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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ H ] / He's not answering his cell

He's not answering his cell traduction Français

84 traduction parallèle
He's not at Ji Sung's house, either. As Kang Hyun Min's cell phone is still turned on, I was going to ask Yoon Gye Sang's help, thinking he might answer to his call, but Gye Sang ssi isn't not answering my call.
Il n'est pas chez Ji Sung non plus.
He's not answering his cell.
Il ne répond pas au téléphone.
He's not answering his phone at home, his cell phone or his pager.
Il ne répond ni chez lui, ni sur son portable.
He's not answering his cell phone.
Il ne répond pas au téléphone.
He's not answering his cell or his pager.
Et son portable ne répond pas.
He's not answering his cell.
Son portable ne répond pas.
Yes. Well, he's not answering his cell phone.
Il ne répond pas à son portable.
- He's not answering his cell phone.
- Son portable ne répond pas.
He's not answering his cell phone.
Joan et luke ne savent pas où il est. Il ne répond pas à son portable.
I tried calling him. He's not answering his cell.
Son portable est sur messagerie.
I swear to God, I've been trying him on his cell. He's just not answering.
J'ai essayé son portable, mais il ne répond pas, vous comprenez.
He's not answering his cell phone.
Il ne répond pas sur son portable.
And he's not answering his cell.
Et il ne répond pas à son portable.
Obviously he's not answering his cell phone and...
Evidemment, il ne décroche pas son portable et...
He's not answering his cell.
Il ne répond pas sur son portable.
He's not answering his cell.
Il ne répond pas.
He's not answering his cell phone.
Il ne répond pas.
He's not answering his cell.
Il ne répond pas à son portable.
Now he's not answering his cell phone
et maintenant il ne répond plus au téléphone.
I've been trying to get in touch with this Joe Okalik and he's not answering his cell.
Je n'ai pas réussi à joindre ce Joe.
He's not answering his cell phone.
Son portable ne répond pas.
- He's not answering his cell phone.
Il ne decroche pas son portable.
- He's not answering his cell phone.
- Il ne répond pas à son portable.
He's not answering his cell.
Il répond pas au téléphone.
He's not answering his cell phone, and his supervisor hasn't seen him in two hours.
Il ne décroche pas son téléphone, et son supérieur ne l'a pas vu depuis 2 heures.
He's not answering his home phone or his cell phone.
Il ne répond ni chez lui ni sur son portable.
He's not answering his cell.
Il ne répond pas sur son cellulaire.
Nobody has seen him since, and he's not answering his cell.
Personne ne l'a vu depuis, et il ne répond pas à son portable.
He's not answering his cell phone, and his van is missing.
Il ne décroche pas son portable, et son van a disparu.
He's still not in, and he's not answering his cell.
Il n'est toujours pas là et ne répond pas au téléphone.
He's still not in and he's not answering his cell.
Il n'est toujours pas là et ne répond pas au téléphone.
We've tried his cell, but he's not answering.
Il ne répond pas à son portable.
Dubaku hasn't arrived at the airfield, and he's not answering his cell phone.
Dubaku n'est pas arrivé à l'aéroport et ne répond pas à son téléphone.
We've been calling his cell phone for three days. He's not answering.
Il ne répond pas au téléphone depuis trois jours.
Listen, he's not answering his cell phone.
Ecoutez, il ne répond pas à son téléphone portable.
He's not answering his cell phone.
Il ne répond pas sur son mobile.
He's not home and he's not answering his cell.
Il n'est pas chez vous et ne répond pas au téléphone.
He's not answering his cell, either.
Son portable non plus.
He didn't return his car and he's not answering his cell phone.
Il n'a pas ramené sa voiture et ne répond pas au téléphone.
He's not answering his cell.
Il ne réponds pas à son téléphone.
Figured he went to his girlfriend's, but he's not answering his cell.
Il n'avait pas envie de parler, puis il est parti un peu avant 6h00. J'imagine qu'il est allé voir sa copine, mais il ne répond pas à son portable.
No, I haven't, and he's not answering his cell either.
Non, j'en ai pas et il ne répond pas à son portable.
I Was Trying To Reach Ruben, And Since... He's Not Answering His Cell Phone, I Thought I Should Try Him At Home.
Je voulais joindre Ruben, il répond pas, donc j'appelle à la maison.
He's not answering his cell.
Il ne répond pas à son téléphone.
He was a no-show for one of our interviews, he's not answering his cell, and neighbors saw him leave his apartment with an overnight bag.
Il ignore nos convocations. Il répond pas au téléphone. On l'a vu partir avec un sac.
He's not answering his cell.
Pierre est reparti à la base ;
He's not home, he's not answering his cell.
Introuvable. Injoignable.
He's not answering his cell.
Il ne réponds pas.
He's out on a date with his girlfriend and he's not answering his cell.
T'as vu Jimmy? Il est avec sa copine, il répond pas au téléphone.
He's not answering his cell.
Son téléphone ne répond pas.
She's trying to get ahold of John, but he's not answering his cell.
Elle essaye de joindre John, mais il ne répond pas à son portable.

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