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But he wasn't there traduction Français

283 traduction parallèle
There he was, hands up, back to the wall cops all around him. Seconds later there were three men dead on the ground, but he wasn't one of them!
Il était là, les mains en l'air, dos au mur, des millions de flics autour, deux secondes plus tard il y avait trois cadavres mais il n'en faisait pas partie!
But there was a guy on the next plantation, even though he wasn't my brother.
Il y a un type dans la plantation voisine mais ce n'est pas mon frère
There was a travelling dentist and he set her and I gave her a praying over, but... there wasn't no more holy spirit left in your pa after that.
Un dentiste ambulant l'a soigné et j'ai prié pour lui. Depuis, le Saint-Esprit a quitté ton père.
- Wasn't he, Mr. Beaumont? - Yeah, but there was just one hitch. I used to have to be very careful about repeating.
L'os, c'est que je devais faire attention à ne pas repasser aux mêmes endroits.
I offered to give him back the ring but there wasn't anyone he wanted to give it to.
J'ai voulu lui rendre la bague, mais il ne voulait l'offrir à personne d'autre.
And then he said something about a foreign man in a fog, but there wasn't any fog tonight, Doctor.
Il a parlé d'un étranger et de brume. Mais il n'y a pas de brume ce soir.
He wasn't there, but we went to see him.
Il était pas là, mais on a été le voir.
But Harry was a citizen of the little town that wasn't there... and he probably never lived in the first place.
Mais Harry était un habitant d'une petite ville inexistante... et il n'a probablement jamais vécu là-bas.
I wasn't there, but obviously he couldn't refuse.
Je n'étais pas là, mais il ne pouvait pas refuser.
But there wasn't anything he could do about it.
Mais il n'y pouvait rien.
Well, I was hoping he'd get special leave, but when I heard he was in North Africa, I knew there wasn't much hope.
J'espérais qu'il obtienne un congé, mais il était en Afrique du Nord. Il n'y avait pas grand-chance.
I thanked Barney and started to get out of the car but he said there wasn't any need for me to walk.
J'ai remercié Barney et j'étais sur le point de descendre, mais il m'a dit qu'il était inutile que je marche.
He took me to her hotel, but she wasn't there that day.
Il m'a emmené à l'hôtel où elle était. Justement, ce jour-là, elle n'y était pas.
You could touch him, but he wasn't there.
Il... On pouvait le toucher, mais il n'était pas là.
I went looking for him along the banks of the Kamakura, but he wasn't there. So I assumed he'd be here.
Je suis passé chez lui, mais il n'y était pas.
I wasn't there, but he told the doctor to make sure you got the book.
Je n'étais pas là mais il a demandé que ce livre vous soit remis.
But Lord have mercy the worse looking he got, the better looking she got till there wasn't nothing much left of him and she went off back east somewheres and took up with a stone mason.
Mais Dieu m'est témoin, plus il devenait moche, plus elle devenait belle. Quand il n'est plus resté grand-chose de lui, elle est retournée dans l'Est et s'est mise avec un maçon.
What'd he say? He lives in the basement, but he wasn't there.
II habite au sous-sol, mais n'était pas là.
He investigated and poked around... but there wasn't much he could do.
Il a tout examiné mais il n'y avait pas grand-chose qu'il puisse faire.
In fact, he was a guest in a convent, but... he wasn't there to do penance.
En fait, il était l'invité d'un couvent, mais il n'était pas là pour faire pénitence.
Well, we called earlier, but the maid kept insisting he wasn't there.
J'avais téléphoné mais la domestique ne l'avait pas vu.
We used to sit in the shack together, but Frank, he wasn't there no more.
Avant, on s'asseyait dans la cabane, mais Frank, il était plus jamais là.
But he wasn't there.
Je n'y peux rien s'il n'y avait personne!
But he wasn't there either.
Il n'y était pas non plus.
Mais quand il est parti et que vous vous êtes absentée, je me suis rendu compte que je n'avais nulle part où aller à New York.
But he wasn't there yet.
Sous conditions.
But he wasn't there today.
Mais il n'était pas la.
He wasn't worth a damn, but he was always right in there.
Mal, peut-etre, mais il était toujours la.
He wasn't there, but the map was.
Il n'y était pas, mais la carte oui.
And I really needed somebody to help me but when I turned to Ted, he just wasn't there for me.
J'avais vraiment besoin que l'on m'aide... mais quand je me suis tournée vers Ted... il ne m'a pas soutenue.
I went over there... and rang the bell, but he wasn't there.
J'y suis allée, j'ai sonné, il n'était pas là.
Yes... but it wasn't like the one of the other day... and then a man stepped out of it, holding a milk can... and Le Glaude, he was there...
Oui... mais l'était pas comme celle de l'autre fois... et puis un homme en est sorti, avec une boîte au lait à la main... et Le Glaude, il était là...
I ran to tell him about the fire but he wasn't there.
Je suis allé le voir, quand j'ai vu le feu. Mais - personne.
But he wasn't there because the war had started.
Mais il n'est pas venu... La guerre avait éclaté.
- Science Frontiers, but he wasn't there.
- Sciences Sans Frontières. Il n'y était pas.
This is the greatest discovery since van Leeuwenhoek first looked through a microscope and saw an amoeba! But he wasn't down there with the amoebas!
Oui, mais il n'est pas allé patauger avec les amibes!
Now, what if it wasn't that tower that he fell from but somewhere over there, and then the body rolled all the way down here?
Dis-moi, et s'il n'était pas tombé de cette tour-ci... mais de là-bas et qu'ensuite, son corps ait roulé jusqu'ici?
Allen Eager was there. He wasn't playing but he was there.
Allen Eager, même s'il ne jouait pas,
Listen sweetheart, last night before Mc Crae was murdered, he called my house, I wasn't there I was at a charity event but he was kind enough to leave a message on my service.
Ecoutez, la nuit dernière, McCrae, juste avant de se faire tuer, m'a téléphoné et il a eu la gentillesse de laisser un message.
Well, after David calmed down, I went over to talk to him but he wasn't there.
Quand David s'est calmé, j'ai voulu aller lui parler, mais il n'était plus là.
But he wasn't there.
Mais il n'était pas là.
He was gonna wait in a nearby town, but there just wasn't anything nearby.
Il voulait attendre quelque part, mais il n'y avait rien.
Ephus wasn't there, but Aunt Innie said if you get her a blueprint of the courthouse, he'll pull his half-ton under the window and you're just a manure ride away from freedom.
Ephus n'était pas là, mais tante Innie a dit de lui obtenir les plans du tribunal pour qu'il force la fenêtre. Et le fumier emplira ton air de liberté.
He didn't say it, he implied it. He said that the first time he saw me, was the night I killed the armed robber in the supermarket, but he wasn't there, Chief, he wasn't one of the fucking witnesses!
II a dit que la 1ère fois qu'il m'a vue c'était au supermarché.
He should have been gone by the time I got there... but he wasn't.
Il n'aurait pas dû être là, quand moi j'y étais. Mais il était là.
I tried to call Jack's room, but he wasn't there.
Jack n'est pas dans sa chambre.
He had this information, but there wasn't... anyone he felt he could trust enough to pass it on to.
Il avait des informations, mais... il n'y avait personne à qui il pouvait faire confiance pour la communiquer.
But I knew I wasn't dreaming. He was there with me.
Mais je savais que je ne rêvais pas.
Well, there was a gin game last night among his friends, but he wasn't there.
Je vois. En fait, ses amis ont bien joué au rami la nuit dernière. Mais il n'y était pas.
I peeked behind the Cyclops'eye. I did, but he wasn't there.
J'ai regardé derrière les yeux de cyclope, mais il n'y était pas.
But I wasn't quite sure what was going on... because he was there with them... and I felt he was a Nazi like the rest of them.
Mais je n'étais pas sûre de ce qui se passait... parce qu'il était là avec eux... et je me disais qu'il était nazi comme les autres.

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