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Fluently traduction Français

88 traduction parallèle
- Do I fail to speak fluently? - Too fluently.
Ne saurais-je m'exprimer...
Not a word. But I speak it fluently.
Pas un mot mais je le parle couramment.
- In as much as I speak Arabic fluently...
- Je parle arabe couramment...
- Fluently.
- Couramment.
Before I was two, I could read fluently.
Avant d'avoir 2 ans, je lisais couramment.
I've known people to talk fluently who never talked before.
Avec lui, on a vu des muets se mettre à parler.
We speak ignorantly but fluently in German, French, Italian, Spanish... and sometimes boastfully in English.
Nous parlons couramment l'allemand, le français, l'italien, l'espagnol... et parfois vaniteusement l'anglais.
He said he was going to a dance. He lies very fluently these days.
Il ment comme il respire.
- Couramment.
This is called So You Want to Speak Spanish Fluently in Five Minutes. My fluency is hours overdue.
Ce livre prétend t'apprendre l'espagnol en 5 minutes, mais je n'y peux rien, ça ne rentre pas.
He sank to his knees at the back of the room and began to talk fluently, in a language which no one had ever heard before.
Il est tombé à genoux au fond de la pièce et a commencé à parler couramment un langage que nul ravait entendu auparavant.
You speak fluently, you are a normal, regular citizen. And now you are sitting here and...
Vous êtes un citoyen normal et maintenant vous êtes assis ici!
- That depends. Can you read French fluently?
Vous lisez couramment le français?
We speak each other's unspoken language... fluently.
Sans dire un mot, on parle la même langue, couramment.
-... fluently.
... couramment.
We speak each other's unspoken language fluently.
Sans dire un mot, on parle la même langue, couramment.
At Post Office 44, someone who wants to put an end to it today... has stuck collectors'stamps on his farewell letters. A different one on each. Then he spoke English with an American soldier... for the first time since his schooldays, very fluently.
A la poste 44, un homme qui veut en finir aujourd'hui a collé des timbres spéciaux sur ses lettres d'adieux, sur chacune un autre, puis, Mariannenplatz, a parlé anglais avec un soldat américain, pour la premiêre fois depuis l'école, couramment.
Then, you can be at will Talk in English?
Vous parlez donc l'anglais fluently?
You see, the Port-O-Patient will allow you to fluently, uh, transport the unfortunate Mr. Johnson, uh, allowing him to even go outside, and sit and experience what he can of nature.
Le Porte-patient déplacera aisément le pauvre M. Johnson. Il pourra même aller au dehors et profiter, autant que possible, de la nature.
He speaks it more fluently than I do.
Et tu parles Algonquin? Oui, mon père. Il le parle mieux que moi.
All spoke French fluently, but none perfectly.
Tous parlaient couramment Français mais pas parfaitement.
- Fluently, thank you.
- Couramment, merci.
He speaks 12 languages fluently. I could tell.
Il parle douze langues couramment.
I speak several languages fluently. As a young girl of high society, raised as such, that is, very well,
Je parle couramment plusieurs langues étrangères comme une jeune fille du monde élevée de la sorte, c'est-à-dire très bien.
Doctors found he had lost all comprehension of French... but that he spoke English fluently... albeit in a regional dialect they didn't recognize.
Il ne comprenait plus le français. Il parlait couramment l'anglais, mais sous une forme dialectale inconnue.
To the benefit of the community, the council have chosen those who can speak German fluently, with a minimum of accent, who are familiar with the Germanic culture, and who in the past have shown superior self-control.
Le Conseil des sages désigne, pour le bien de la communauté... ceux d'entre nous qui parlent l'allemand avec le moins d'accent... qui ont déjà une certaine culture germanique et qui ont prouvé... dans le passé une maîtrise de soi supérieure à cella des autres.
Oh, fluently.
He speaks five languages fluently. Right?
Il parle cinq langues couramment, n'est-ce pas?
He could carve a pool fluently and effortlessly.
Il planchait en piscine apparemment sans effort.
He speaks Korean fluently, he respects his parents.
Il parle coréen, il respecte ses parents.
When one is dictating, one should speak fluently and not cough.
Quand on dicte, il faut s'exprimer avec aisance.
Hey, she speaks Greek fluently.
Elle parle grec couramment, putain.
And don't try that smuggler talk. I speak it fluently.
Inutile de parler en code, je connais.
- Because he speaks French fluently. - He's right.
- Il parle français couramment.
They say you start talking fluently after only 30 days!
Ils disent qu'on commence à parler couramment après 30 jours!
They were mainly from Guipuzcoa, and from those regions with many small and medium sized towns, regions where more than 40 % of the people spoke Basque fluently and on a daily basis.
Ils venaient de Guipúzcoa, et plus précisément des zones de petites et moyennes localités, des zones où plus de 40 % de la population parle tous les jours euskera couramment.
- She used to speak it fluently.
- Elle la parlait très bien.
If you know what you're going to say, there's a better chance of it coming out fluently.
Si vous savez ce que vous allez dire, il y a une meilleure chance que ça sorte avec facilité.
" He speaks its language fluently.
Il parle sa langue couramment.
- Fluently.
Rawi used to speak fluently then he started to be afraid.
Avant, Rawi parlait d'une façon fluide après il a commencé à avoir peur.
Okay, normally, I speak Bright fluently, but you're gonna have to elaborate.
D'habitude je parle bien le Bright, mais là il faut m'expliquer.
Martin had a German girlfriend and was talking German quite fluently.
Martin avait une copine allemande et parlait allemand assez couramment.
It's like you spoke their language fluently.
On aurait dit que tu parlais couramment leur langue.
And yes, she speaks english, fluently.
Et oui, elle parle anglais, couramment.
Not fluently, but yes.
Pas couramment, mais oui.
You speak Punjabi so fluently! - That's my style too!
Tu parles le punjabi si couramment.
From where did you learn how to speak Punjabi so fluently!
Où as-tu appris à parler si couramment Punjabi!
Speak White Man fluently.
Moi parler homme blanc couramment.
He speaks French fluently.
Il parle français couramment.

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