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But it's not gonna work traduction Français

98 traduction parallèle
But since primarily he's wedded to his work, he's not gonna be able to take it.
Mais puisque sa carrière passe avant tout, il est coincé.
Chief, I appreciate your help, but it's not gonna work out.
Grand Chef, j'apprécie ton précieux concours, mais... - ça ne va pas coller. - J'ai donné parole.
You ´ re trying to make me feel guilty. - Well, just - - But it ´ s not gonna work.
Vous voulez me faire sentir coupable, mais ça ne fonctionnera pas.
It's not gonna work, but what the hell, it'll be fun to hear him grovel.
Ça ne marchera pas mais j'ai hâte de le voir ramper!
Very convincing, but it's not gonna work this time.
Très convaincant, mais pas cette fois-ci.
- Oh, Urs But it's not gonna work.
Ça ne marchera jamais.
But it's not gonna work.
Ça ne marchera jamais.
- Okay, you got it. - Yeah, it's, uh- - Not as fast as I expected, but it's all gonna work out ;
Ça va pas aussi vite que je pensais mais ça va marcher.
But he's not even sure it's gonna work.
Mais il n'est pas sûr que ça marche.
Nice try, but it's not gonna work.
Bien essayé, mais ça ne marchera pas.
But it's not gonna work this time, mister, no matter what you say. My answer is no.
Quoi que tu dises, ma réponse est non.
It's not like I thought this was gonna work out because I know nothing ever works out but I guess I just wanted to enjoy this for a little bit.
Je me faisais pas d'idées sur nous. Je suis grillée d'avance... mais je voulais en profiter un peu.
- But that's not how it's gonna work. We're on the same team.
On est dans la même équipe.
I know you're trying to make me laugh but it's not gonna work.
Ça part d'une bonne intention, mais je n'ai pas envie de rire.
But that's not gonna work, because then it'll kill Paige too.
Ça ne marchera pas, Paige va aussi y passer.
It's not gonna be that way for long. I promise. - But you have to work with me.
C'est humiliant, pire que de rester au sol.
- Okay, but it's not gonna work.
De toute façon, ça marchera pas.
Yeah, I actually think it's not gonna work out, but I'm pulling for you, Reub.
Ouais, je ne pense pas que ça va marcher, mais je suis avec toi, Reub.
Paige seems to think that if she crams enough family members down my throat that I'm gonna give in, but it's not gonna work, because nothing is working.
Paige semble penser que si elle réunit assez de membres de la famille, elle me mettra le couteau sous la gorge que je laisserai tomber, mais ça ne marchera pas, parce que rien ne fonctionne.
Okay, look, Mitch, I know you're in love with her, but it's not gonna work out.
Okay, écoute, Mitch, je sais que tu es amoureux d'elle, mais ça ne marchera jamais.
Nice try, but it's not gonna work.
Bien essayé.
But I'm not sure if it's gonna work.
Mais pas sûr que ça marche.
Well, that's cute, Paige, but it's not gonna work.
C'est bien joli. Mais on vient pour autre chose.
Leo, I don't mean to sound pessimistic'cause I really want this to work out. But it's not gonna be easy, especially for you and Piper.
Sans être pessimiste, parce que je voudrais vraiment que ça marche, ce ne sera pas facile.
Uh, I can't go into it right now, but trust me, it's just... it's not gonna work out.
Euh, je ne peux pas t'expliquer de suite, mais crois-moi, c'est juste... ça ne marchera pas.
Look, Peter, I know what you're trying to do... but it's not gonna work.
Je sais ce que tu essaies de faire mais ça ne marchera pas.
But it's not gonna work for you anymore It's working fine
- Ça me va bien.
But it doesn't matter, it's not gonna work.
Mais ça ne change rien, ça ne marchera pas.
- We tried actually, for years. But at this point, it looks like it's not gonna work out. - Sorry.
On a essayé pendant des années, mais apparemment, ça ne marchera pas.
Look, I know Sawyer told you, all right, but, uh, it's not gonna work.
Ecoute, je sais que Sawyer t'a dit que tu pouvais venir, mais ce n'est pas possible.
But, uh, it's just not gonna work.
Mais ça ne marchera pas.
But the tough guy act? It's not gonna work with being a father.
Mais le numéro du dur, ça ne rime à rien quand on va être papa.
But it's not gonna work.
Mais ça ne marchera pas.
Nice try, Miss Lane but it's not gonna work.
C'est bien essayé, Mlle Lane. - Mais je ne vous dirai rien. - Dommage.
I appreciate the fact you're trying to cheer me up, but it's not gonna work.
C'est sympa d'essayer de me réconforter, mais ça marchera pas.
If you're trying to Piss me off, It's not gonna work. But if you killed 7 women
Si vous essayez de m'énerver, ça ne va pas marcher.
He makes it work, but it's not gonna look too good in his casket.
Ça va jurer avec son cercueil.
I know how smart you are, but if you manage to construct the prototype... Which is highly unlikely. - The real question is whether or not it's gonna work.
T'es un cerveau, mais même si tu parviens à construire un prototype, ce dont je doute, le problème majeur va être de le faire fonctionner.
I don't know what you're up to, but it's not gonna work.
J'ignore ce que vous mijotez, mais ça ne marchera pas.
I mean, we realize that it's not gonna be perfect right out of the gate, but... You know, I'm hopeful it's gonna work out.
On sait que ce ne sera pas tout de suite parfait, mais... j'ai bon espoir que ça marchera.
I know, and I know you like to make trouble for your sister but it's not gonna work this time.
Tu aimes causer des ennuis à ta sœur, mais ça marchera pas, cette fois. Tu sais pourquoi?
You know, i hate to say it, but you're gonna have to have that lac repaired. And this being a teaching hospital, not to mention dr. Mckee's first day, i have to let him work you up.
Vous savez je déteste dire ça, mais vous allez devoir guérir cette blessure et c'est un hôpital universitaire, donc pour le premier jour du Dr McKee, je vais devoir le laisser faire.
Yes, you are. You're trying to push my buttons, but it's not gonna work.
Vous me provoquez, mais c'est raté.
But it's not gonna work.
C'est inutile.
But as you can see, it's not really gonna work out.
Comme tu le vois, ça marche pas trop.
But I am not prepared... to get deeper into it and hoping it's gonna work out, and then two years down the line it's not gonna work out, and you guys have each other,
Je ne suis pas armé pour me battre en espérant que ça va marcher, pour que dans deux ans, ça s'arrête d'un coup.
We Were Hoping We Could Take You And Go Somewhere Over The Weekend... To Vegas Or Something Like That, But It's Not Gonna Work Out.
On voulait t'emmener en week-end à Las Vegas ou ailleurs, mais... impossible.
But you can't just start whipping questions out to somebody like Heather Chandler. It's, it's just not gonna work.
Mais tu peux pas poser brusquement des questions à quelqu'un comme elle.
But it's not gonna work, whatever it is.
Mais ça ne marchera pas, quoi que ce soit.
You may be able to talk the brain surgeons you pick up into doing whatever you want, but it's not gonna work on us.
Les neurochirurgiens que t'as ramenés pourront peut-être t'aider, mais pas nous.
I have to admit, I did not think it was gonna work, but it's totally working.
Je pensais pas que ça marcherait.

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