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Did he say anything else traduction Français

84 traduction parallèle
Did he say anything else?
A-t-il ajouté autre chose?
- Did he say anything else in the wire?
- A-t-il mentionné autre chose?
Did he say anything else that you haven't told me?
A-t-il dit autre chose que vous ne m'avez pas dit?
- Did he say anything else?
- A-t-il dit autre chose?
Did he say anything else?
Il a dit autre chose?
Did he say anything else about this soldier? Did he mention any names and if the soldier come from around here?
Il a dit autre chose, le nom du soldat?
Did he say anything else?
Il n'a rien dit d'autre?
Did he say anything else?
Sinon il n'a rien dit?
Did he say anything else?
A-t-il dit autre chose?
Did he say anything else?
Il n'a rien ajouté?
And did he say anything else?
Et a-t-il dit autre chose?
OK, did he say anything else about the device?
Il a dit quelque chose d'autre sur l'engin?
Did he say anything else?
Rien d'autre?
Did he say anything else about the blackmail disk?
- Il en a dit plus sur la disquette?
ran over him? Did he say anything else?
Il aurait écrasé un garçon?
Did he say anything else?
Qu'est-ce qu'il t'a dit d'autre?
Did he say anything else to explain how he knew you as Julia?
Il t'a expliqué comment il te connaissait sous le nom Julia? Non.
Et alors... Il t'as dit quelque chose, ce jour-là?
- Yep. I mean, did he say anything else?
Il a dit autre chose?
Did he say anything else?
Il a parlé d'autre chose?
- Did he say anything else?
- A-t-il dit autre chose? - Désolé.
Did he say anything else about it to you?
Il t'a dit autre chose à propos de ça?
- Did he say anything else?
D'accord, à part ça? Rien.
Well, did he say anything else?
Il a rien dit d'autre?
Did he say anything else?
- A-t-il dit autre chose?
Well, did he say anything else?
Qu'a-t-il dit d'autre?
- Did he say anything else?
- Rien d'autre?
Did he say anything else that day?
A-t-il dit autre chose ce jour-là?
Okay, did he say anything else?
Quoi d'autre?
- Did he say anything else to you?
- Il vous a dit autre chose? - Non.
Did he say anything else about... anything else?
Il a dit autre chose au sujet... d'autre chose?
Did he say anything else?
A t'il dit quoi que ce soit d'autre?
- Did he say anything else?
- Qu'a dit le copain?
Did he say anything else?
Est-ce qu'il a dit autre chose?
Did he say anything else?
A-t'il dit quelque chose d'autre?
Did he say anything else?
A t'il dis autre chose?
Hey, did he say anything else?
Hey, il a dit autre chose?
Maybe. Did he say anything else to you?
Est-ce qu'il t'a dit quelque chose d'autre?
Did he say anything else before he was shot?
A-t'il dit autre chose avant qu'on lui tire dessus?
Thanks. Did he say anything else to you besides "get off me"?
Vous a-t-il dit autre chose que "lâchez-moi"?
Did he say anything else?
Il a dit quelque chose d'autre?
Did he say anything else?
- Il a dit autre chose?
Excuse me, sir, but Mr. Durk did say he didn't want anything else touched.
M. Durk m'a dit de ne plus toucher à rien. Non.
What else did he say? He didn't say anything?
Que t'a-t-il dit d'autre?
You say he offered to pay you money. Did he offer you anything else?
Vous a-t-il proposé autre chose que de l'argent?
Did he say anything else?
Qu'a-t-il dit d'autre?
Lt. Thrace, did he say anything else?
Well, did he say that he found anything else in the car?
A-t-il dit s'il a trouvé autre chose dans la voiture?
Blake, did your dad say anything else about why he thinks these cases are connected?
Blake, ton père a t'il expliqué pourquoi il pense que que ces affaires sont liées.
Did he say anything else?
Est-ce qu'il a autre chose?
Did he say anything else, the F.B. I. Agent?
Est-ce qu'il a dit quelque chose d'autre, l'agent du FBI?

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