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But that's all right traduction Français

846 traduction parallèle
Well, that's all right for you but I ain't craving any hall-rooms with some song-and-dance guy who expects me to cook his meals over a gas-jet listen to a lot of smart wisecracks and bum songs.
Moi, je ne cherche pas de petit chanteur qui attend que je lui fasse ses repas sur le gaz, et écoute ses blagues et ses chansons à la noix.
It's cunning, all right. But that's why there hasn't been any development here.
C'est vrai, c'est pour ça qu'on n'y a rien construit.
That's all right for your lawyer friend, but you shouldn't go around thinking you can buy people.
Ça va pour votre ami avocat... mais vous ne devriez pas imaginer que vous pouvez acheter les gens.
That's all right but what about the Femms?
Pourquoi pas. Mais qu'adviendrait-il des Femm?
He'll think I'm butting in, but that's all right.
Il pensera que je me mêle de tout, tant pis.
But that's all right.
Mais ça va.
Oh, that's quite all right. You can talk, but please hurry.
Vous pouvez parler, mais dépêchez-vous.
- Yeah, that's all right, but I don't want those guys pushing me around, that's all.
- Je sais, mais je ne veux pas que ces types m'embêtent.
That's all right, but hurry, come, darling.
Ce n'est pas grave, mais dépêche-toi.
- That's good logic, all right... but it doesn't get us anywhere.
- C'est très logique, c'est vrai, mais, cela ne nous mène nulle part.
- Gypo, do you know what? - That's all right, dearie. But she owes me 4 pounds for board and lodging.
Elle me devait 4 livres pour le gîte et le couvert.
Yeah, that's all right for you, but me, I got a temper.
Ça va pour toi, mais moi, je suis colérique.
That's all right about my Anglomania, but come look at the light with me.
Laisse mon anglophilie, viens voir le phare.
I know it's superstition, but an old Hindu told me that if you touch an elephant's trunk, and he raises it, everything will be all right.
Oui, mais un vieil Hindou me l'a dit... si l'éléphant lève sa trompe, c'est bon signe.
Oh, yes, that's all right, but these flowers are very beautiful.
C'est vrai. Mais ces fleurs sont si belles!
Yes, that's all right. But how much money will you give me?
Oui, mais combien me paierez-vous?
Looks kind of stupid, doesn't it? But I guess that's all right. If Dr. Von Hallor has to doodle to help him think... that's his business.
Von Hallor a besoin de griffonner pour l'aider à réfléchir... c'est son affaire.
But I can't. Now, that's all right.
- Mais je ne peux pas.
Yes, but that's all right.
Oui, mais tout est réglé.
Mike's a nice fellow, all right, but it ain't that, you know.
Mike est un type bien, c'est sûr, mais c'est pas ça.
Well, I'm sorry, ma'am... but that's about all we can do for you right now.
Désolé, madame, c'est tout ce qu'on peut faire pour vous pour le moment.
- By gosh, Doc is a doctor. - That's right, but he's all stove up.
 Doc est un docteur?
All right, she can go, but son't blame me. That guy's got more arms than an octopus.
Bon, d'accord, mais je te préviens que ce type a plus de bras qu'une pieuvre.
It's all right for me to say that, but not for you.
Non. Ça va pour moi de le dire, mais pas pour toi.
That's all right, but I figure this will cost you about $ 500.
ça attendra, mais ça fait 500 $.
But if that's your story, it's all right with me.
Mais si tu tiens à dire ça, dis-le!
Man and woman are all right... but person to person, that's important in a marriage, too.
D'homme à femme, mais le respect mutuel, surtout.
But that's all right.
C'est bien.
- Oh, but your bed isn't open. - That's all right.
- Votre lit n'est pas prêt.
All right. But there's something in that Taylor Henry killing. We could start with that.
Alors, on pourrait commencer par le meurtre de Taylor Henry.
- That's nice of you, but I'm all right.
- C'est gentil, mais ça va.
All right, if that's the way you feel about it. But I warn you, all you'll get is a horseshoe of roses.
Si tu insistes, mais tu rentreras avec une couronne de roses!
- That's what it is, all right, but...
- C'est bien ça, oui, mais...
Oh, that's all right. Fay has the song, but I have the author.
Fay a l'air, mais j'ai l'auteur.
Was Susan all right then? Yeah, but that's when I should've made her get out.
Susan allait bien?
That's all right for a lot of guys, including Nails, but not for me.
C'est bon pour Nails, pas pour moi.
I never thought of it that way before, but it's true, all right.
J'y avais jamais pensé mais c'est vrai.
- Oh, that's all right. Now, this is against the interests of Mr. Brentano... but since I am, so to speak, your literary confessor...
Bien que ce soit contraire aux intérêts de mon patron, je veux être franc avec vous.
That's all right for a while but then one starts looking elsewhere.
— et qui ne l'aime plus. Ca a duré un peu mais maintenant ils voulaient se séparer...
But that would be all right because a man can make himself a fool when he's off his own stamping ground.
Mais ça serait négligeable, car un homme peut se rendre ridicule quand il n'est pas chez lui.
That's all right, but how do we know it really happened?
Tout cela est-il vraiment arrivé?
But right then it gave me a nasty feeling to be thinking about them at all... with that briefcase right behind my head that had her father's signature in it... and what that signature meant.
Mais ça me gênait de penser à ces deux gosses avec la signature du père de Lola dans la voiture.
That's fantastic enough in all conscience, but an even more fantastic thing has just happened right here at the airport. You getting that? Go ahead.
Mais un fait bien plus fantastique s'est produit ici, à l'aéroport.
You see, Miz Hilton, it's this way... them uptown folks is all right in their way, but it's that lazy trash they got working for'em.
Voilà, Mme Hilton, ce qui arrive... Les gens du haut de la ville, ils sont bien à leur façon, mais c'est la racaille qui travaille pour eux.
It works all right, sir, but that emergency power's not going to hold out long if we run into trouble.
Ça marche, mais en cas de panne, l'auxiliaire lâchera vite.
All right, but that's as far as I'll carry you.
D'accord, mais c'est la dernière fois.
- Sorry, but you didn't speak up. That's all right.
Désolé, mais vous n'avez rien dit.
- It's your meddling that's done this! I'd have been all right if it wasn't for you. But that you...
- C'est de ta faute tout ça, tout se serait bien passé sans toi mais il a fallu que tu sois là ce jour-là avec tes rideaux stupides.
Claims he was drunk and doesn't remember the details, but we remember the details, so that's all right.
Il était ivre et a tout oublié mais pas nous, alors ça va.
But my Scotch blood is working right this minute... and it tells me that there is one thing in your life that's worrying you... something that you find very difficult to handle... because all your strength and your courage... and your authority in the town seems to be of no avail.
Mais mon sang écossais me parle, et me dit que quelque chose dans votre vie vous préoccupe. Un problème difficile à résoudre. Votre force, votre courage et votre autorité ne vous sont d'aucune aide.
That's all right with me, but why lie about it?
Pas de mal à ça. Pourquoi mentir?

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