And you're right traduction Français
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All right. Listen. In 10 seconds, you're gonna get up and walk out of here with me, smiling, acting like nothing's wrong.
Dans 10 secondes, tu vas te lever et partir d'ici avec moi, souris, agis comme si tout allait bien.
And you're right.
Et tu as raison.
Gabby and I aren't right together. You're not?
Gabby et moi ne sommes pas faits pour être ensembles.
Hey, I get it, and you're right.
Hey, j'ai compris et tu as raison.
But if you're right, and we only have one night to make this happen, how are we going to get our families together?
Mais si tu as raison, et qu'on a qu'une nuit pour que ça arrive, comment allons-nous réunir nos familles ensemble?
And, uh... as far as chances, you're right.
Et... Autant que des chances, tu as raison.
Like I said, Mr J, you're an awesome headmaster, and being a headmaster is all you really care about, right?
Comme je vous l'ai dit, Mr J, vous êtes un super proviseur, et être proviseur est le plus important, non?
You're right, you're right, and-and from now on, I will ignore him like I ignore all those calls from the collection agency.
Tu as raison, et à partir de maintenant, je vais l'ignorer comme j'ignore tous les appels des agences de recouvrements.
Right, so we're all ready, and I'm going to be in front ~ because I have fitted my car with sat nav. ~ Have you?
Nous sommes tous prêts, je prends les devants parce que j'ai aussi rajouté un GPS.
No wonder. Maybe it was because I was drunk, that place looked familiar. Everyone in Korea does that once, and you're not still mad that you were a manager right?
cet endroit me semblait en quelque sorte familier. c'est cela?
Right? And I get that. I get the moment you're having, but...
Je comprends que tu réagisses comme ça.
And right now you make people feel like you're gonna shoot them.
Pour l'instant, ils pensent que vous allez leur tirer dessus.
We're not here right now, but please leave a message and thank you for calling.
Nous ne sommes pas là pour le moment. Mais laissez-nous un message et nous vous rappellerons.
You're my right hand, Reese, and I've never thanked you for it.
Tu es mon bras droit, Reese. Je ne t'ai jamais remercié.
No, you said everything's changed, and you're right about that, too.
Tu l'as dit : tout a changé. Tu as raison là-dessus aussi.
You're right, and that's what makes him so dangerous!
Exact, et c'est justement ce qui le rend dangereux!
The whole time you're running guns for the freedom fighters right under the cartel's noses, and they never suspected it was you once?
Tout ce temps, tu vendais des armes aux soldats de la paix sous le nez des cartels, et ils n'ont jamais su que c'était toi?
You're talking about Mikey and Jon Jon, right?
Tu parles de Mikey et Jon Jon, pas vrai?
You're right here, step and slide forward, roll... just step and slide.
Tu es là, un pas glissé en avant, un roulement... un pas glissé.
You get a degree, and you have to read it to get a degree... You're gonna be able to help them out a lot more than the money you make out in the fields. All right?
avec un diplôme, pour lequel il faudra étudier, vous pourrez les aider encore plus qu'en travaillant dans les champs.
And while you're burning... just know that Jane and I will be right up above you.
Pendant que tu brûleras, Jane et moi, on sera juste au-dessus de toi.
These choices that you're making and what you're doing, they don't make you a savior. You know that, right?
Les choix que vous avez faits ne font pas de vous un sauveur.
And when it's done, and it will be done... you and I are gonna meet back here at this restaurant... at this same table that I used to share with my boy... and I'm gonna look you in the eyes, just like you're looking me in the eyes right now... and I'm gonna see how empty they are... without your son in the world.
Quand ce sera fait, et tu peux compter dessus, on se retrouvera dans ce restaurant, à la table où je venais avec mon fils. Je te regarderai dans les yeux, comme toi en ce moment, et je verrai comme ils seront vides quand ton fils aura quitté ce monde.
And I hope you're doing all right, and I'll see you there, I guess.
Et j'espère que tu vas bien, et je te verrais ici, je suppose.
And I love that you're right here in Brooklyn.
Et vous êtes à Brooklyn.
- And you're hearing me, right?
Et vous m'entendez bien?
And right now, in this moment, New York P.D. thinks you're one of my CI's. That means you get to walk out of here with me, right now, under my protection.
Et justement en ce moment la police croit que tu es mon indic, ce qui veut dire que tu vas sortir d'ici, avec moi et sous ma protection.
So, I'm all bandaged up, right? I look her right in the eye and I say, " God, you're hot.
J'étais couvert de bandages, je l'ai regardée dans les yeux et je lui ai dit : " T'es canon.
- Okay. I want you to take all this shame, okay, all this pain that you're feeling right now, and let's use it, let's channel it. Let's focus it.
Je veux que tu prennes toute la honte et toute la douleur que tu ressens et que tu l'utilises, que tu la canalises et que tu la concentres.
All right, I can't see you right now, but I'm gonna assume you're putting "king" and "throne" in quotes.
Même si je te vois pas, je vais imaginer que tu te prends pas au sérieux.
All right. I don't exactly wanna stick around and find out. You're staying put.
En tout cas, moi, j'ai aucune envie d'en savoir plus.
Doesn't give you a right to be out here. You're trespassing and you know it.
Ça vous donne pas le droit d'entrer.
And the question you're asking yourself right now, the answer is...
Et à la question que vous vous posez en ce moment même, la réponse est...
If you put us in that car right now, I'll... see to it that you get what you want and... I'll make sure you're free to spend it.
Si vous nous mettez dans cette voiture tout de suite, je me chargerai de vous donner ce que vous voulez, que vous puissiez...
"10-45 : I'm right and you're wrong."
"10-45 : j'ai raison et tu as tort."
And even if you're right... maybe this is the universe's way of cleaning this up.
Et même si vous aviez raison, c'est peut-être l'univers qui fait le ménage.
CARMEL ( OVER PHONE ) Hi, you've got the Mitchell residence unfortunately we're a bit busy to take your call right now but leave your message after the beep and we'll call you back.
Vous êtes bien chez les Mitchell, on ne peut pas prendre votre appel, , mais laissez-nous un message et on vous rappellera.
CARMEN ( OVER PHONE ) You've got the Mitchell residence. Unfortunately we're a bit busy to take your call right now but leave your message after the beep and we'll call you back.
Vous êtes bien chez les Mitchell, on ne peut pas prendre votre appel
You've got about another 20 feet on the umbilical and then you're almost home, all right, kid?
Encore 6 mètres, et tu seras presque chez toi.
These lists are great and they're a brilliant ice-breaker, but you don't really believe that just because we both like spag bol, we're gonna wind up together forever, right?
Ces listes sont biens, parfaites pour briser la glace, mais tu ne crois pas que juste parce qu'on aime les bolos, on va finir ensemble pour la vie?
You're gonna take a beating, you're gonna take this, you're gonna get knocked down, you're gonna get up and you're gonna see if you got the right thing.
Tu te feras cogner, mettre K0... Tu te relèveras, et tu sauras si t'es fait pour ça.
And you're all right with that?
Et ça te va?
You wanna just shoot this no matter what the cost, and I don't, okay? You know, you're being so fucking selfish right now.
Vous savez, vous êtes étant vachement égoïste en ce moment.
And I got an urgent call from him, saying, " My god, you're right.
J'ai reçu un appel en urgence de sa part me disant : " Vous aviez raison. C'est bien Assurance sur la mort...
- [Thompson] The idea that your parents were once young and had the same dreams that you are gonna have or have right now, and that we're all just people, and we all still feel young at heart.
L'idée que nos parents ont été jeunes un jour, qu'ils ont eu les mêmes rêves que nous aurons, ou que nous avons, et que nous sommes tous pareils, toujours jeunes dans nos têtes.
You gotta go past when you're gonna die and see how we kill ourselves, right?
Il faut passer outre le moment où l'on va mourir, et voir comment on disparaît, non?
- Alright, now next move, you're going to take the middle finger here, you know, the bad boy right you're gonna pop that in as well and then you're gonna have that one tapping the roof
D'accord. Maintenant, prochaine étape, tu suis toujours? Tu utilises le majeur.
Okay yes, so you're going to go after the cervix here. So you're going to mind the gap, right. And tap the roof.
Donc tu vas t'attaquer au col ici en faisant des petits tours, sans oublier de bien tapoter le plafond.
I'm not uptight, and you're not uptight, right?
On n'est pas coincées.
And right after I quit, you can re-shoot all my scenes.
- Et quand je serai parti, tu pourras re-filmer toutes mes scènes.
We're kind of busy right now, you know, new store, but I'll tell you what, uh, why don't you go ahead and RSVP us, and, uh- - yeah, and we will move some stuff around,
On est débordés, là, avec la nouvelle boutique. Écoute, tu peux confirmer qu'on viendra et heu...
and you're welcome 67
and you're here 49
and you're next 17
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're thinking 17
and you're safe 20
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153
and you're 261
and you're here 49
and you're next 17
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're thinking 17
and you're safe 20
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153
and you're 261