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Barclay traduction Français

571 traduction parallèle
I want to talk to George Barkley. The State National Bank in New York.
Je veux parler à George Barclay, de la National Bank à New York.
He went... That is, I believe he's escorting Mrs. Barclay.
Je crois qu'il est allé chercher Mme Barclay.
I just saw Captain Gaskell upstairs walking with Mrs. Barclay.
Je viens de voir le capitaine Gaskell avec Mme Barclay.
You know everybody, Sybil, except perhaps Miss Yu-Lan, Mrs. Barclay. - How do you do?
Je crois que vous connaissez tout le monde à part Mlle Yu-Lan.
You needn't be so confoundedly possessive, Alan. I knew Mrs. Barclay long before you did.
Ne soyez pas si possessif, je connaissais Sybil avant vous.
Mr. McCaleb, I want you to meet a literary rival, Mrs. Barclay.
M. McCaleb, voici Mme Barclay, une de vos rivales littéraires.
Mrs. Barclay, I'm sure I saw you in London two years ago.
Je crois qu'on s'est vues à Londres il y a deux ans.
The trouble is, boyfriend, there ain't any male Mrs. Barclays so charming, so refine.
Le problême, c'est qu'il n'y a pas de Mme Barclay au masculin. Quelqu'un de charmant, de raffiné...
The real trouble is, there aren't enough female Mrs. Barclays.
Le problême, c'est qu'il n'y a pas assez de Mme Barclay au féminin.
And he said to Mrs. Barclay I was the best steward in the line.
Il a dit à Mme Barclay que j'étais le meilleur steward de la ligne.
I got it that time. - I'm afraid you're too consistent for me. - Not at all.
Je crains que vous soyez trop forte pour moi, Mme Barclay.
Permit me to present Captain Geoffrey Vickers Cornet James Randall, Cornet Charles Barclay Cornet Lawrence Pearson of the 27th Lancers.
Je vous présente Capitaine Geoffrey Vickers, Cornette Randall Cornette Charles Barcley.
Oh, come, come now, Barclay.
- Oui, sur Chukoti.
I feel that Barclay's information is accurate, sir.
Je crains que Barcley ait raison.
Captain Carrey, Cornet Gordon, Cornet Barclay will go with you.
Cornette Kenny, Gordon et Barcley vous accompagneront.
Vera Claythorne : that you did murder your sister's fiance, Richard Barclay.
Vera Claythorne avez assassiné le fiancé de votre soeur, Richard Bartley.
You didn't really kill this Barclay chap did you?
Vous n'avez pas vraiment assassiné Barclay, n'est-ce pas?
Are you sure, you didn't kill this fellow, Barclay?
Vous maintenez n'avoir pas tué ce Bartley?
We're having dinner with Phyllis at the Barclay.
Tu as oublié qu'on dînait avec Phyllis?
I'm so glad that you're going to see me as Baroness Barclay tonight.
Je joue la baronne de Barclay!
Exactly who is the Baroness Barclay?
" Qui est donc cette baronne de Barclay?
I would say the Baroness Barclay is the most fascinating woman I've ever met.
" La baronne est la plus fascinante des femmes que j'aie rencontrées.
I would say the Baroness Barclay was the most fascinating...
"Je n'ai pas pu quitter la baronne des yeux..."
Jane Barclay, I used to have the candy store down on Chester Street.
Jane Barclay, je tenais un magasin de bonbons.
- Miss Barclay.
- Mlle Barclay.
I think you should stay, Miss Barclay.
Restez, Mlle Barclay.
I'm sorry, Miss Barclay but I happen to be very fond of my niece.
Je regrette, Mlle Barclay. Mais j'aime beaucoup ma nièce.
Take over, will you Barclay?
Prenez le relai, Barclay.
Barclay! It's not very clear but it's a planet all right.
C'est bien une planète.
Barclay, couldn't it be...
Se pourrait-il... Je sais ce que vous pensez.
Look Dr Barclay, let's just get those boys down.
Dr Barclay, aidons-les à redescendre.
And now my dear Dr Barclay I suggest you look at that piece of paper I gave you.
À présent, Dr Barclay, vous devriez regarder mon papier.
Will you be so kind as to go to General Barclay now and inform him of my intention to attack the French tomorrow.
Aller voir sur-le-champ le général Barclay et dites-lui ma volonté formelle de reprendre le combat demain matin.
What's the position on the capsule, Dr Barclay?
Où en est la capsule? Instructions envoyées.
All right, Dr Barclay, this isn't a convalescent home.
Très bien, Dr Barclay. Ce n'est pas une maison de repos.
Well done, Barclay.
Bien joué, Barclay.
Impossible is not in my vocabulary, Dr Barclay.
Ce mot m'est étranger, Dr Barclay.
Look, tell him he can't use this bomb, Barclay, we'll all go up with it!
Intervenez, Barclay. On va tous y passer.
So far as the capsule's concerned, Dr Barclay, you are going to program that bomb so that it hits Mondas at a time when my son's orbit has taken him to the far side of the Earth!
Quant à la capsule, Dr Barclay, vous allez programmer la bombe pour qu'elle touche Mondas quand mon fils sera de l'autre côté de la Terre.
You heard what Barclay said, I think he's scared, so work on him, get him on our side.
Tu as entendu Barclay. Il a peur. Amadoue-le.
All right, Barclay, the bomb.
Bien, Barclay. La bombe.
Dr Barclay's going to help us.
Le Dr Barclay va nous aider.
Where's Barclay?
Où est Barclay?
What are you doing here, Dr Barclay?
Que faites-vous ici, Dr Barclay?
That's all, Barclay.
Ce sera tout, Barcley.
Oh, this is my secretary, Miss Barclay.
Ma secrétaire, Mlle Barclay.
Barclay is delaying action.
Barclay temporise.
For God's sake Barclay, do as he asks.
Bon sang, faites ce qu'il dit.
Well, come on Barclay.
Allez, Barclay.
13 minutes to countdown, Dr Barclay.
Mise à feu dans treize minutes.
I'll take the law into my own hands. That goes for you too, Dr Barclay.
C'est aussi valable pour vous, Dr Barclay.

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