Having said that traduction Français
403 traduction parallèle
Having said that, I'm not anti-women.
Ceci dit, je ne suis pas contre les femmes.
Having said that, in order to protect all that's important to you, surely you have to treat those around you with respect.
Mais si toi seul comptes pour toi, pour te protéger tu dois faire cas de ton entourage.
Why not having said that earlier?
Pourquoi ne l'avoir pas dit plus tôt?
Igor, I you was thinking about having said that you should remain in your room.
Igor, je croyais t'avoir dit de rester dans ta chambre.
Having said that, I am following the Way of the Warrior.
Mes paroles sont dictées par le Code d'Honneur des samurai.
Having said that, he himself was a critic and a very harsh one.
- Oui, j'avais oublié un rendez-vous important, capital. J'étais en retard, je t'expliquerai.
Having said that, I now intend to leave for London.
Maintenant que je l'ai dit, je compte à présent repartir pour Londres.
I'll deny ever having said that.
Je nierai avoir jamais dit ça.
Well, having said that don't get the impression that we're going to sit by and do nothing.
Bon, ceci étant dit, ne croyez pas que nous resterons ici sans rien faire.
That and the fact of having said that he is in the middle age.
C'est un homme entre deux âges.
- Having said that, you told him what?
- Et tu lui as dit ça?
Having said that, this department has no further interest in Miss Robertson.
Cela dit, mon service... ne s'intéresse plus à MIle Robertson.
Now having said that, having given you those warnings...
Cela étant dit... après ces quelques avertissements...
You sure got the laugh on all of us... him having all that money you said he had and everything.
Tu as dû rigoler de nous, vu l'argent qu'il a.
They said that my recompense for having a late child was comfort in my old age, especially if it was a girl.
On m'avait dit avant ta naissance qu'un enfant tardif... serait le confort de ma vieillesse, surtout si c'était une fille.
You recall that the witness himself said something about not being able to live with the knowledge of having betrayed his beloved master.
Le témoin lui-même a dit ne pouvoir vivre avec l'idée d'avoir trahi.
Remember what you said back in Tampico... about having to pack that old man on our backs?
Tu te rappelles quand tu disais qu'il faudrait porter le vieux?
I'm having him flogged because you said in front of the men that you'd flog him.
Mais parce que vous avez dit devant les hommes qu'il serait fouetté.
Anyway, I prefer to be accused of having killed her for that, too, rather than having it said that I was jealous of her.
Je préfère être accusé aussi de l'avoir tuée pour ça, plutôt qu'on me dise que j'en étais jaloux.
It was a wedding gift to the groom. Grandfather said that having a watch and chain
Il la tenait de mon grand-père, qui la lui avait donnée à son mariage.
What I said was that I like it at the Foundation okay... but I'm having a little trouble making both ends meet.
J'ai dit que mon travail à la Fondation me plaît, mais que j'ai du mal à joindre les deux bouts.
She said that she loved having the Americans here.
Qu'elle aimait voir les Amèricains ici.
People have told me... even daddy said that you... that you were having an affair with Alice Aisgill.
Et mon père me l'a dit aussi, que tu as eu une liaison avec Alice Aisgill. C'est invraisemblable!
I'll tell you one thing, I'm having a great deal of fun, and whoever said that clean and wholesome living couldn't be very...
Je m'amuse énormément ce soir, et celui qui a dit qu'une vie saine ne...
This girl then said that she wanted to see someone and that she would decide after having received the advice from this person.
Peut-être que la personne dont elle parlait était ce M. Tarumi du journal.
On prétend que le capitaine, dont les mains avaient été liées est descendu sur la goëlette avec son équipage,
I bumped into Harriet Kravitz today and she said that you and a man in a dressing gown were having a snort together.
Je suis tombé sur Harriet Kravitz, aujourd'hui, et elle m'a dit qu'elle avait vu un homme en pyjama qui prenait une lampée avec toi.
I beg your pardon. I don't know what made me say that. You know, I was having, er... tea the other day, at the, er... when this... the, er... the Duchess said the selfsame expression.
J'ai dit ça parce que... quand je prenais le thé au... la Duchesse a employé cette expression.
She said that she's been very upset... about having to share her room at home, and...
Elle m'a dit que devoir partager une chambre... ça la renverse.
I should probably have said that I'm noted for having a sense of humour although I've kept to myself over the last two years notwithstanding as it were, and it's only recently that I have begun to realize, well...
J'aurais dû vous prévenir : j'ai le sens de l'humour, bien que je me retienne depuis deux ans, en dépit de tout, et c'est récemment que j'ai commencé à réaliser, eh bien...
I should have said at the start that I noted for having a grand sense of humor.
J'aurais dû dire au début, que je suis connu pour mon grand sens de l'humour.
Last night I got a telephone call from a man who said that he had a girlfriend named Tanya Baker. And he told me that she was having an affair with my husband and he could prove it.
Hier, un homme a appelé pour me dire que son amie, Tanya Baker, avait une liaison avec mon mari et qu'il pouvait le prouver.
And then we talked about this and that, nothing important, and then I remember the doc said something about having an appointment with the soldier at his office.
On a discuté de tout et de rien, et je me souviens qu'il a parlé d'un soldat qui l'attendait à son cabinet.
You said that you were having a drink.
Ce verre...
And then you said that you saw your bathrobe at the foot of the bed... and you saw the toy clown in the chair and you remember having the thought...
Et vous avez vu votre peignoir sur le lit, le clown sur le fauteuil, et vous avez pensé :
What was the one on Muskie's stationery that you sent out... that said that Scoop Jackson was having a bastard child?
Quelle blague avez-vous racontée sur son papier? Que Jackson avait un bâtard?
She said that he was in her house having drinks.
Il a pris un verre chez elle.
And he said that he and his wife had a guesthouse and they liked having psychology students and they said I could live here if I helped take care of the main house.
Sa femme et lui pouvaient loger une étudiante en psychologie. Je pouvais vivre ici si je les aidais à la maison.
The time before that, you said you were having a double-crisis day...
La fois précédente tu disais avoir une grosse crise,
"I am now proud," he said... "... that having followed the course of the Nile I have the right to announce there is nothing to modify in our letter on the alphabet of hieroglyphics.
" Je suis fier maintenant que... ayant suivi le cours du Nil jusqu'à la cataracte... je peux annoncer qu'il n'y a rien à changer... dans notre Lettre sur l'alphabet des hiéroglyphes.
It's said that, having started life in shadow, that's how it will end for you.
On dit que, étant né dans l'ombre, c'est lá que vous allez finir.
then somebody called ME and they said that they'd seen you at thE St. dennis Club that night having a drink and that you left together, hand in hand.
On m'a appelé, on vous a vus prendre un verre au St. Dennis Club, que vous avez quitté main dans la main.
WEll, in your original statement, you said that you and Mrs. BlaisdEl hadn't argued except over her having the gun. Is that correct?
Dans votre première déposition, vous avez déclaré que vous n'aviez pas eu de dispute, sinon au sujet de l'arme qu'elle portait.
It is to be feared that the same could not be said of you, called hence. I hope that sigh is from the heart and that you repent of having been the occasion of discomfort to your excellent benefactress.
Je crains qu'on ne puisse en dire autant de vous, si vous étiez appelée à quitter ce monde. J'espère que ce soupir vient du coeur et que vous vous repentez d'avoir pu causer de la peine à votre bienfaitrice.
" The criminal conduct of Mariana Pineda... her adhesión to the revolutionary constitutional system... and her relation to anarchists exiled in gibraltar... and for having in her house a revolutionary flag... symboIising treachery and revolution... it is hereby deduced... that Mariana Pineda is legally guilty... of the atrocious crime in question... and of plotting rebellious acts... against the sovereign authority of our King... and inducing unrest. This is shown in a preparatory act for her execution... as designated in article 7 of the royal Decree of October 1. consequently... she deserves capital punishment according to said article.
" La conduite criminelle de Doña Mariana Pineda... pour son adhésión au systême constitutionnel révolutionnaire... sa relation avec Ies anarchistes de gibraltar... et pour avoir eu chez elle un drapeau révolutionnaire... symbolisant trahison et révolution... il est ici déclaré... que Mariana Pineda est légalement coupable... de l'atroce crime en question... et d'avoir comploté des actes de rébellions... contre l'autorité souveraine du Roi... et avoir préparé... un souIêvement populaire... tel exprimé dans l'article 7 du décret royal du 1er octobre... et par conséquent... elle será condamnée à Ia peine de mort.
Last night I was having a bit of a snack at the Naughty Hellfire Club, and some fellow said that I had the wit and sophistication of a donkey.
Je grignotais un snack à l'Enfer Galant's Club et un quidam m'a dit que j'avais autant d'esprit qu'une mule.
They said that they were taking a chance just having us here looking for your friend.
Ils prennent un risque en nous laissant ici chercher votre ami.
Mum said you were having bad dreams about me, is that true?
Tu faisais des cauchemars sur moi?
He said that Alice was hysterical... and that she was having paranoid delusions.
Selon lui Alice est hystérique et souffre de psychose paranoïaque.
Rumour-mongers said our young Master live a sensuous life, and he died for having too much sex with her. That's untrue
On dit que tu as une sexualité débridée et que tu es mort de l'avoir trop baisée, ce qui est faux.
He just said that he thinks that we're having twins.
Il a juste dit qu'il pense qu'on va avoir des jumeaux.
said that 16
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25