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He's got to go traduction Français

554 traduction parallèle
He's still got a long way to go, though.
Même s'il a encore un long chemin à parcourir.
He's got to go to the other gal.
Il doit aller vers l'autre fille.
He tells me he's got to go south for a month.
Il m'a dit qu'il part un mois dans le midi.
There you are. He's got to go south.
Il va dans le midi.
No, you've got to go on with it. He thinks he's pretty darn smart. Take him for a ride.
Oh, non, non, continuez, il se croit très malin.
Say, Bill, here's Lander, but listen, he's got to go on for the opening of the second act.
Bill, voici Lander, mais il fait l'ouverture du deuxième acte.
So he said they want to come down and fight our gang, see, but they got a guy with his leg broke bad, and maybe he can't go'round on account of poison.
Il m'a dit qu'ils viendront affronter notre gang, mais qu'un des leurs s'est cassé la jambe, et qu'il aurait aussi été empoisonné.
He's got to go right to bed.
Il doit se mettre au lit tout de suite.
He's worked all his life to be what he is, and if he can't go on believing in that what's he got?
Il a travaillé pour être ce qu'il est, et s'il n'a plus ça... il lui reste quoi?
My Uncle William. He's got money and influence and I'll go to him.
Mon oncle William a de l'argent et de l'influence.
He's got that filthy rope and he's bound and determined to go out the window.
Il a pris une corde pour sortir par la fenêtre.
He's got to go home.
Il doit retourner chez lui.
Teddy's committed himself and he's got to go.
Teddy doit partir.
Go back to the corporal. Tell him to pull the machine gun out. He's got to cover us until we cross the swamp.
Le caporal nous couvrira jusqu'à la traversée du marais.
He's got to go home.
Obligé de rentrer chez lui!
If you really think that, Del you'd be a poor friend to go back on him when he just got home starting the biggest and hardest job he's ever had.
Si vous le pensez vraiment, vous seriez bien mauvais ami de le lâcher maintenant au début du poste le plus difficile qu'il ait jamais eu.
As soon as he fights, I got to go out and try to stop him.
S'il déclenche la bagarre, j'y mettrai fin.
Where can I drop you? I've got to go to Harry. I'm afraid he's in trouble.
Je vais rejoindre Harry.
He got himself arrested somehow and wants me to go identify him.
Il s'est fait arrêter et il veut que j'aille l'identifier.
See? Now he's got to discard a nine and then you go down with two.
Il doit se débarrasser ïun neuf et tu en récupères deux.
I've been trying to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and now all I can think of is that it's got to be because of you.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi il refusait de partir. C'est pour vous.
Slayton's going into Mexico and he's got to go through there.
Slayton va au Mexique et il doit passer par là.
When we go back to sea, he's got a tougher one ahead of him.
Le plus dur est à venir, quand nous allons repartir.
- Yes, he's got to go sailing.
- Oui, il doit y aller.
- Sure, he's got that. Now, we go on to the operation of the automobile.
Opérons cette automobile.
He's got to go out and kill Indians.
Il va sortir et tuer des Indiens.
But I do know you got no right to go around... accusing a man of murder without he's here to talk for himself.
Mais je sais que tu n'as pas le droit d'accuser un homme de meurtre quand il ne peut pas se défendre.
Jett's got the easement, Bick. He's got a right to go through the land.
Jett a le droit de traverser vos terres.
Maybe so, but we just got to figuring that a man's got to draw the line someplace if he's going to go on living with himself.
Peut-être, mais on s'est dit qu'on devait fixer des limites si on voulait vivre en paix avec nous-mêmes.
He's got a ways to go. We've got to work on him a little more.
Il a beaucoup à apprendre avant de se calmer.
We'll go back to the doctor tomorrow. I'm sure he's got a pill for it.
On ira chez le docteur demain, il me donnera des cachets.
He's got permission to go back and marry that Japanese girl.
Il a reçu l'autorisation d'épouser sa Japonaise.
Go to the duty officer, he's got a job for you.
Va chez l'officier de permanence il a un boulot pour toi.
He's got to go back anyhow.
Il faut qu'il redescende.
Well, he's got nowhere to go.
Il n'a nulle part où aller.
All you'll do is march me down to that judge and he's got to let me go.
Tout ce que tu peux faire, c'est m'emmener au juge qui me libérera.
He's got to go home.
Il doit retourner à la maison.
I can't say that it won't be sad parting, but he's got to go.
Je ne dis pas ça de gaîté de cœur, mais il faut qu'il y retourne.
well, if he's coming, I've got to go pick him up.
S'il vient, je devrai aller le chercher.
- He's at the Laztecs. - We've got to go.
C'est chez l'Aztèque des gués, qu'il est.
Hunger punished his family... and Joaquim got desperate, he didn't know what to do. One day, he decided to go look for fish... right in the middle of the ocean.
La faim s'est abattue sur la famille... jusqu'à ce que Joaquim, affolé et sans savoir ce qu'il faisait... a décidé d'aller chercher du poisson... au milieu même de l'océan.
If you really care about that boy... you've got to tell him the truth... that he's got to go to an orphanage right here.
Si tu tiens vraiment à ce garçon tu dois lui dire la vérité, qu'il ira dans un orphelinat ici.
( coughs ) Honey, Phil's got to go on to a meeting, after he drops me off.
Phil doit aller à une réunion après m'avoir déposé.
He's got enough gas in the carburetor... to go a couple blocks.
Il a assez d'essence pour une centaine de mètres.
Listen, he's got to go some time.
Il faut bien qu'il meure un jour.
He's simply got to go back to the only woman he's ever loved in his whole life.
Il doit retrouver la seule femme qu'il ait jamais aimée.
He's got to go back to his one true love.
Il doit retourner à son seul grand amour.
It's Vašek Mlýnek, a folk story-teller, he's got the image, and a figure to go with it.
Oui, c'est Vasek Mlynek, le narrateur populaire, il en a le type, la stature, et tout...
- He's got to go away tomorrow.
- Et il part en voyage demain.
A man born to love a farm, he ain't got no place to go when it's gone.
Un homme né pour devenir fermier, il perd tout, s'il perd sa ferme.
If he wants to drink he's got to go to the kitchen.
Il peut boire à la cuisine.

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