Cut his throat traduction Français
312 traduction parallèle
Why, they'd cut his throat the minute we turned Campo loose. And dump him in our door yard and laugh at us for being suckers.
Ils le tueront si nous libérons Campo et riront du tour qu'ils nous ont joué.
That's why he stood on his hind legs, as the prints showed... with his paws on his killer's shoulders, when they cut his throat.
Il était dressé sur ses pattes, les empreintes l'ont montré, appuyé sur les épaules de son assassin.
I'll cut his throat if I have to go to the chair for it. Come on.
Elsie Mae Adele Brunch Sousè's father just caught a burglar. And he tried to cut his throat with a knife about this long!
Le père d'Elsie Mae Adele Brunch Sousé a attrapé un voleur... et il a tenté de lui trancher la gorge avec un couteau grand comme ça!
Archie Leach said that to me a week before he cut his throat.
Archie Leach disait de même, une semaine avant son suicide.
It would be a real pleasure to cut his throat.
Le monde en est infesté. Je me ferais une grande joie de lui trancher la gorge.
Why don't you cut his throat, like you said you would?
Pourquoi tu ne l'égorges pas?
He strangled her, and then sat down in front of the mirror... your mirror... and cut his throat.
Il l'étrangla, s'assit en face du miroir... votre miroir... et se trancha la gorge.
You'll cut his throat.
- Attention. Tu vas lui couper la gorge.
Barber, what will you take to cut his throat?
Vous prendriez combien pour l'égorger?
Someone cut his throat before he got here.
Quelqu'un l'a egorgé avant d'arriver ici.
I'm not the leader here, but if that damned priest came to my shop someday for a shave, you'd see I'd cut his throat.
Pour un honneur, c'est un honneur. Ça cloue le bec à ceux qui me reprochent de pas manger de curés!
Mrs. O'Brien, 5 months ago, Mr. Wictz wanted to cut his throat!
Il y a 5 mois, Wictz voulait se tuer.
We'll climb down off his roof and cut his throat for a Christmas present.
On descendra du toit et on lui coupera la gorge comme cadeau de Noël.
Women! Why warm a man to cut his throat?
A quoi bon le soigner pour le faire tuer?
Let me cut his throat, please.
Laissez-moi l'égorger.
He cut his throat.
Il s'est tranché la gorge.
Get them down the trail, or I'll cut his throat.
Ramène les sur la piste, ou je lui coupe la gorge.
You father's so honest, he'd rather cut his throat... than take anything that didn't belong to him.
Votre père mourrait plutôt que de toucher à ce qui n'est pas à lui.
We should've cut his throat when we had the chance.
On aurait dû le tuer à la première occasion.
- Coupe lui la gorge, et il ne pourra plus parler.
I thought so right up until the time I cut his throat.
Je le pensais et pourtant je lui ai tranché la gorge.
I'll cut his throat with this dagger!
Je vais l'égorger avec ce poignard!
His throat's cut.
La gorge tranchée.
His throat cut.
Sa gorge est tranchée.
His throat was cut.
Il avait la gorge tranchée.
- Sure. His throat was cut the same way.
Sa gorge était tranchée de la même manière.
Mr. Garmes, he's run amuck. Tried to murder Fleurot, then cut his own throat.
M. Garmes a tenté de tuer Fleurot, puis s'est tranché la gorge.
My lord, his throat is cut ; that I did for him.
La gorge tranchée.
I want his throat cut from ear to ear.
Je veux qu'on Iui tranche Ia gorge.
Why, if it hadn't been for Long John, he'd have had his throat cut.
Sans moi, les autres l'auraient égorgé
Why don't you cut his throat?
After you've interfered a dozen times or so... with a man's rather enthusiastic determination to cut his own throat... there comes a moment when you're inclined to stand back... and view the whole matter with a certain detachment.
On se lasse de vouloir tempérer la détermination enthousiaste d'un homme suicidaire. Il arrive un jour où l'on se tient en retrait, en éprouvant un certain détachement.
His throat was cut.
Ils lui ont coupé le cou.
The last time we tried, our man got his throat cut.
La dernière fois ils ont décapité notre homme
Could have had his throat cut for molesting her if she'd wanted to. But instead, she asked for her rights as a Captain of the Coast.
Elle aurait pu demander qu'il ait la tête tranchée pour son crime, mais elle a préféré se prévaloir de ses droits de capitaine.
Finish the night in some gutter with his throat cut.
Il finira égorgé dans le ruisseau.
Now get her up and bring her around and explain to her that one phoney and she's got a kid with his throat cut.
Alors, ramenez-la à elle et expliquez-lui qu'une seule entourloupe et je tranche la gorge du gamin.
We found his body at the same time. The throat was cut.
On a dû le tuer en même temps que McDaniel, ou peu après.
I cut a German boy's throat to get his coat.
J'ai tué un Allemand pour voler son manteau.
The one got his throat cut.
Celui de l'égorgé.
- He's gonna get his throat cut!
- Charlie va être égorgé!
When he is caught someone will shove a knife in his throat cut out his tongue and put it on top of his head.
Quand je l'aurait rattrapé, je lui plongerai un couteau dans le cou. Je lui couperai les oreilles et les mettrai dans sa bouche.
And old Chauncey cut that deer's throat and dipped his fingers in the warm blood and made a mark on my forehead.
Chauncey lui a coupé la gorge, a trempé ses mains dans le sang et m'a marqué au front.
Evil men cut his tongue out of his throat.
De méchants hommes lui ont coupé la langue.
His throat had been cut.
La gorge tranchée.
U.S. military intelligence found the thief- - a U.S. soldier in Germany- - in a deserted bunker with his throat cut.
Les services secrets militaires US ont trouvé le voleur. Un soldat américain en Allemagne, dans un bunker désert, la gorge tranchée.
But that one, he'd sooner cut his own throat than assist the enemies of the King of Spain.
Cet homme préfèrerait se trancher la gorge plutôt que d'aider les ennemis du roi d'Espagne.
We'll have the kidnapper in the county jail but Sampson with his throat cut somewhere.
Le ravisseur sera bien en prison, mais Sampson sera mort dans la nature.
When I woke up, I saw the wreck of a car... and a man in it with his throat cut and half his body through the windshield.
A mon réveil, j'ai vu la carcasse d'une voiture... un homme à l'intérieur avec la gorge tranchée et la moitié de son corps à travers le pare-brise.
Did you ever see a man run with his throat cut?
T'as déjà vu un homme courir avec la gorge tranchée?