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Hamid traduction Français

402 traduction parallèle
- Abdel Hamid
- Je suis Abd El-Hamid
- It's cousin Abdel Hamid
- Mon cousin Abd El-Hamid
- Abdel Hamid? ! God help us
- Dieu nous protège!
- Your nephew, Abdel Hamid
- Ton neveu
- How are you, Abdel Hamid?
- Comment vas-tu?
- Abdel Hamid saw Ibrahim
- ll a vu Ibrahim
Abdel Hamid is now waiting for me to leave As soon as I leave he'll follow me and report it to police without mentioning you at all
Il attend que je quitte la maison ll me filera puis informera la police sans parler de vous
Abdel Hamid came to my office
Mon neveu est venu au bureau
You know Abdel Hamid's manners We must use diplomacy
Tu connais sa moralité ll faut l'amadouer
Do you think Abdel Hamid will fall for it?
Tu crois qu'il se laissera prendre?
Tell him Abdel Hamid is here tonight to meet him
Dis-lui que ton cousin vient le rencontrer
Samia, I think you love Abdel Hamid like you used to
Tu aimes toujours Abd El-Hamid
That's probably Abdel Hamid
Abd El-Hamid est venu
Abdel Hamid's not into that
Il n'a rien à y voir
I was thinking of Abdel Hamid and your escape and what you said of Fathy El-Meligy
Je pensais au cousin et à ta fuite Et à Fathi El-Méligui
I believe Abdel Hamid isn't up to these things
Tu demandes trop de choses au cousin
- Abdel Hamid
- Abd El-Hamid
You must watch him and get me the news daily
Surveillez Abd El-Hamid et informez-moi
Now it's : "Bye, Abdel Hamid, no marriage or money"
Va-t'en, pas de mariage
- I'll ruin you - Wait, Abdel Hamid
- Je vous enverrai au diable
Abdel Hamid, where are you going?
Oû vas-tu, Abd El-Hamid?
Abdel Hamid..
Abd El-Hamid!
Abdel Hamid Zaher
Dites-lui Abd El-Hamid Zaher
- Abdel Hamid Zaher?
- Abd El-Hamid Zaher?
There's a lady to meet Mr. Abdel Hamid Zaher
Une dame veut voir M. Zaher
Can I meet Mr. Abdel Hamid Zaher who just came in?
Je peux voir M. Zaher?
Let's talk business.. well, Mr. Abdel Hamid?
Revenons aux affaires, et ensuite?
By the way, On your way out leave your address with the secretary We may need to write your testimony in a protocol or, let's..
Abd El-Hamid, laisse ton adresse en sortant pour rédiger un procès verbal
Abdel Hamid
Abdel Hamid
Tell Abdel Hamid to take care Police are watching him
Préviens le cousin que la police le surveille
Why, Abdel Hamid?
Pourquoi dis-tu cela?
Abdel Hamid, I was going to send for you
J'allais t'envoyer Mohie
Nawal, I'm so scared for Abdel Hamid
J'ai peur pour lui
This is his file He has no suspicious activities Never into politics
Le dossier de Abd El-Hamid ll n'a jamais fait de politique
Not yet.. lift the surveillance on Abdel Hamid
Pas maintenant, levons la filature
Abdel Hamid's surveillance was lifted.. what else?
Abd El-Hamid n'est plus filé, que reste-t-il?
That's if Abdel Hamid had any political activities
Possible, si Abd El-Hamid avait une activité
Abdel Hamid came to me at work and said he was coming to Iftar
Abd El-Hamid vient dîner avec nous
I don't know.. I think Abdel Hamid has changed We were afraid he'd report us He didn't
Il me semble qu'il a changé ll ne nous a pas dénoncés
Frankly, Abdel Hamid, we were afraid when you knew Ibrahim left, that you'd..
Franchement, Abd El-Hamid, nous craignions qu'après le départ d'Ibrahim, tu...
Frankly, Abdel Hamid
Mon fils...
And this is Abdel Hamid, your nephew. Correct me if I'm wrong
C'est Abd El-Hamid, votre neveu?
How are you, Abdel Hamid?
Comment ça va, Abd El-Hamid?
How are you, Abdel Hamid?
Comment vas-tu, Abd El-Hamid?
Like I said, don't tell Ibrahim Mohie and Abdel Hamid are in jail
N'apprends pas à Ibrahim leur arrestation
Police arrested Mohie and Abdel Hamid
On a arrêté Mohie et Abd El-Hamid
Imagine my leaving Mohie and Abdel Hamid to suffer for me
Je les laisserais et je partirais?
How can I prove to Mohie, Nawal, Zaher Effendi, and Abdel Hamid that I deserve the torture they suffered for me?
Comment leur prouver que je mérite la torture qu'ils ont supportée pour moi
It is the wish of our sultan Abdul Hamid the Resplendent, the shadow of God on Earth that the Armenian subject people throughout his empire be taught, once and for all, that acts of terror cannot be tolerated.
"C'est le vœu du sultan Abdul Hamed..." "que ses sujets arméniens sachent" "qu'aucun acte de terreur ne sera toléré."
That is, I served you and you served your sultan Abdul Hamid, the shadow of God on Earth.
Je vous servais sous le sultan Abdul Hamed.
I've gotta get ahold of Hamid.
Il faut que je contacte Hamid.

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