez obtenu un changement radical. Si radical que personne ne pouvait s'y attendre.
And how the hell would you know?
Qu'est-ce que t'en sais?
You came all the way here... and yet, you didn't want to know how it would end.
Tu es arrivée jusqu'ici, tu n'as pas voulu savoir comment ça finirait?
you're looking up Elisabeth and you can't see me and I would like to help you so much but I don't know how to get to you
Tu regardes le ciel Alžbetka et tu ne peux me voir. J'aimerais tant t'aider, mais je ne sais comment t'atteindre.
How would you know? You've never been locked away from your family and been put in some awful place you hate!
Tu n'as jamais été séparée de ta famille et enfermée dans un endroit horrible.
I think that if you had seen her delight when I brought home the meat and the tin of tongue, you would know how grateful we are.
Si vous aviez vu l'expression de bonheur sur son visage quand j'ai apporté la viande et la langue de bœuf, vous comprendriez notre gratitude.
And how would you run yourjob, I'd like to know?
Et je leur en voudrais pas.
You know, Tom, you told me a lot of the old-time stories about how you used to stick your arm in between the bars of the cell and a guard would come by and he'd fire you up a shot of morphine.
Tom, vous m'avez raconté toutes ces histoires du temps oû vous tendiez le bras entre les barreaux de la cellule et le maton vous faisait un fixe de morphine.
You know, your dad and I, we used to sit around and try to figure how our lives would work out.
Votre père et moi, on passait du temps à se demander à quoi ressembleraient nos vies.
You know, Babsy and I thought it would be fun to tell you how we spent our summer vacation riding down the river.
Babsy et moi on pensait que ce serait fun de vous raconter comment on a passés nos vacances à descendre la rivière.
And how would you know that?
Et comment tu sais ça?
And what I would like to know is how does a person who has virtually nothing to do with the big salad claim responsibility for that salad and accept a thank-you under false pretenses?
Moi, j'aimerais savoir comment quelqu'un qui n'a rien à voir avec la grande salade, en revendique l'achat et accepte un merci, par un faux-semblant.
And how would you know?
Qu'en sais-tu?
You know how to organize a resistance cell you're an expert in terrorist tactics you have close ties with Bajoran and Federation officials and besides all that, it would give you a chance to do what you were meant to do.
Vous avez des contacts avec les autorités de Bajor et de la Fédération. De plus, cela vous donnerait une chance de faire ce en quoi vous excellez.
We do not know how it will end, and it is very sad. But I would not consider going without you.
Nous ne savons comment il finira, seulement qu'il est triste mais je ne partirai pas sans toi
- Would you care to elaborate? - lt's 400, and how do you know?
Mais ils murmuraient dans les couloirs en me dévisageant.
You know, what I can't understand is how come after you dropped me off you didn't just come back here and throw her ass right back in the lake. Nobody would have known.
Ce que j'ai du mal à comprendre... c'est qu'après mon départ, tu ne sois pas retourné au lac pour y remettre le corps.
And how... did your would-be murderer know that you would all be out in the storm, directly below his line of fire?
Et comment votre soi-disant meurtrier pouvait-il savoir que vous seriez tous dehors, en plein orage, dans sa ligne de mire?
We both know she would never do that, and I'm sure you're probably wondering... how the exam got in her bag,'cause I know that's what I'd be wondering if I were you,
Mais vous vous demandez comment cet examen a atterri dans son petit sac, c'est ça? Moi aussi, je me le demanderais si j'étais à votre place!
What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
Si tu ne sortais plus de ce rêve... comment distinguerais-tu le rêve... de la réalité?
It's better than trying to squeeze into my room. And I know how you hate hotels. A hotel would have been fine.
C'est mieux que dans ma petite chambre et je sais que tu détestes les hôtels.
That would be doing you a favour. And you know how I feel about favours.
Ce serait te rendre service, et tu connais ma position à ce sujet...
- And if you made an exception and did a tongue job, I don't know, how much would that cost, approximately?
- Et si vous faisiez une exception, avec Ia langue, je ne sais pas, ca coûterait combien?
And, you know what, this is my boyfriend and his father is the town sheriff and how would...
En plus, lui, c'est mon copain, et son père est le shérif de la ville. On aurait pu vous piéger.

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