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Hermie traduction Français

90 traduction parallèle
Hey Hermie, anybody been asking for me?
Eh Hermie, personne n'a appelé pour moi?
Hey, come on, Hermie. Will you move your ass, please?
Hermie, magne-toi le train!
- Ain't that right, Hermie?
- Pas vrai, Hermie?
Hermie, you're not gonna go into another deathlike trance again, are you?
Hermie, tu ne vas pas encore entrer en transe.
I swear, Hermie, I don't know what's come over you.
Je ne sais pas ce qui te prend.
Why don't you go and say hello to her mind, Hermie?
Va dire "salut" à son esprit.
Come on. Go say hello to her, Hermie. - Go say hello to her.
Va lui dire bonjour.
It's Hermie the rape artist!
C'est Hermie, le violeur!
- It's Hermie the rape artist!
C'est Hermie, le violeur!
Hermie, it was a joke!
On blaguait!
Knock it off, Hermie!
Arrête, Hermie!
- We'll see you later, Hermie, okay?
À tout à l'heure, Hermie.
- Hermie, where're you going?
Hermie, où vas-tu?
Well, he called Hermie.
- Il a dit "Hermie".
Well, Hermie is a pretty common name.
C'est un nom courant.
Goodbye, Hermie. And thanks again.
Au revoir, Hermie, et merci encore.
- She let you have a feel, Hermie?
Tu l'as pelotée?
This is Hermie and this is Benjie. And this is Miriam.
Je te présente Hermie et Benjie...
- I wouldn't lie about an arm, Hermie.
Je ne mentirais pas pour un bras.
- Is that you, Hermie?
- C'est vous, Hermie?
Thank you. You're right. There's lots of dust up there.
Hermie, vous avez raison, c'est plein de poussière!
Hermie, what's wrong? Are you all right?
Hermie, que se passe-t-il?
That's very sweet of you, Hermie.
C'est réciproque, Hermie.
You know, Hermie, I really think you've struck gold. I really do.
Hermie, je crois que tu as un ticket.
- Come on, Oscy. - Come on, Hermie! Christ!
Eh, Hermie!
Hermie, I just cleaned in there.
Hermie, je viens de nettoyer.
That's Latin, too. It's all in Latin, Hermie.
C'est aussi du latin.
Point six, Hermie, very important.
- 6e point. Très important.
I'm home, Hermie, home!
Je suis gagnant!
I really can't believe it, Hermie. You are really dumb.
Ce que tu es bête!
Hermie, I'm beginning to think that maybe you're a homo.
Je commence à croire que tu es un pédé.
- I'm doing this for you, Hermie.
Je le fais pour toi...
Thank you, Hermie.
Merci, Hermie.
Twelve? We're so far past 12...
Hermie, on l'a dépassé.
Hermie, you have no idea.
Hermie, tu ne veux pas savoir!
Something's wrong with you.
Ça va pas, Hermie?
- Tough! - Word's getting out on you, Hermie.
Tout le monde va savoir.
Dorothy, it's Hermie.
Dorothy, c'est Hermie.
Hermie, from the beach.
Hermie, de la plage.
Good night, Hermie.
Bonne nuit, Hermie.
Dear Hermie, I must go home now.
" Cher Hermie, je dois repartir.
I wish you good things, Hermie, only good things.
Je ne vous souhaite que du bien, Hermie.
And in a very special way I lost Hermie forever.
Et d'une manière très spéciale... j'ai perdu Hermie pour toujours.
Screwy Hermie.
"Gaston Tortillon."
Oh, yes, well, I know there's a war on, but family is family and old Uncle Hermie does so love to be kept abreast of what's going on.
Oui, on est en guerre mais... la famille est la famille! Et Hermie adore se tenir au courant des événements...
She took Hermie to her bed. And it was....
Elle l'a mis dans son lit.
Look out, Hermie. Look out.
Attention, Hermie!
Goddamn it, Hermie!
Bon Dieu, Hermie!
Is your name Hermie?
Vous vous appelez Hermie?
Let's see.
Hermie, va avec Aggie.
Hermie, you're with Aggie because you're both intellectual.
Vous êtes deux intellectuels.

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