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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ D ] / Don't even go there

Don't even go there traduction Français

157 traduction parallèle
- If you don't want us to go... - I'm gonna get even with you two someday. - We got up in there.
Si vous ne voulez pas... un jour, je vous réglerai votre compte.
Debbie, I don't even wanna go up there!
Mais je ne veux même pas y aller.
Don't go home? This you won't believe... outside the police station, maybe there's 50, 100 reporters, photographers, newsreels even.
Tu ne vas pas me croire, mais devant le commissariat, il y a peut-être une centaine de journalistes.
In the desert it often gets so hot, even the animals that live there don't go out in the sun.
Dans le désert, il fait tellement chaud, même les animaux qui y vivent évitent de se mettre au soleil.
But there's no use waiting, doesn't matter if you go away... even if we don't see you...
Mais inutile d'attendre.
I don't even know if you should go there alone anymore.
Je ne suis même plus sûre que tu doives y aller seule...
There's this thing tonight at this coffeehouse, Vertigo... and I promised Rayanne I would ask if I could go... but I don't even really want to go, and I feel so guilty.
Il y a un truc ce soir au café Vertigo... J'ai promis à Rayanne de vous demander la permission d'y aller... Mais j'ai pas très envie d'y aller, ça me rend coupable.
Except what she gave you for med school. Don't even go there.
Sauf celui de tes études.
- I don't even know what street I'm on. What street am I on? - There we go.
Je suis dans quelle rue?
I don't think she should go there again, even with you.
Il ne faudrait pas qu'elle y retourne. Même avec vous.
Don't even go there, Professor.
Arrêtez, Professeur.
Don't even go there.
N'y pense même pas.
Don't even go there, sister. "
"Surtout n'essayez pas, ma sœur."
And I know you're scared to death, but if you don't go out there... you're gonna see a violent side of me that you never even dreamed of.
Mais tu vas aller là-bas, ou tu regretteras de m'avoir fait ça.
Look, don't even go there. Don't even go there.
Ne me parle pas de ça!
just seems to me ever since you started this personal growth, self-help, power fucking dysfunctional fucking bullshit, you are all fucked up in the head! don't even go there.
"épanouissement personnel dysfonctionnel" de merde, de Tony machin-truc, t'as la cervelle bousillée!
I always go in the airplane's bathroom, even if I don't have to go, I gotta go in there.
Même si je n'ai pas envie, je visite toujours les toilettes.
- Don't even go there, Bessie. I will extinguish this conversation right now.
Pas de ça, ou la discussion est close.
- Don't even go there!
- Commence pas avec ça!
Carrie, don't even go there.
Carrie, ne fais pas ça.
Don't even go there.
- Look, just don't even go there.
Ne commence pas. Ecoute-moi simplement.
- Don't even go there.
- Arrêtez.
Don't even go there about the old lady.
Laissez ma mère tranquille.
Don't even go there.
Je ne te permets pas!
Even if I wanted to make another go of it, which I don't, there'd always be that other thing between us.
Même si je le voulais, ce qui n'est pas le cas, il y aurait toujours cet obstacle entre nous.
I don't even know why you tryin'to go there.
Je sais où tu veux en venir.
Kendra, don't even go there.
N'y pense même pas, Kendra.
But don't even go there, Max.
Mais ne tente rien, Max.
- don't even go there.
Man, don't even go there.
Arrête de délirer.
Don't even go there.
Ne commence pas.
There's no guarantee they won't try to assimilate Voyager even if we don't go back into the nebula.
Ils nous assimileront peut-être même si on ne retourne pas dans la nébuleuse.
Do you want me to go with you? You don't even know what's there.
Tu veux que je t'accompagne?
Mm-hmm. Don't even go there.
Si tu les voyais...
So I don't even go there.
Je n'essaie même pas.
- No. - So I don't even want to go there.
- Alors je ne veux pas en entendre parler.
don't even go there.
Pas la peine d'essayer. Ca donne quoi?
They don't even want to go there.
Le danger leur fait peur.
Don't even go there
Ne m'en parle même pas.
Don't even go there.
Maman m'a déjà raconté ce qui se passait quand t'avais mon âge.
Even though there's $ 1300 with your name on it if you don't make me go.
Même s'il y a 1300 $ pour vous si vous ne m'y envoyez pas.
Agent Farrell, if this is the part where you suggest... that I could move on in the Bureau if I play ball with you... don't even go there.
Agent Farrell, si c'est le passage où vous allez suggérer que je pourrais monter en grade au Bureau si je collabore un peu avec vous, c'est inutile de vous fatiguer.
- Martin, don't even go there.
- Martin, ça suffit, arrête.
I don't even go in there now.
Je n'ose jamais y aller!
Don't even go there.
- Non, tu vas pas aller voir.
Don't even go there.
N'y va pas.
Don't even go there
N'y fais plus allusion.
Come on, do you and Adam ever fight about- - don't even go there.
Allez, est-ce que toi et Adam ne vous disputez jamais... Ne va pas par là.
Don't even go there.
Oublie ça.
Don't even go there, David.
Laisse tomber, David.

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