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Did he say anything to you traduction Français

146 traduction parallèle
Did he say anything to you about me?
Ii a parlé de moi?
Did he say anything to you?
Il a dit quelque chose?
- Did he say anything to you?
- Il t'a dit quelque chose?
- Did he say anything to you?
- Vous a-t-il parlé?
That day on the corner. When your husband came round the corner. Did he say anything to you about me?
Ce jour là au coin, quand ton mari est venu dans le coin, t'a-t-il dit quelque chose à mon propos?
You were working with him, Lieutenant. Did he say anything to you?
A-t-il dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you about Dr Bilac?
A-t-il dit quelque chose au sujet du Dr Bilac?
Did he say anything to you?
Vous a-t-il dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you before he died?
A-t-il dit quelque chose avant de mourir?
Did he say anything to you that would provide a lead?
Vous a-t-il donné le moindre indice?
Did he say anything to you guys?
Il vous a dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you?
Il t'a dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you?
II t'en a parlé?
Did he say anything to you?
A-t-il dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you?
Il vous a dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you two inside?
- Il a dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you two?
Vous a-t-il dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you?
T'a-t-il dit quoi que ce soit?
Did he say anything to you?
J'ai vu le gosse saigner. Il vous a dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you?
- Il vous a parlé?
Did he say anything to you about it?
T'a-t-il dit quelque chose à ce sujet?
Did he say anything to you about children, family?
Il vous a parlé d'enfants, de famille?
Did he say anything to you?
Vous a-t-il dit quoi que ce soit?
Did he say anything to you at that moment?
Il vous a dit quelque chose à ce moment?
Did he say anything to you about the sadness of his life?
Trouvez comment le bain de bouche a atterri chez Goldman. Achetés à un magouilleur.
He was drunk and making love to a doll in a compartment. - Did you say anything?
Il était soûl et flirtait avec une cocotte dans un des wagons.
Did he say anything to make you think he might be in trouble? - Oh, well...
Quelque chose vous fait croire qu'il avait des problêmes?
Did he ever say anything to you about leaving his job?
Il ne t'a jamais parlé de quitter son boulot?
Did he no'say anything to you?
Lui-même vous a-t-il dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything about it to you?
Vous en a-t-il parlé à vous, sa sœur aînée?
- Did he have anything to say to you?
Il vous a parlé?
Lieutenant, I realize it isn't my place to say anything, but why did you tell him he wasn't the suspect? To throw him off his guard?
Je ne voudrais pas me mêler de l'enquête mais pourquoi dire qu'il n'est pas suspect?
Did he say I was to give you anything for telling me this? Because I won't.
S'il a dit que je devais vous payer, pas question!
Mr Everett, did he ever say anything to you about his hats?
M. Everett, vous a-t-il parlé de ses chapeaux?
Did my father say anything to you the night he died?
Mon père vous a parlé le soir de sa mort?
Did your father say anything to you before he died?
Votre père vous a-t-il dit quelque chose avant de mourir?
You say he offered to pay you money. Did he offer you anything else?
Vous a-t-il proposé autre chose que de l'argent?
Did Joe say anything to you when he sent you from the room?
Joe vous a dit quelque chose quand il vous a fait sortir?
So did Dad ever say anything to you that might explain why he would do this?
Papa t'a jamais rien dit qui explique tout ça?
Did he say anything else to explain how he knew you as Julia?
Il t'a expliqué comment il te connaissait sous le nom Julia? Non.
So did he happen to say anything to you the last time you saw him that could potentially help?
T'a - t-il dit quelque chose la dernière fois que tu l'as vu, qui pourrait aider?
Et alors... Il t'as dit quelque chose, ce jour-là?
- Did he say anything to you? - Oh, yeah, will you look at that?
Tu l'as vue?
Well he didn't actually say anything. He just, you know, kinda looked at me and did that eyebrow raise thing that he kinda does and I said to him, I said hey, why don't we stop by and...
En fait il n'a rien dit, il m'a juste regardé et a fait son truc de lever le sourcil et je lui ai dit, j'ai dit hey, pourquoi on s'arrêterait pas et...
Um... by the way, before he kicked it, Did he happen to say anything to you, Whisper anything maybe?
Au fait, avant de mourir, t'a t'il dit ou chuchoté quelque chose?
Hey, did Burke say anything to you... about Denny's surgery? Did he?
Burke t'a dit quelque chose sur l'opération de Denny?
He didn't say anything to you, did he?
Il t'a dit quelque chose?
I know you're the last person to talk to him. Did he say anything?
Je sais que vous êtes la dernière personne à lui avoir parlé.
Did he say anything else about it to you?
Il t'a dit autre chose à propos de ça?
Did he say anything to you?
- Tu es sûre?
Did he ever say anything to you that I should know?
Il ne vous a rien dit que je devrais savoir?

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