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Don't say a thing traduction Français

257 traduction parallèle
I don't have left hope, but I would like to say a single thing in my favor... a ni.ito could take me
L'espoir est parti mais je dirai juste une chose en ma faveur : Je suis facile à vivre.
Don't say such a weak thing.
Ne dites pas de choses pareilles.
Don't say such a silly thing.
Ne dites pas de bêtises.
Don't say a thing.
- Non, ne parlez pas.
Don't say such a thing.
Ne dis pas ça.
Don't say a thing!
Tu diras rien!
- But, Dorle, I'm sure that... - Don't say a thing.
- Mais non, Dorle, je suis sûr que...
- Don ´ t say such a thing, Godmother!
- Ne dites pas ça marraine!
Don't you dare say a thing like that.
Comment oses-tu?
Don't say such a thing.
Ne dites pas ça.
You don't believe a thing I say, do you?
Vous ne croyez rien de ce que je dis?
Since this is my first visit to New Mexico, I don't see how you can say such a thing.
Comment peux-tu dire cela puisque je viens pour la 1ère fois?
- Don't say a thing like that.
- Ne dites pas ça!
You don't usually hear a man say a thing like that... especially about his wife, so I wrote it down.
On entend rarement un homme dire une telle chose, surtout au sujet de sa femme, je l'ai donc notée.
No, no, Frank. Don't say a thing like that. That would be horrible.
Ne dis pas ça, ce serait horrible.
We don't have to say a thing if we don't want to.
Nous avons le droit de ne rien dire.
Say, Doc, I don't recall anyone using that thing before.
Ce truc n'a encore jamais servi. Vous allez le piquer dans l'œil?
Don't say things like that to me. You could be had up for a thing like that.
Taisez-vous, je peux vous faire arrêter!
You know just the right thing to say to a girl at the right time, don't you?
Tu sais toujours quoi dire au bon moment, n'est-ce pas?
You say you don't know a thing.
Vous dites que vous ne savez rien.
Don't you ever say a thing like that again.
Je t'interdis de parler comme ça.
Well. don't say a thing.
Ne dites rien.
Don't you ever let me hear you say a thing like that again!
Ne redis jamais ça!
Don't worry a thing about what people say. Nobody in the city knows about what you've been through.
Et ne t'inquiète pas de ce que disent les gens... car personne ne sait ce qui t'est arrivé.
Don't say a thing.
Ne dis rien.
Don't say such a thing.?
Comment peux-tu dire une chose pareille?
- Don't blow a gasket. - Let me say one thing.
Me chie pas une pendule.
Out? Are you crazy? A child still wanders about at one o'clock at night and you don't say a thing about it?
A une heure du matin, une gamine, et tu dis rien?
That's a very piquant thing to say, don't you think?
C'est plutôt piquant, tu ne trouves pas?
Midori, please don't say such a thing.
Mademoiselle, la plaisanterie a fait long feu.
Don't say a stupid thing like that.
Tu dis des bêtises.
One thing more, I would like that we don't say anything about this for a few days.
Encore une chose, j'aimerais que cela reste entre nous pendant quelques jours.
Don't waste your breath, I won't say a thing
Ne te fatigue pas, je ne dirai rien
Don't say a thing.
Non, ne dis rien.
They're out of style and don't say a damn thing about my people.
Ils ne sont plus à la mode. Et ne dis rien de mon monde.
I know you don't believe a thing I say. She was just a little bitch.
Ce n'était qu'une petite traînée.
Don't say a goddamn thing!
Tu ne dois rien croire! Rien de rien!
No... don't say a thing.
Non... Ne dis rien.
I don't think that's a particularly nice thing to say Mr. Mahoney.
Je ne pense que ce soit une chose très gentille à dire Mr. Mahoney.
I won't cash your check... and there's no such thing as a refund on those things... just'cause you say it don't fit quite right.
Je n'‚ changerai pas ton chŠque... et on ne rembourse pas ces choses... juste parce que tu dis que ‡ a ne tient pas bien.
I'll kill myself! I'll kill myself! Don't say such a thing!
Je vais me tuer!
At best don't say a thing.
Ne fais plus de déclaration, ça vaut mieux.
We stand back there, and we don't say a goddamn thing. We don't even do nothin'.
- On reste là derrière et on dit rien, on fait rien!
Well, I don't have a thing to say.
Je n'ai rien à dire.
I know what you're going to say... but I don't regret a thing.
Je sais ce que vous allez me dire. Mais je ne regrette rien.
Well, one thing I must say : There are a lot of bowlegged people in this world, and they don't have money to go to the country either.
Je dirais... que pas mal de gens ont les jambes torses,
Look, I don't care what they say. I didn't steal a thing.
Je sais pas ce qu'on raconte, j'ai rien volé.
Don't say a thing.
Ne dites plus rien.
- Don't say a thing. - Okay.
- Pas un mot.
Don't say a fucking thing.
Reste tranquille!
Don't say a thing.
Non. Elle était merveilleuse.

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