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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ G ] / Get him off of me

Get him off of me traduction Français

87 traduction parallèle
- Watch Bones. - Get him off of me!
- Attention au squelette!
- Get him off of me!
- Rappelez-le!
Get him off of me!
- Get him off of me!
- Qu'il me lâche!
Get him off of me! Get him off of me!
Qu'il me lâche!
Get him off of me!
Aidez-moi! Verrouillez la pièce!
Get him off of me!
Enlève-le de là!
Get him off of me!
Vire le de moi!
- Get him off of me!
- Soulevez-le!
- Get him off of me!
- Enlève-moi ça!
Get him off of me.
Enlevez-le de moi!
Get him off of me! This shit is falling on my dress.
Cette merde est en train de tomber dans ma robe!
Get him off of me!
Get him off of me!
- Get him off of me!
- Débarrassez-moi de lui!
Get him off of me. Beth!
Aide moi Beth!
Get him off of me.
Débarrassez-moi de lui.
Don't! Get him off of me.
Get him off of me!
Attrapez-le! Lâche-moi!
- Get him off of me.
- Lâchez-moi.
- Get him off of me. Brat. - Hey.
Lâche-moi, sale morveux.
- Get him off of me.
- Arrête-le.
- Get him off of me!
- Éloignez-le!
I stood in the shower for an hour and tried to get him off of me.
J'ai pris une douche d'une heure pour me débarrasser de ses traces.
You're trying to tell me you can get rid of the gangster by ignoring him, by keeping him off the front page.
Vous pensez qu'on peut se débarrasser des gangsters en les ignorant, en ne les mettant pas à la une?
Give me a hand here, men. Get this stuff off of him.
Donnez-moi un coup de main, dégageons-le.
Get off of me! - Move him out.
- Faites-le bouger.
You shall get down off that ladder, and you will go in here and you shall be real quiet until I get rid of him.
Descendez et venez. Restez tranquille jusqu'à ce que je me débarrasse de lui.
Get him off of my thumb!
Qu'il me lâche le pouce!
Yesterday, him and a cook were waiting for me to get off of work.
- L'écoutez pas.
Amy, get him off of me!
Amy, fais-la partir!
Get him off of me! Now who's the dipshit... you jock douche bag?
Qui se sent merdeux, maintenant?
- Get off of me. Let him go.
As I'm trying to get Moose Skowron off of one of my teammates somebody pulls me from behind and I turned around and I popped him.
J'essaie de délivrer un équipier de l'emprise de Moose Skowron, et un joueur me saisit par-derrière, je me retourne et je lui balance un gnon.
Get the servants to give him a clean robe... or the sight of him will put me off my food.
Que les serviteurs lui donnent des vêtements propres, sinon, à sa vue, je ne pense pas pouvoir manger.
Instead of me taking a walk and you stealing him you get out of my life, or I blow your head off!
Au lieu de kidnapper le petit... tu vas sortir de ma vie, sinon je te fais sauter la cervelle.
The next thing you know, I'd be telling him to wash off the war paint and get a good suit of clothes and accompany me to Sunday School.
Je lui dirais de se laver pour enlever la peinture de guerre... de mettre des habits propres et qu'il m'accompagne au catéchisme.
Get him off of me! Tie him up.
- Qu'il me lâche!
Let me get this off of him. Here...
- Dégageons ça.
- Get off of me! I'm gonna kill him!
- Lâchez-moi!
It did come into my mind, just thinking, "If he slips off the side of the mountain now, then I can just clear off," "and leave him and get myself down and I don't have to have all the hassle,"
J'ai pensé que s'il tombait jusqu'en bas, je pourrais le laisser et continuer la descente, sans avoir à me faire suer à m'occuper de lui, vu notre situation.
And I, the quintessence of the man of our times, rush off to Vienna and at 19 Bergstrasse get down on my knees and say to him, "Master, guide me."
Moi qui suis la quintessence de l'homme de ce temps, je fonce jusque Vienne et, au 19 Bergstrasse, je l'implore à genoux : "Maître, guidez-moi."
You know, Viv there's a part of me that just wants to cut Rafi off and walk away from him because the closer that I get to him the more I realize that I am just one wrong step away from being where I used to be.
Tu sais, Viv... D'un côté, j'ai envie de couper les ponts avec Rafi, de m'éloigner de lui. Parce que plus je suis proche de lui, plus je me rends compte que je ne suis qu'à un pas de mon point de départ.
It pissed me off, of course. So to get back at him, right on the day of the wedding, I went and joined the Marines!
Ça m'a tapé sur les nerfs! je me suis cassée le jour du mariage pour rejoindre les marines!
Get him off of me!
Use that cane on him and you'll get one hell of a smack off me!
Utilisez la canne sur lui et vous obtiendrez une putain de claque de ma part!
So then he tells me that he hosts this chat-room, and this is where I get really lucky, because rocketchamp465 was just logging off, and I caught him, and I described the rocket to him, and he recognized it from one of these episodes of "The Twilight Zone."
Et puis alors il me dit qu'il héberge ce salon de discussion, et c'est là que j'ai vraiment eu de la chance, parce que Rocketchamp465 était sur le point de se déconnecter, et je l'ai attrapé, et je lui ai décrit la fusée, et il l'a identifiée comme venant de l'un de ces épisodes de "The Twilight Zone".
So I was thinking if we could move Eva's ex out of Chino to another facility where he was safe, then that should probably get him off of Franny's back.
Je me disais donc que si on déplagait l'ex d'Eva de Chino vers une autre prison ou il serait en sécurité, il arrêterait probablement d'ennuyer Franny.
If I have to serve lunch with him again, I'm never going to get off of his futon.
Si je dois de nouveau servir avec lui, je ne me relèverai plus de son futon.
And on that score... when you and he converse, if you confide to him I told you he asked me to come get you, this is the last I would speak off of the ventilator.
Et... à ce propos... quand vous parlerez avec lui, si vous lui dites que je vous ai dit qu'il m'a demandé d'aller vous chercher, ceci serait ma dernière conversation avant d'être sous respirateur.
Drop him off and get out of there.I'll take the truck.
Dépose-le. Je me charge du camion.

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