Can't you see it traduction Français
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I mean, you can't see it.
Tu la vois pas.
I can't believe you didn't see it.
Je ne peux pas croire que vous ayez loupé ça.
When life gives you lemons, you can't be a sourpuss. It won't work. They won't bring jamie to see me.
Ca ne marchera pas ils ne m'ammeneront pas Jamie au cas ou tu l'aurais oublié, je suis un meutrier hein?
But you can't see through the wall, so how do you know it's not a girl?
Mais on voit pas à travers, comment sais-tu que c'est pas une fille?
See if you can clear his blockage with lactulose. it won't be fun anymore.
Débloquez-le avec du lactulose. Si l'occlusion le tue avant notre diagnostic, ça sera moins marrant.
But use it when they can't see you, - with a little discretion.
Je te prie d'en user avec discrétion.
After the Community Club, you'll see the station. You can't miss it.
Puis tournez à droite jusqu'à la mairie... et un peu plus loin vous verrez la gendarmerie.
You can't see it in that photo.
On ne voit pas ça sur la photo.
Oh I can't tell you how happy it makes me To see you playing again.
Je ne peux pas te dire comme ça me rend heureuse de te voir rejouer.
It you can't see that, you worry me.
Si vous voulez pas le voir, c'est inquiétant.
- Honey, you can't even see it.
- Tu ne le vois même pas.
I can see what you're thinking, you recognise me, can't quite place it.
Je sais ce que vous pensez. Vous me reconnaissez, mais vous doutez.
So superior that you can't see it!
Si brillant que tu ne vois pas.
It's electricity Ron, you can't see it.
C'est de l'électricité, ça se voit pas.
Oh, cheer him up a bit, Plornish, if you can. The way I see it, Mr Clennam, there's ups and downs. Don't ask me why, why ups, why downs, but there they is.
Oh, remonte-le un petit peu, Plornish, si tu peux comme je vois les chose, Mr Clennam, il y a des hauts et il y a des bas me demandez pas pourquoi, des hauts et des bas, mais c'est comme ça!
You don't think I can see it on the bread?
Ça se voit sur le pain.
You can't see it, that's good!
On ne les voit pas, c'est bien!
Some of us will die, and it's sad to see your comrades die because you can't help them with your limited resources.
Certains d'entre nous mourront. C'est triste de voir les nôtres mourir... parce qu'on n'a pas les moyens de les aider.
But it had faded off when you touched me, so don't flatter yourself thinking you can come back at me, okay,'cause I would love to see you penetrate me again.
Mais il s'était dissipé avant que tu me touches. Ne pense pas que tu pourrais refaire ça, car j'aimerais bien te voir me pénétrer à nouveau.
We change the way people see products, companies People and all that and I see you on the news, out there today and it can't feel good that people you know..
et j'ai vu aux nouvelles aujourd'hui, et c'est une torture de voir que les gens te détestent. Ouais.. salut Ray.
If you can't see, hear or feel something, it doesn't exist.
Si on ne peut ni voir, ni entendre, ni sentir une chose, elle n'existe pas.
Well, I say,'If you can't see it, hear it or feel it,'it doesn't exist! '
Une chose qu'on ne peut ni voir, ni entendre, ni sentir n'existe pas!
♫ I can't conceal it ♪ ♪ Don't you see?
Comment le nier? Tu l'as
If I wanted to see you act badly, I'd just watch your TV show, which, obviously, I can't now, because it's been canceled.
Si je voulais te voir agir aussi mal, j'aurais regardé ta série, mais je ne peux plus puisqu elle a été annulée.
Very expressive, darling, but I can't quite see you in it.
Oui, c'est très expressif, chérie, mais... - j'ai du mal à te reconnaître.
Then I got hit in the ear, which you probably can't even see,'cause it's so deep in the ear canal.
Puis j'ai reçu un coup à l'oreille, mais vous ne verrez rien, car ça a touché mon canal auriculaire.
You're lucky you can't see it.
T'as de la chance de rien voir.
J'espère que tu pourras venir.
It's funny, you can't see a thing.
- On voit rien.
Can't you see I'll never make it?
Tu ne vois pas que j'y arriverai jamais.
Anyway, it's kind of early, so you can't really see anything, but they took a picture of it just to make sure it's growing right.
C'est un peu tôt. On ne voit pas grand-chose, mais on a pris une photo pour s'assurer que tout allait bien.
Because, you know, my bubbe's got season tickets to the opera... and she can't make it, so wanna go see Phantom?
Parce que ma bubbe a des billets pour l'opéra et elle ne peut pas y aller. Tu veux voir Le fantôme?
Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Tu ne le vois plus, mais ça ne veut pas dire qu'il n'existe plus.
I don't know if you can see that, but it's a really particular technique.
Je ne sais pas si tu le vois, mais c'est une technique particulière.
- # Can't you see it?
- Tu imagines?
Why can't you see it?
Pourquoi ne le vois-tu pas
It's awful when you like someone that can't see how brilliant you are.
C'est affreux quand tu aimes quelqu'un qui ne voit pas à quel point tu es géniale.
It doesn't matter what you're wearing, he can see right through to the real woman underneath.
Peu importe ce qu'on porte, il voit la véritable femme qui se cache dessous.
It's good to see you but you're not a student here so I can't let you inside.
Ça fait plaisir de te voir, mais tu n'es plus élève, tu ne peux pas entrer.
You understand what will happen to my wife and children if these men can't see it through?
Vous comprenez ce qui arrivera à ma femme et à mes enfants si ces hommes en sont incapables?
You can't see it.
invisible, et...
Can't wait to see you in it.
Je me réjouis de voir ça.
Can't wait to see you in it.
Je me réjouis de te voir avec.
See, you can't keep being nice to me and I can't keep pretending that this is something that it's not.
Tu vois, tu peux pas continuer d'être gentil avec moi, et je peux pas continuer de faire semblant de vivre quelque chose que je ne vis pas.
Let's see if you can get it under six tries this time, huh, T?
Voyons si tu peux réussir en moins de six essais cette fois.
You can't park in front of the fire hydrant. You see it?
C'est interdit, devant une bouche d'incendie!
Carry straight on down, and you can't fail to see it.
Vous pourrez pas les rater.
I'm just flipping it so you can't see the stain.
Je la retourne pour cacher la tache.
Why don't you open your eyes so you can see it?
Pourquoi t'ouvrirais pas les yeux pour le voir?
Why don't you tell me what's scaring you, and we'll see what I can do to make it better.
Dites-moi ce qui vous effraie, et on va voir comment je peux arranger ça.
It just kinda slows down the future and in my future, I can see in my future... that I'm foreclosing on your property if you don't pay me in full in the next two days.
Ça ne fait que ralentir le futur, et moi, dans mon futur, je vois que je saisis votre propriété si vous ne me payez pas d'ici deux jours.
can't you see me 22
can't you see 340
can't you understand 52
can't you wait 18
can't you guess 22
can't you talk 16
can't you hear me 48
can't you tell 117
can't you smell it 16
can't you 596
can't you see 340
can't you understand 52
can't you wait 18
can't you guess 22
can't you talk 16
can't you hear me 48
can't you tell 117
can't you smell it 16
can't you 596
can't you feel it 34
can't you read 58
can't you hear it 44
can't you hear 28
can't you see i'm busy 35
can't you understand that 28
can't you sleep 32
can't you do it 19
can't you see that 128
can't you do something 42
can't you read 58
can't you hear it 44
can't you hear 28
can't you see i'm busy 35
can't you understand that 28
can't you sleep 32
can't you do it 19
can't you see that 128
can't you do something 42
can't you go any faster 25
can't you just 33
you see it 216
see it 155
can't complain 101
can't talk now 20
can't see 24
can't wait to see you 28
can't 831
can't help it 46
can't you just 33
you see it 216
see it 155
can't complain 101
can't talk now 20
can't see 24
can't wait to see you 28
can't 831
can't help it 46