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He's an orphan traduction Français

73 traduction parallèle
- He's not a foreigner, he's an orphan.
- C'est pas un étranger, c'est un orphelin.
He tells everyone he's an orphan.
Il dit à tout le monde qu'il est orphelin.
He's an orphan.
C'est un orphelin.
- He's an orphan.
- II est orphelin.
He's the child of a friend, an orphan. But he does not know that.
Il est orphelin mais il l'ignore.
Well, he's like an orphan of time.
C'est comme un orphelin du temps.
When he loses that, he's an orphan.
Quand il perd ça, il devient orphelin.
He says he's an orphan.
Il dit être orphelin.
Now he's an orphan.
Désormais, il est orphelin.
What am I going to do? Make that baby an orphan before he's born?
Je ne veux pas que ton bébé soit orphelin avant de naître.
To be reared as a little Protestant. He was an orphan and needed to be looked after.
C'était un orphelin dont il fallait s'occuper.
- He's an orphan.
Il est orphelin.
Maybe he's an orphan.
Et s'il est orphelin?
I brought my mother here to be with me. And him? He's an orphan.
Moi, j'ai amené ma mère pour qu'elle profite de l'argent...
Hey, he's not an orphan. His mom just abandoned him.
Sa mère l'a juste abandonné.
I don't care if he's stupid, an orphan, or some gangster.
Je me fiche de savoir s'il est stupide, orphelin, ou gangster.
- He's an orphan.
- C'est un orphelin.
He made me an orphan, and he's got to pay for it.
Il m'a rendu orphelin et il doit payer pour ça.
What's your mom doing in there? I thought he was an orphan.
Qu'est-ce que votre mère fait là?
- He's an orphan.
- Il est orphelin.
He's an orphan ; he never had a mother to teach him how.
C'est un orphelin, il n'a jamais eu une mère pour lui apprendre comment faire
He's an orphan!
Il est orphelin!
Don't worry, he's an orphan.
Il est orphelin.
He's an orphan.
Il est orphelin.
And I thought being an orphan was a bad thing. ( Unintelligible ) Oh my God, he's really stiff.
{ \ q2 \ a2 \ cHffffff } { \ cH00ffff } Je pensais que c'était dur { \ cHffffff } { \ cH00ffff } d'être orpheline... il est raide!
He's an orphan... with no hands.
Privé de mains.
He's like an orphan.
Il est comme un orphelin.
He's a bit of an orphan.
Il est un peu orphelin.
But he's an Honorary Britannian! He's the orphan child of Prime Minister Kururugi?
Non mon visage, mais mon pouvoir.
He's an orphan whose parents were killed in a bullet train accident in Sweden.
C'est un orphelin dont les parents ont été tués dans un accident de T.G.V. En Suède.
Who knows if he's even an orphan?
Qui sait s'il est même orphelin?
- He's not an orphan. - Hmm?
Il n'est pas orphelin.
- He's not an orphan.
- Il n'est pas orphelin.
Because he's an orphan?
- Parce qu'il est orphelin?
He may be an orphan, but the people of Yan are his family and this country is his home!
Il ne s'est jamais considéré comme un orphelin. Ce royaume a été sa famille.
He ain't even mine, he's an orphan.
C'est même pas le mien. c'est un orphelin.
He's an orphan.
You saved him because he's a lost little boy, an orphan, like you.
Parce que c'est un petit garçon perdu, un orphelin comme toi.
so even if the kid pulls through, He could still wind up an orphan.
Ouais. Alors même s'il s'en sort, il deviendrait orphelin.
Be cool, be cool... he's an orphan.
Relax, c'est un orphelin.
Yes, he's an orphan.
C'est un orphelin.
He's an orphan from up north.
Le gamin est un orphelin du nord. Il parle pas.
He was an orphan but Seong-ho's father took him in and raised him as his own.
C'est un orphelin mais le pére de Seong-ho l'adopter.
He's an orphan, and Hwang Taeseop has been raising him since his childhood.
et Hwang Taeseop l'élève depuis son enfance.
I think he's an orphan.
Ce que je pense, c'est qu'il est de la Ddass.
- Technically, he's an orphan. - Fine.
- Pas salaud, orphelin.
The kid's an orphan, he's got no family.
Le gamin est orphelin, il n'a pas de famille.
His name is Jun Hio, he's 25 years old, comes from Fu Quian and he's an orphan.
Son nom est Jun Hio et il a 25 ans, il est de Fuchen et il est orphelin.
He's an orphan, too.
Il est orphelin, comme moi.
Um, he's an orphan.
- C'est pas sa faute.
Okay, our book will be about an orphan who goes to a magical school where he discovers he's... a vampire!
Ok, notre livre parlera d'un orphelin qui va à une école magique où il découvrira qu'il est... un vampire!

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