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Do you want to go back traduction Français

352 traduction parallèle
Do you want to go back or not?
Vous feriez demi-tour ou pas?
Do you want to go back to him?
Tu en as envie?
- Well, do you want to go back?
- Vous voulez y retourner?
Do you want to go back this evening?
Tu veux retourner encore ce soir?
Do you want to go back in?
Tu veux rentrer?
Do you want to go back to him?
Tu voudrais revivre avec lui?
Well, do you want to go back and try the other road?
Tu veux qu'on essaie par l'autre route?
Do you want to go back to him?
Tu veux y retourner?
Do you want to go back and ask for excuse?
Tu veux retourner les chercher?
Do you want to go back?
Veux-tu retourner?
Do you want to go back to your mom's?
Tu veux retourner chez ta mère?
Do you want to go back to your dressing room?
Je vous accompagne à votre cabine?
Do you want to go back?
Tu veux rebrousser chemin?
Do you want to go back home?
- Tu veux retourner chez toi?
Do you want to go back with him?
Dis, tu veux le rejoindre?
What do you want to go back to a desert for?
Pourquoi retourner dans le désert?
- Do you want to go back now?
Vous voulez partir maintenant?
Do you want to go back into the city?
- On pourrait revenir dans le centre?
Or do you want to go back to the shipyards? As a welder?
Ou tu veux retourner au chantier naval, comme soudeur?
- Do you want to go back?
- Tu veux rentrer?
You had said that it was good that I quit when you were paying off my debt of ten million won. Now that we are making a decent amount of money, if you want to go back to writing, you may do so.
Tu avais dis que c'était bien que j'arrête quand tu as payé ma dette de 10 millions de won. tu peux le faire.
Do you still want to, Johnny, when we go back?
Le voudrez-vous encore quand nous serons repartis?
You don't want me to go back to L.A., do you?
Tu veux pas que je reparte?
Do you want him to go back?
Tu veux qu'il reparte?
- Do you want me to go back, Sam?
- Tu veux que Je rentre, Sam?
Do you want me to go back to the mountains?
Vous voulez que je retourne dans les montagnes?
Alright, Nels. Maybe you want the law to come in here and find out what we're planning to do. So he can go back and tell Lufton.
Ecoute, Nels, tu veux que la justice mette son nez dans nos projets et alerte Lufton?
Mama, do you ever want to go back to the old country?
Songes-tu parfois à rentrer au pays?
Do you want me to go back to Okayama?
Tu veux que je rentre à Okayama?
When do you want me to go back?
Quand dois-je repartir?
Get your friend killed! What do you want to go back for?
Pourquoi tiens-tu tant à y retourner?
Do you want to go on or turn back?
tu viens, ou tu rentres au camp?
Listen, if you want it as much as I do, we'll see each other again, but it's the normal thing for you to go back and find them.
Écoutez... Si vous le désirez autant que moi, nous nous reverrons... Mais allez-le retrouver, c'est normal!
Get back! Where do you want me to go?
- Où voulez-vous que j'aille?
Do you want to go back?
Tu aimerais repartir?
Now do you want to stay out here or go back in?
Vous voulez rester ou repartir?
What, do you want me to go back to stunting?
Vous voulez que je refasse des exploits?
Let's go back to my office and wait for the police. If you do not want to go to jail, get out of here
J'ai appelé la police, si vous ne voulez pas d'ennuis, faites partir ces gens immédiatement.
Do you want me to keep comin or go back and try it again?
Vous voulez que je continue, ou que je retourne et que je recommence?
- You mean that? - I hate school, and I hate the play I really do. I never want to go back.
Je déteste ce lycée et la pièce!
- You want to go back to America? - I do! You might think you're free, but you risk getting killed, before or after that trial.
Ah ça, oui moi, je vais te donner mon opinion, je sais pas si t'as raison, parce que là-bas, tu te croiras libre, mais après le procès, tu seras culbuté, et peut-être même avant
Marnie, please! If you don't want me to do it, then let me go back for one of the men.
Si vous refusez que je le fasse, je vais chercher un homme.
Do you want to go back?
Veux-tu rentrer chez toi?
Go back and bring Achilles'body, if you want to do something useful!
Retournes-y et ramène le corps d'Achille, si tu veux te rendre utile.
How far back do you want me to go?
Je remonte à quand dans le temps?
You don't want to go back into hospital do you?
Tu veux retourner à l'hôpital? Non, tu ne ferais pas ça.
- Do you want me to go back...?
- Je redescends? - Non, continuez.
Why do you want me to go back to my parents?
Pourquoi retourner chez mes parents?
You can go out the back with me if you want, but I just have a few things to do before...
- Vous allez pouvoir sortir par derrière avec moi si vous voulez, mais j'ai encore deux ou trois choses à finir avant...
Matthew, I want you to go back and do her, okay?
Matthew c'est toi qui y va.
- You don't want to go back, do you?
- Tu ne veux pas retourner?

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