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Arrivederci traduction Français

131 traduction parallèle
Well, arrivederci.
- Eh bien, arrivederci.
Arrivederci. I can't begin to thank you.
- Je ne sais comment vous remercier.
Au revoir.
Arrivederci, caro.
Arrivederci, caro.
So long. Arrivederci.
Au revoir.
I was just saying arrivederci.
Archer. j'étais entrain de dire au revoir.
- Arrivederci, Roberto. - Roberto is me, it's Italian.
Roberto, c'est moi.
Okay, then.
- Bon... Arrivederci!
I'm sending you beautiful ball gown made for Traviata. Arrivederci, arrivederci, darling.
Je vais vous envoyer une robe qui a été dessinée spécialement pour la Traviata.
Arrivederci, Charlie.
"Arrivedercci" Charlie.
It's another "Arrivederci, Roma."
C'est un autre "Arrivederci, Roma".
Arrivederci, lady from the space agency.
Arrivederci, dame de l'Agence Spatiale.
- Arrivederci.
Arrivederci, bon appetita.
Permesso. Permesso, debout!
Arrivederci, Dottore.
Arrivederci, docteur.
Well, as long as he can fake a few "Arrivederci Roma" s...
Tant qu'il réussit à balbutier "Arrivederci Roma",
Arrivederci, Inspector.
Au revoir, inspecteur, et merci.
And fare thee well and bon voyage Arrivederci too
Adieu et bon voyage Arrivederci aussi
If not, you can say arrivederci to my account.
Sinon, vous pouvez dire arrivederci à ma campagne.
You'd better, or it's arrivederci, America, hello, Roma.
Tu ferais mieux. Sinon c'est : "Arrivederci, États-Unis, bonjour, Roma."
I will be catching my plane now, so it will be arrivederci to all.
Mon avion va partir, alors, arrivederci à tous.
Arrivederci, my friend.
Arrivederci. mon ami.
Well, arrivederci As for France?
"Arrivederci"! Et en France
Arrivederci. [good bye ( Italian )]
M. Le juge.
Thanks for everything, and "arrivederci", huh?
merci, au revoir, à la prochaine.
Wait, I'll hug you too.
Arrivederci et grazie mille. Pis tiens, vous aussi, je vous embrasse!
Arrivederci, baby!
Arrivederci, baby!
Say "Arrivederci a Giorgio."
Dis'arrivederci'à Georgio
Arrivederci, fellas.
Au revoir, bande de niais.
This is Jack Lucas. So long. Arrivederci.
Ici Jack Lucas, salut et arrivederci!
Arrivederci, baby.
Arrivederci, baby.
Marge, Marge, Marge... let's file this under "R"... for arrivederci.
Marge, Marge, Marge. Classe ca à la lettre R pour "arrivederci".
Arrivederci, Vito. I was a fool to think anyone would want Nude photos of Whoopi Goldberg.
Dire que je pensais qu'on voudrait des photos de Whoopi Goldberg nue.
- Il est charmant.
Arrivederci, my fellow 40-short.
Arrivederci, petit bonhomme.
Arrivederci, boys.
Arrivederci, les mecs.
- Yeah, arrivederci.
- Oui, arrivederci.
Gina - arrivederci.
Au revoir.
Arrivederci. - Take off, Mac. - Yeah, take off-a, Mac.
Vous pouvez y aller.
Au revoir.
- Arrivederci.
- Au revoir.
- Arrivederci.
Wonderful eyes.
Arrivederci, Dottore. See you next month.
On se voit le mois prochain.
Arrivederci, and I love you.
- Arrivederci. Bye.
Au revoir.
Arrivederci. Left.
So, ciao, my little saplings. Arrivederci!
Alors, salut les amis!

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