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And how would you know that traduction Français

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And how would you know that?
Qu'en savez-vous?
And how would you know that?
Et qu'en sais-tu, toi?
And how would you know that?
Et comment savez-vous cela?
And how would you know that?
Qu'est-ce que tu en sais?
And how would you know that, Greg?
Et comment tu sais ça, Greg?
And how would you know that?
Et comment savez-vous ça?
And how would you know that?
Comment le sais-tu?
Your affection means a great deal to me and now that I've lost the chance for ever, I want you all to know how much it would have meant to me to be Mayor, or the City Clerk or the Assistant City Clerk or the dog-catcher of this town, which is my grandfather's farm.
Votre affection compte beaucoup pour moi, et maintenant que l'occasion est passée et ne reviendra pas, je tiens à vous dire combien aurait signifier à mes yeux devenir maire, ou secrétaire municipal, ou assistant secrétaire, ou ramasseur d'animaux
But come. Never, so help you mercy, how strange or odd so eer I bear myself, as I perchance hereafter shall think fit... to put an antic disposition on, that you, at such times seeing me, never shall, by the pronouncing of some doubtful phrase as, WWell, well, we know, " "´ or wwe could, and if we would," " ´ or such ambiguous giving out, denote that you know aught of me.
Mais, si bizarre que soit ma conduite, même si je juge bon d'affecter la démence, jurez-moi de ne jamais insinuer que vous savez quoi que ce soit à mon sujet.
But the kind of life you lead, I ─ I don't know that life... and how could I make sure it would work out?
Cette vie que tu mènes, je n'en connais rien. Comment savoir, - si ça va marcher?
- He said for you to enter. And that he would meet you. - Oh, well, how shall I know him?
- Il a dit de juste entrer et qu'il vous retrouverait.
The school would merely expel him and write a... long letterto his uncle. You know how businesslike that would be.
Le collège se contenterait de le renvoyer, en écrivant une lettre pompeuse à son oncle.
What I want to know now is what your role was in Oberwald and how you managed to make her change in such a radical way, that nobody would have expected.
Mais quel rôle vous avez joué ici et avec quelle ruse vous avez obtenu un changement radical. Si radical que personne ne pouvait s'y attendre.
I think that if you had seen her delight when I brought home the meat and the tin of tongue, you would know how grateful we are.
Si vous aviez vu l'expression de bonheur sur son visage quand j'ai apporté la viande et la langue de bœuf, vous comprendriez notre gratitude.
And how would you know that?
Et comment tu sais ça?
And what I would like to know is how does a person who has virtually nothing to do with the big salad claim responsibility for that salad and accept a thank-you under false pretenses?
Moi, j'aimerais savoir comment quelqu'un qui n'a rien à voir avec la grande salade, en revendique l'achat et accepte un merci, par un faux-semblant.
You know how to organize a resistance cell you're an expert in terrorist tactics you have close ties with Bajoran and Federation officials and besides all that, it would give you a chance to do what you were meant to do.
Vous avez des contacts avec les autorités de Bajor et de la Fédération. De plus, cela vous donnerait une chance de faire ce en quoi vous excellez.
And how... did your would-be murderer know that you would all be out in the storm, directly below his line of fire?
Et comment votre soi-disant meurtrier pouvait-il savoir que vous seriez tous dehors, en plein orage, dans sa ligne de mire?
We both know she would never do that, and I'm sure you're probably wondering... how the exam got in her bag,'cause I know that's what I'd be wondering if I were you,
Mais vous vous demandez comment cet examen a atterri dans son petit sac, c'est ça? Moi aussi, je me le demanderais si j'étais à votre place!
What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
Si tu ne sortais plus de ce rêve... comment distinguerais-tu le rêve... de la réalité?
That would be doing you a favour. And you know how I feel about favours.
Ce serait te rendre service, et tu connais ma position à ce sujet...
- And if you made an exception and did a tongue job, I don't know, how much would that cost, approximately?
- Et si vous faisiez une exception, avec Ia langue, je ne sais pas, ca coûterait combien?
Well, it's a house full of grown men... and I would think that one of you fully grown men... would know how to make a damn sandwich!
Vous êtes tous de grands garçons. Sur les trois, il doit bien y en avoir un fichu de faire un sandwich!
And the first time my hairdresser friend and I had intercourse he asked me to pleasure myself, so he would know you know, how I did that.
La première fois que mon coiffeur et moi avons couché ensemble... il a voulu que je me fasse jouir devant lui pour voir... comment je faisais.
How would you like to know your letters are being read, and that you can't communicate with people?
Vous aimeriez savoir qu'on lit vos lettres et que vous ne pouvez communiquer avec personne?
And the guys on your list don't know how dreamy you are so I would work that blue-collar charm full throttle.
Et les types sur ta liste ne savent pas que t'es un rêveur, alors si jétais toi, je travaillerais ce charme d'ouvrier à fond.
And how would you know that?
La nuit dernière, le Haut Commandement Vulcain m'a contactée.
and hit you with an atlas and say something mean in Latin. How would they know that you called me Droopy Drawers?
Comment pourraient-ils savoir que tu m'as appelée "Pas de culotte"
And whenever I would ask him how he did it or how he knew, he would just say that he could sense, you know, what was about to happen.
Et quand je lui demandais comment il savait quoi faire, il me disait qu'il pouvait sentir ce qui allait se produire.
I don't expect you to forgive me right away because I do realize how bad I've messed up. And, you know, I just- - lf you guys wanna call me sometime you know, just to say hi, that would be really cool.
Alors après tout le débâcle de Noël, je suis rentrée à L.A., et... cette nuit, cette horrible nuit,
And how many people would you guess know that information now?
Selon vous, combien de personnes le savent?
I don't want you to think for a second that I know how I would deal with this situation and I'm sure that you've thought about it a gazillion times but the fact that there is an answer out there waiting for you, inside of you don't you wanna know so you can take it off the table?
J'ai pas envie que tu t'imagines que je sais comment je réagirais à ta place. Je suppose que tu y as sûrement réfléchi des centaines de fois. Mais si tu fais ce test, tu sauras à quoi t'attendre.
Well, it would occasionally put you and me around each other, and I didn't know how awkward that would be.
On risque de se croiser, et je ne savais pas si ça pouvait être gênant Non.
How did they know that there would be enough to indict both you and Alec?
Comment ont-ils su que ça pourrait suffisamment vous impliquer Alec et vous?
First, because we can't arrest you for rape on this evidence, unless you really believed someone would act on your phony ad, and i don't know how we'd prove that.
Pour deux raisons. Premièrement, avec ceci, on peut vous arrêter pour viol, sauf si vous croyiez qu'un type répondrait à l'annonce et on ne peut pas le prouver.
And that's how we have to go into that cabinet meeting and talk about... about solidity, about president Bridges, about how he would have wanted to have kept the administration, you know, together.
Et c'est pour cela que tu dois aller à cette réunion du cabinet et te montrer aussi forte que le Président Bridges. Sans te soucier sur comment il maintient la cohésion au sein du gouvernement.
I know how much you love her, and I know that you would never try to hurt her.
Je sais à quel point tu l'aimes, et je sais que tu n'essayera jamais de lui faire du mal.
I couldn't show it, but it was always there, and I would think about how it could have been with us and... you know, they say that you can't love two people, but they're wrong... they're wrong.
Je ne pouvais le montrer, mais c'était toujours là, et j'ai pensé comment ça aurait pu être entre nous... tu sais, on dit qu'on ne peut aimer deux personnes, mais ils ont tort... ils ont tort.
And you know, what I would like to know is how is it that you are gonna help us find the answer when we don't even know what the fucking question is?
Et vous savez, ce que j'aimerais savoir, c'est comment vous allez bien pouvoir nous aider à trouver la réponse alors qu'on ne sait même pas quelle est la foutue question?
And if there is anything that they would want you to know, it's that they know how much you love them.
Et s'il y a une chose qu'ils voudraient que vous sachiez, c'est qu'ils savent combien vous les aimiez.
And I know how much that hurts, And so I would never want you to Feel that way again.
Et je sais combien ça fait mal, donc je ne te ferais jamais ressentir ça à nouveau.
Brent came home... and all the roads we have to walk wind and all the lights that lead the way are blind there are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how
Brent est rentré à la maison... ( "Wonderwall" par Ryan Adams )
But how would you know that with your nigh-40 years of public education and daytime television viewing?
Mais comment sauriez-vous ça avec vos quasi-40 années d'éducation publique, et vos visionnages de shows télé?
You and I both know that if we can figure out how to shut down these earth-made nanites, it would be a giant step toward shutting down the Replicators.
Nous savons tous les deux que si on trouve comment éteindre ces nanites terriennes, on ferait un grand pas vers l'extinction des Réplicateurs.
Then how would she know that you and Hector were arguing?
Comment on saurait que tu t'es pris la tête avec Hector?
And even though it's not the way I would have done it, I know that you need to figure out how to use your abilities your own way.
Méme si je m'y serais pris différemment, je sais que tu dois apprendre à utiliser tes pouvoirs à ta façon.
Tu ne peux pas le voir parce que cela voudrait dire que tu serais obligé de t'en occuper, et on sait tous à quel point ce serait déplaisant pour toi.
I didn't know how long it took before the cameras would freeze. But you had to really be in and out after maybe 20 minutes, half an hour something like that, or else the oil would all freeze up on the damn things.
J'ignorais combien de temps les caméras tenaient, mais on avait 20 ou 30 minutes, environ, avant que l'huile du mécanisme ne gèle.
- I'm sure there were all kinds of subjects and projects... and ideas and scripts and short stories and novels... that Ford tried to push on Zanuck... and Zanuck would push back with The Grapes of Wrath and How Green Was My Valley... in the typical studio system and studio chief manner... because these were important books, you know.
Je suis sûr qu'il y avait toutes sortes de sujets et de projets... d'idées, de scénarios, de nouvelles et de romans... que Ford essayait d'imposer à Zanuck et auxquels il favorisait... The Grapes of Wrath et How Green was my Valley... d'une manière typique de directeur de studios... car c'étaient des livres importants, vous savez.
And you would know that how? Why? 'Cause your head is stuck up your fucking ass?
Et qu'est-ce qui vous autorise à dire ça, vous, avec toute la merde que vous avez dans le crâne?
But as we would walk around campus and he'd go on about how the swift was my bird, the onyx was my stone, I finally asked him why he kept doing that and do you know what he said?
Mais quand on marchait sur le campus et qu'il radotait et sais-tu ce qu'il a dit?

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