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Arrogant traduction Français

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Hispanic and cocky. Yeah, you definitely die first.
Hispanique et arrogant, tu mourras en premier.
Don't you think that's just a little bit arrogant? It's as arrogant as telling someone how to believe in God, and if they don't accept it, no matter how open-hearted or honest their dissent, they're going to hell.
C'est pas un peu arrogant? aussi ouvert il ira en enfer.
You jumped up, arrogant little prick.
- Petit con prétentieux et arrogant.
You don't wanna be considered too full of yourself.
Il ne faut pas sembler trop arrogant.
You're pretty cocky for somebody who's wrong.
- Vous êtes arrogant et vous avez tort.
Yeah, I'm cocky. Hey.
Oui, je suis arrogant.
Oh, you're so arrogant.
Tu es si arrogant.
If you were a superhero, your name would be Captain Arrogant.
Si tu étais un super héros, tu serais Captain Arrogant.
Why should we be so arrogant as to assume That we're the first homo sapiens to walk the earth.
A quel point sommes-nous arrogant pour penser que nous sommes les premiers homo sapiens à marcher sur la Terre.
Well, that was snarky.
C'était bien arrogant.
I've never hit a woman in my entire life, but I swear to God, in my mind right now I am pummeling your smug face to a pulp for everything that you did to me, my career and my family.
J'ai jamais frappé une femme, mais en ce moment, dans ma tête, je réduis en purée ton visage arrogant, pour ce que t'as fait à ma carrière et ma famille.
Maybe you're smarter, but don't be arrogant.
Tu es peut être intelligente, mais ne sois pas arrogante.
He has that tone.
Il est arrogant.
You can smile your arrogant smile and act like you know everything about everything, but you don't.
Vous pouvez sourire avec arrogance et jouer à celui qui sait tout sur tout, mais c'est faux.
It produces an electrical pulse. Okay, you know what? There is a fine line between being knowledgeable and arrogant.
La limite est très fine entre être instruit et arrogant.
You watch while I smoke this arrogant fool.
Je vais le fumer, ce prétentieux.
"Ah" is Marshall-speak for arrogant.
"Ah", dans le langage de Marshall, est l'expression de l'arrogance.
... he's an arrogant sod.
C'est un crétin arrogant.
He's a condescending thief.
C'est un voleur arrogant.
Hey, I thought she was very arrogant.
Hé! Je croyais qu'elle était très arrogante.
Arrogant enough to believe that my men would never let me down.
Assez pour croire que mes gars ne me laisseraient pas tomber.
But at the time, it was felt by some of the recruitment panel that you were overly self-interested and potentially arrogant.
Mais à l'époque, certains membres du jury vous ont trouvée trop intéressée et pleine de morgue.
But at the time, you were overly self-interested and potentially arrogant.
À l'époque, vous étiez intéressée et arrogante.
- Talented and knows it.
Talentueux et arrogant.
Don't ask me what I'm doing, you arrogant twat.
Et ne me demande pas ce que je deviens, crétin arrogant.
Pretty ballsy of him to fuck around with her while mom was laid up in the hospital.
il était tellement arrogant qu'il se baladait partout avec alors que maman était à l'hosto.
Obsessive, arrogant, painstaking, uh, secretive, self-righteous.
Obsessionnel, arrogant, minutieux, secret, hypocrite.
I was just an arrogant, little punk, but he taught me what it meant to be an athlete.
J'étais juste arrogant, un petit voyou, mais il m'a appris ce que ça voulait dire d'être un athlete.
And whilst the reasons for your decommissioning may seem unfair, there's little disagreement about the fact that you were difficult to work with. Arrogant, aggressive, lazy.
Et si les raisons de votre renvoi semblent injustes, on ne ne peut nier que vous étiez difficile, arrogant, agressif, paresseux.
Arrogant bastard.
Quelle arrogance!
How did you get so arrogant?
Comment es-tu devenu si arrogant?
Until then I will not take any more arrogant lessons from you.
D'ici là, je ne tolérerai pas vos leçons de morale condescendantes.
Arthur's a thoroughbred little braggart.
Arthur est un arrogant de première.
They are arrogant thugs. Gwaine!
Ce sont des voyous arrogants.
And your arrogant, callous, juvenile behavior did reveal the truth after all, so...
Et votre comportement arrogant, insensible et puéril a permis de révéler la vérité, alors...
All right? We're not arrogant or lazy.
On n'est pas arrogants ou paresseux.
I wanted to. I think Marty is so arrogant.
Je pense que Marty est trop arrogant.
You can never be too cocky, you can never be too confident.
Vous ne pouvez jamais être trop arrogant et trop confiant.
What about me is arrogant?
En quoi moi je suis arrogante?
I know. But what about me is arrogant?
En quoi je suis arrogante?
- Feeling cocky in that suit?
- Ce costume te rend arrogant.
Seems a little full of itself, right?
Un peu arrogant, non?
How arrogant you are.
Quelle prétention.
I was forced to marry a man who was timid, stupid, arrogant and mediocre.
On m'a mariée à un homme faible, inculte, hautain et médiocre.
So easy it makes me feel cocky.
C'est si facile que ça me rend arrogant.
Oh, man. God, you- - When we're off the clock, you jump so fast
Mince, vous... après le boulot, vous passez si vite d'arrogant à misérable, que ça me trouble.
So arrogant.
- Si arrogante.
- What's with the arrogant has-been?
Un has been arrogant?
And look who hasn't and is still an arrogant douche bag.
Regardez qui n'a pas changé et est toujours un abruti.
She's pretty arrogant. Arrogant?

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