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He's got a point traduction Français

370 traduction parallèle
I brought Kong back here, he got loose, did a lot of damage... got killed, and that's that.
J'ai amené King Kong ici, il s'est enfui, il a fait du grabuge, il a été tué, un point c'est tout.
─ He's got a point, Miss Goth.
- Il a raison, Mlle Goffe.
He's got a point there.
C'est un argument valable.
How bad's he got it?
A quel point?
He's got a point.
Il n'a pas tout à fait tort.
So I ran over to him. And just as I got there and bent down, he sort of pushed himself up on one elbow and fired at me point-blank.
J'ai couru vers lui et au moment où... je l'ai rejoint et me suis penché sur lui, il... s'est appuyé sur un coude et a tiré sur moi à bout portant.
He's got a point, Mr. Welsh.
II a raison, M. Welsh.
No point discussing how he got into it, what's important is to get him out.
Il a tout fait pour ça. Mais il faut l'aider.
He's got a point. If you've done no good, that's harm enough. Of all the...
S'il n'a fait aucun bien, il doit avoir fait du mal.
He's got a point there, Max.
Il a raison là, Max.
Ça semble raisonnable, comme tu le dis, Jim... mais Travis a aussi raison.
He's got a point.
Il a raison.
King, you know, he's got a point there.
Il a pas tort, King.
Now that he's finally got something to belong to.
Maintenant qu'il a trouvé son point d'attache.
- He's got a point.
- ll a raison.
By the time I got him back he was on the point of collapse.
Il a failli s'évanouir au retour.
Maybe he's got a point.
Il a peut-être raison.
He's got a rocket to destroy London. - Where?
Depuis 26 ans, il met au point une fusée pour détruire Londres.
He's got a point.
Il nous servira de guide.
He's got a point, we do look like an ad for a flower shop!
Il a raison. On dirait une publicité pour un fleuriste.
I think he's got a point.
C'est un argument.
He's got a point.
Il est sensé.
Kananga's got a private plane and he's leaving for San Monique within the hour.
Kananga est sur le point de partir pour San Monique en avion privé.
He's got a point, Hutch.
Il a raison, Hutch.
We've got a man here. I think he's dying.
Il y a un homme sur le point de mourir.
- He's got a point.
Il a raison.
He's got a point there, you know.
Il a raison.
Well, he's got a point.
Il a raison.
I think he's got a point there.
Là, je crois qu'il a raison.
Listen, he's got a point.
Écoutez, il a raison.
He's got a good point.
Tu as raison.
He's got 38 hours to complete the mission and reach the extraction point.
Il a 36 heures pour revenir au point de récupération.
Listen, maybe he's got a soft spot.
Il a sûrement un point faible.
He's got a point, Zoe.
Il a raison, Zoé.
He's got a real bad cut. He's a little shaky.
Mais il est mal en point, il est trop faible.
You know, I think he's got a point.
Tu penses que...
He's got a point there, Frank.
Il a pas tort.
He`s got a point.
Il a raison.
He wasn't strong enough, so he got wasted. That's all.
Il était pas assez fort, il l'a payé, point.
- He's got a point.
- Il a raison.
- He's got a point?
- Il a raison?
- He's got a point.
- Il n'a pas tort.
Although he's got a point. A shrink's diet book.
C'est une idée comme une autre.
Yes, he's right. But we just haven't got a reliable system yet.
Il a raison, mais notre système n'est pas encore au point.
He's got a sweet tooth, but lately he hasn't been very lively.
Il est très gourmand, mais il est mal en point.
Don't you think he's got a point?
- Vous ne trouvez pas qu'il a raison?
Yeah, he's got a point.
- Si, il a raison.
He's got a point there, Vivian.
Là, il marque un point, Vivian.
- I think he's got the point.
- Je crois qu'il a compris.
He's got a point.
Il a pas tort.
He's got a weak zone, a place on his body that he can't protect. Right here.
Il a un point faible qu'il ne peut protéger sur son corps, juste là.

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