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Are we really doing this traduction Français

60 traduction parallèle
- Are we really doing this?
- Ça me plaît vraiment.
Are we really doing this?
On le fait vraiment?
Are we really doing this again?
- On va vraiment recommencer ça?
Are we really doing this?
- Vraiment, on se lance là-dedans?
So, who are we really doing this for?
On fait ça pour qui?
Blair, are we really doing this right now?
- Tu vas pas recommencer?
Are we really doing this "I want to have a baby" thing again over eggs benedict?
Tu veux vraiment en reparler devant des oeufs bénédicte?
- J.D., are we really doing this?
- On le fait vraiment?
Oh, oh. Are we really doing this?
Tu veux vraiment faire ça?
Are we really doing this, folks?
Sommes nous vraiment en train de faire ça?
Are we really doing this badly?
Notre relation va vraiment si mal?
- Are we really doing this?
- On fait vraiment ça?
So are we really doing this?
On va vraiment le faire?
Are we really doing this?
On en est là?
- Are we really doing this?
- Doit-on vraiment en parler?
Are we really doing this again?
Allons-nous vraiment refaire ça?
I'm sorry. Are we really doing this or are we tricking Koothrappali again like with the dinner party?
Est-ce qu'on va vraiment faire ça ou est-ce qu'on est encore sur le point de piéger Koothrappali comme avec sa soirée?
- Are we really doing this?
Je rêve...
Are we really doing this?
On suit le plan?
Are we really doing this?
On est vraiment en train de faire ça?
Are we really doing this? Right. Listen, please.
Sérieux, tu veux le faire?
Are we really doing this?
Nous allons vraiment faire ça?
Are we really doing this again?
Est-ce qu'on le refait vraiment? C'est, genre la cinquième fois.
♪ Balle balle are we really doing this thing?
♪ Balle balle Est-ce qu'on est vraiment en train de faire ça?
Are we really doing this?
Sommes nous réellement en train de faire ça?
Are we really doing this?
On va vraiment faire ça?
- Are we really doing this again?
- On est vraiment obligé de le faire?
Are we really doing this?
Faisons-nous vraiment cela?
Are we really doing this?
C'est nous qui faisons ça?
- Are we really doing this thing? - Yeah.
On va vraiment faire ce truc?
I mean, why are we really doing this?
Je veux dire, pourquoi est-ce qu'on fait vraiment ça?
Are we really doing this?
On va vraiment le faire?
Are we really doing this, Major?
Tu es sûre de toi, major?
What, are we really doing this emotional manipulation thing now, again?
On est sérieusement encore en train de faire ce chantage émotionnel?
- are we really doing this right now?
- on est vraiment en train de faire ça?
Are we really doing this right now?
On va vraiment faire ça maintenant?
Are we really doing this?
- On va vraiment faire ça?
But are we really doing them a favor with all this "touchy-feely everyone wins a trophy even if they lost" stuff?
Mais est-ce qu'on leur fait vraiment une faveur avec tout ce truc "tout le monde est gagnant" si délicat?
If this Israel really is the great white whale of snitches, then what are we doing messing with the mob, who are, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they're going to pour boxes of bullets into his ass?
Si Israel est vraiment le mouchard des mouchards, pourquoi est-ce qu'on interfère avec la mafia qui va, à moins que je me trompe, lui faire la peau?
In the last conversation I had with Monje, I made it clear that if we really want to change this society, we are the ones most capable of doing it.
La dernière fois, j'ai dit à Monje que si on veut réellement changer cette société, nous, on est en mesure de le faire.
Yeah? I didn't even want to have to ask you this because I know how you are about doing things for others, but we're coming up on three weeks to go to Julie's wedding and there's something we could really use your help on.
Je voulais pas t'en parler, c'est pas ton genre d'aider les autres, mais il reste que 3 semaines avant le mariage de Julie et on a besoin de toi.
I was like- - I was like, are we doing this? Because I don't know if I'm really into it.
Je ne me sentais pas vraiment d'attaque.
So are we really doing this? Hell, yes.
Alors, on part vraiment?
- Are we really doing this?
I'm the guy who created mendeavors. com. - Are we really doing this?
On va vraiment faire ça?
We are gonna take it back to camp, but I'm just saying... no one else is really doing anything for this, and, uh, I feel like, uh, since, you know, me and you are doing the work,
Nous allons le ramener au camp, mais je disais juste... Personne d'autre ne fait quelque chose pour ça, et, euh, je sens que, euh, Vu que c'est toi et moi qui faisons ce job, ça pourrait être à nous.
We're not really doing this, are we?
On va pas vraiment faire ça?
Are we really fucking doing this shit?
Est-ce qu'on est vraiment en train de faire ça?
Are we really doing this again?
Refaisons-nous encore ça?
Are we... really doing this, brother?
Est-ce qu'on... va vraiment faire ça, frère?
Oh, yeah, we are really doing this.
On le fait.

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