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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ G ] / Get your head in the game

Get your head in the game traduction Français

136 traduction parallèle
You need to get your head in the game, soldier.
Vous n'êtes pas concentrée, soldat.
Come on, Bobby, get your head in the game!
- Allez, joue avec la tête!
Yeah, get your head in the game!
- Ouais, joue avec la tête!
Tone, get your head in the game. Please?
Tone, essaie de te concentrer sur le jeu.
Get your head in the game.
Tu as ta tête dans le jeu.
You just... need to get your head in the game, huh?
Vous devez juste... vous concentrer un peu plus, ok?
Get your head in the game.
On est dans le jeu!
Please get your head in the game!
Et vous, plus sur le coup!
Those people paid for it, - so get your head in the game...
Il s'agit de ton avenir, alors, ressaisis-toi...
Get your head in the game!
Concentre-toi sur la partie.
Get your head in the game.
Remets-toi dans le jeu. Concentre toi.
Get your head in the game.
Mettez votre cervelle en route.
Now, come on. Get your head in the game.
Tu peux y arriver.
Just keep your head in the game You gotta get your head in the game
Mets-y tout ton coeur Mets-y tout ton coeur
You gotta get your head in the game
Mets-y tout ton coeur
Come on, get your head in the game
Allez. mets-y tout ton coeur
- Get your head in the game!
- Mets-y tout ton coeur.
- Get your head in the game!
- Mettons-y tout notre coeur.
Focus. Get your head in the game.
Mettez-y tout votre coeur.
- Get your head in the game!
- Mets-y tout ton coeur. - Non.
- Get your head in the game!
Mets-y tout ton coeur.
- Get your head in the game! - Yeah!
- Mettez-y tout votre coeur.
now, get your head in the game!
Maintenant, faites fonctionner un peu plus votre cerveau.
- Get your head in the game.
- Concentre-toi sur le match.
Freedom fighter? Smith, until you get your head in the game, I'm suspending you without pay.
Smith, jusqu'à ce que vous redeveniez vous-même, je vous suspends sans solde.
- Get your head in the game.
- Reprends-toi.
- Get your head in the game, Shawn.
- Reprends-toi, Shawn.
Get your head in the game, Sommers.
Reste la tête froide, Sommers.
Get your head in the game.
Concentre-toi sur la partie.
Put your producer hat away and get your head in the game.
Arrête de penser en productrice et immerge-toi dans le jeu.
Get your head in the game!
Come on, you heard him. Get your head in the game, boy.
Tu l'as entendu.
Keep looking. Get your head in the game.
Lâche pas l'affaire, retournes-y.
Get your head in the game, let's go.
La tête dans le guidon, allez!
Get in there, get your head in the game, let's go!
- Concentre-toi sur le jeu!
Now get your head in the game, for Christ's sake.
Alors reprends-toi, pour l'amour de Dieu.
Now, the rest of you, get your head in the game!
Les autres, concentrez-vous sur le match!
Get your head in the game.
Garde l'esprit au jeu.
Just get your head in the game, Eric.
Concentre toi sur le jeu, Eric.
Now get your head in the game.
Maintenant, concentre-toi.
Slap shot that close in? Get your head in the game!
Concentre-toi sur le match!
I need you to stop telling campfire stories and get your head in the game.
Il faudrait arrêter de raconter des légendes et se concentrer.
Get your head back in the game.
Reconcentre toi.
You get your head back in the game. Get your boys under control, and don't do anything to embarrass me.
Remettez-vous au boulot, maîtrisez vos hommes et ne faites rien qui me gênerait.
Come on, get your head back in the game, baby.
Allez, reconcentre-toi, mon gars.
Come on, get your head in the damn game!
Allez, concentre-toi sur ce putain de jeu!
I need you to get your head back in the game.
J'ai besoin que tu sois de la partie.
But I'm gonna stand here till you get your head back in the game.
Mais je vais rester ici jusqu'à ce que tu reprennes tes esprits.
I need you to get your head back in the game, Nate.
Tu dois te concentrer sur ton jeu, Nate.
Get your damn head in the game!
Nash is going through something right now, and I need you to get your head back in the game.
Nash, traverse une période en ce moment et j'ai besoin que tu reprennes tes esprits.

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