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Duffy traduction Français

626 traduction parallèle
Let me talk to Duffy.
Passez-moi Duffy.
Pete's doing a six month stretch for the county and Duffy, Duffy's running book at a new joint.
Pete en a pris pour six ans à la prison du comté et Duffy s'est trouvé une nouvelle planque.
Quiet, Duffy. He's thinking.
Silence, Duffy, il réfléchit.
Go on, Duffy, get going.
Wait a minute. I'm not Sweeney. I'm Duffy.
C'est Duffy, pas Sweeney!
Get out of here, Duffy!
Sors d'ici, Duffy!
Duffy, listen.
Duffy, écoute.
Poor Sweeney. Duffy just told me his wife finally had twins.
Duffy vient de me dire qu'il a eu des jumeaux.
Hello, Duffy?
What, Duffy?
Allô, Duffy?
I was talking to our Mr. Duffy about you this afternoon.
Je parlais de vous cet après-midi, avec M. Duffy.
Duffy, I'm sending Mr. Bunsinger over to see you.
Duffy, je t'envoie M. Bunsinger.
Duffy, how do you like that?
Duffy, tu entends?
- Duffy! That's cooperation.
- Belle coopération.
Well, where is Duffy?
Eh bien, où est Duffy?
Hildy, call Duffy.
Hildy, appelle Duffy.
- Give me Duffy.
- Passez-moi Duffy.
Wait a minute, Duffy.
Ne quitte pas, Duffy.
Duffy, now this is how it goes so far...
Duffy, voici la situation pour l'instant...
Duffy, you can be managing editor.
Duffy, tu seras rédacteur en chef.
Okay, Duffy.
D'accord, Duffy.
I postponed the Amanda case for you... and set back the Duffy hearing... and asked for a continuance against the streetcar company.
J'ai fait reporter l'affaire Amanda et l'audience Duffy, demandé un ajournement concernant la compagnie de tramway.
Hey, fellah. What's your name? Duffy.
- Comment vous appelez-vous?
A gentleman named Duffy sent me. ─ Oh. He said to tell you there is a friend of yours inside.
Un homme, Duffy, m'envoie.
This is Mr Duffy, Chief. ─ Glad to know you.
- Voici M Duffy.
A bit closer, Mr Duffy. Put your arm around her.
- Rapprochez-vous.
─ What's your next show, Mr Duffy? Well frankly, I don't know.
- Quand retrournez-vous sur scène?
Duffy, I hope you're not just making a nuisance of yourself.
- Pourquoi dites-vous ça, Duffy?
Come to the point, Duffy.
- Venez-en au fait, Duffy.
There is somebody at the back of them. A cunning, dangerous.. Sit down, Duffy.
- Et il y a un dangeraux personnage.
Oh good. Duffy, come here.
Oh Duffy, venez ici.
I don't tell lies either, Mr Duffy. Okay.
- Je ne mens pas non plus, M Duffy.
The unbreakable Duffy. That's me.
- Je suis invincible.
It's very important. Not long though. I'll be in the kitchen across the hall.
- Puis je parler à Monsieur Duffy un moment, c'est important.
I'm on the trail of $ 25,000.
Duffy se réveillera dîtes-lui que je suis à la chasse aux 25 000 dollars!
Mr Duffy.
I'll tell you all about it in a minute. Alright, Mr Duffy.
Je vais tout vous expliquer.
Dr Cromwall told me his name was Duffy.
Dr. Cromwall a dit qu'il s'appellait Duffy.
What's this about Duffy?
Que vient faire Duffy là-dedans?
Well, it seems we missed a trick. Duffy is a psychopath.
Duffy est psychopathe.
Duffy a lunatic?
- Duffy, Fou?
I can tell you where she was : at the meeting with Duffy. Broadcast an alarm.
- Elle était au congrés avec Duffy.
My name is Oliver Duffy.
Je m'appelle Oliver Duffy.
There is a man named Duffy says he's going to murders somebody with an ax. He's on the wire now.
Un Oliver Duffy qui veut tuer quelqu'un avec une hache.
It's Duffy. He admits he's going to kill somebody with an ax. That's Duffy alright.
Duffy dit qu'il veut tuer quelqu'un avec une hache.
A man, name of Duffy, a patient in your hospital, wanted for homicide. Hold him until we get there and make an arrest.. get going.
Gardez Duffy jusqu'à notre arrivée
I'll hang on. Duffy sure picks them.
- J'attends.
I see. It's Duffy, he lammed. He beat it down the hospital fire escape.
- Duffy s'est évadé par l'escalier de secours.
Oliver Duffy.
Oliver Duffy
Won't you sit down, Mr Duffy?
- Asseyez-vous.
When Mr Duffy wakes up, will you tell him that I'm..
Quand Mr.

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