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Did she say anything to you traduction Français

77 traduction parallèle
Did she say anything to you?
Elle vous a parlé?
Elle criait sans arrêt.
And did she say anything to you?
Et elle t'as dit quelque chose?
- Did she say anything to you?
- Elle t'a parlé?
Did she say anything to you?
Vous a-t-elle dit quelque chose?
Did she say anything to you about having a guest?
Elle t'a parlé d'un invité?
Did she say anything to you?
Elle vous a dit quelque chose à vous?
Did she say anything to you?
Elle t'a dit quelque chose?
Did she say anything to you about me?
Elle t'a parlé de moi?
Did she say anything to you about it?
Vous a-t-elle parlé de quoi que ce soit?
Did she say anything to you?
Elle a parlé?
Did she say anything to you? No.
Elle vous a parlé?
Did she say anything to you before she left?
Elle t'a dit quelque chose avant de partir?
- Did she say anything to you before she left?
- Elle t'a dit quelque chose avant de partir?
Did she say anything to you about this?
Tu étais au courant?
- Did she say anything to you? - No.
- Elle t'a dit quelque chose?
Why, did she say anything to you?
Non. Pourquoi, elle t'a dit quelque chose?
Did she say anything to you?
- Elle ne t'a rien dit? - Non.
Did... did Bayback... did she say anything to you at all, anything?
Bayback t'a-t-elle dit quelque chose, n'importe quoi?
Did she say anything to you?
Est-ce qu'elle t'a dit quelque chose?
Did she say anything to you about why or...?
Vous a-t-elle dit pourquoi ou..?
Did she say anything to you over the phone that might explain what happened to her?
Elle vous a dit quelque chose au téléphone qui pourrait expliquer ce qui est arrivé?
Did she say anything to you?
Elle ne t'a jamais parlé?
I mean, did she say anything to you before the wedding?
Vous a-t-elle dit quelque chose avant le mariage?
Did she say anything to you about Freddy Hopper?
Est-ce qu'elle vous a déjà parlé d'un gars nommé Freddie Hopper?
I mean, did she say anything to you?
Elle vous a dit... quelque chose?
Did she say anything to you about who it was or where she was being held, anything at all?
Vous a-t-elle dit son nom ou vous a-t-elle donné son adresse?
- Did she say anything to you?
- Elle vous a dit quelque chose?
Lemon i need to ask you something about elisa did she say anything to you, anything at all, about a secret...
Je dois vous poser une question sur Elisa. Vous a-t-elle parlé de quelque chose, à propos d'un secret... désir de garder son nom de jeune fille?
- Did she say anything to you?
- A-t-elle dit quelque chose?
- Did she say anything to you- -
- Vous a-t-elle dit quelque chose?
Did she say anything to you in the previous email messages?
T'as t'elle dit quelque chose dans ses messages précédents?
And the defendant, that woman... Well, there... the woman who robbed you... did she say anything to you, sir, as she trained the loaded weapon at your head?
Et la defenderesse, cette femme... euh, la femme qui vous a volé... vous a-t-elle dit quelque chose monsieur, quand elle a braqué son arme chargée vers vous?
So, sir, did she say anything to you about what Goldman's proposal was?
Alors? Elle vous a parlé de la proposition de Goldman?
Mrs. Gibbs, did Mary say anything to you before she left?
Mme Gibbs, est-ce que Mary vous a parlé avant de repartir?
When you were talking to her, did she say anything?
On va aller voir du linge de maison.
Did she say anything else to you?
T'a-t-elle dit autre chose?
Did Coretta say anything to you about a letter she was keeping?
Coretta t'a parlé d'une lettre qu'elle avait?
- Did she say anything? - Now, look, I know you're trained not to answer my questions,
Je sais, vous ne répondrez pas à mes questions, mais je ne suis pas qu'une mère, j'ai été procureur.
I want you to know that I'm really sorry I talked to Julie, but she did promise me that she wasn't going to say anything to her mom.
Mais elle m'a promis qu'elle ne dirait rien à sa mère.
Did she actually say anything to you?
Est-ce qu'elle t'a dit quelque chose?
She didn't happen to say anything when you guys were hanging out, did she?
Elle n'a rien dit de particulier quand vous avez passé du temps ensemble, si?
So, did she say anything else to you after I went to bed?
Alors, elle t'a parlé après que je suis monté?
Did she say anything at all to you that seemed unusual?
Elle n'a rien dit qui vous semble inhabituel?
Uh, did she ever say anything to you?
Euh, est-ce qu'elle ne t'a jamais rien dit?
Did she say anything specific to you about taking a trip to Tel Aviv?
T'a-t-elle parlé d'un voyage à Tel Aviv?
Did she say anything about this to you?
T'en a-t-elle parlé?
Ian, did she ever say anything to you?
Elle t'en a parlé?
Did she say anything about this to you or Hastings?
Elle t'en a parlé, à toi ou à Hastings?
But when you spoke to Nina, did she say anything about Mitchell?
Nina a-t-elle parlé de Mitchell?
Did she ever say anything to you?
Elle t'a dit quelque chose?

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