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His grace traduction Français

660 traduction parallèle
God mark thee to his grace.
Le bon Dieu te bénisse!
God mark thee to His grace, young son.
Que Dieu t'ait en sa garde, mon fils.
His Grace is a Norman.
L'évêque est un Normand.
His grace of Orléans.
Le duc d'Orléans.
- His grace is late.
- Votre Grâce est en retard.
- Ask his grace of Orléans.
- Demandez-le à Orléans.
His Grace is in the vestry, preparing for the evening service.
Dans Ia sacristie. II se prépare pour Ia messe.
Your Majesty's presence here should satisfy His Grace.
La présence de Votre Majesté devrait plaire a Sa Grâce.
Sorry, but I'll have to ask you to get the consent of His Grace... - the Colonel in chief.
Demandez à Sa Grâce, le colonel d'Honneur!
Miss Lester, His Grace has consented to the marriage of Captain Roy Cronin... of the Rendleshire Fusiliers to Myra Lester of Birmingham, Warwickshire, England.
Sa grâce consent au mariage du Capitaine Roy Cronin avec Mlle Myra Lester...
With good acceptance of his majesty, save that there was not time enough to hear, as I perceived His Grace would fain have done, of his true title to some certain dukedoms... and generally to the crown and seat of France... derived from Edward, his great grandfather.
Sa majesté la reçut avec faveur mais le temps manqua pour écouter. Je vis que sa grâce l'eût fait de ses titres sûrs à certains duchés et plus généralement, à la couronne et au trône de France, titres qu'il tient d'Edouard, son arrière-grand-père.
God shed His grace on thee
Dieu a posé sa grâce sur toi,
Now, uh... Wouldn't it be a most unhappy circumstance if His Grace... would meet with an accident during his stay in Spain?
Ne serait-ce pas une circonstance des plus malheureuses si sa Grandeur avait un accident durant son séjour en Espagne, hein?
His Grace is jesting.
Sa Grandeur plaisante.
His Grace is really most fatigued.
- Sa Grandeur est vraiment exténuée.
Is His Grace ready to receive the king's emissary?
Parade. Sa Grandeur est-elle prête à recevoir l'émissaire du roi?
No, His Grace isn't quite ready.
Euh, non. Sa Grandeur n'est pas tout à fait prête.
There's His Grace now.
Voici venir sa Grandeur.
Announce His Grace.
Annoncez sa Grandeur.
His Grace the Duke Deschamps.
- Et prendre la poudre d'escampette. - Sa Grandeur, le duc de Chandre.
And does His Grace approve of what he sees in Spain?
Sa Grandeur approuve-t-elle ce qu'elle voit en Espagne?
His Grace is beginning to.
Sa Grandeur commence à le faire.
His Grace has no wine.
- Sa Grandeur n'a pas de vin.
Wouldn't it be embarrassing... if His Grace were to be detained down here a prisoner... while tomorrow... a barber marries the princess of Spain?
Ne serait-ce pas embarrassant si sa Grandeur restait ici en prison, alors que demain, un barbier épouse la Princesse d'Espagne?
His Grace means the wedding won't be the same without him.
Sa Grandeur veut dire que le mariage ne sera pas pareil sans lui.
His Grace, the Bishop of Beauvais.
Son Excellence, l'archevêque de Beauvais.
His Grace, the Bishop of Beauvais, sent me the articles of accusation of this case, and asked me to give him my opinion of the conduct of this trial.
Son Excellence, l'évêque de Beauvais, m'a fait parvenir la liste des accusations, et m'a demandé mon opinion sur la conduite de ce procès.
His Grace can't be disturbed.
Sa Grâce ne reçoit pas.
I have urgent dispatches for His Grace.
J'ai une dépêche urgente.
His Grace was disturbed by your message and asked that if you returned, you be admitted.
Sa Grâce m'a chargé de vous prier d'entrer.
- Upstairs. His Grace has been murdered.
On a assassiné Sa grâce!
You are, I take it, His Grace, the Duke of Chalfont?
Vous êtes bien le duc de Chalfont?
His Grace will read a royal proclamation.
Sa gr ^ ce va lire un édit Royal.
We mustn't disturb His Grace.
Vous ne devez pas troubler Sa Grâce.
You'll tell me how His Grace was.
Tu me diras comment était Monseigneur.
"He who pushes his talents accomplishes nothing with grace", my child.
"Ne forçons point notre talent, Nous ne ferions rien avec grace", mon enfant.
The Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace that ye may so live together in this life that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting.
Le Seigneur miséricordieux veille sur vous et vous apporte sa bénédiction spirituelle et sa grâce afin que vous puissiez partager cette vie et avoir la vie éternelle dans l'autre monde.
We share his views, Your Grace... and, to the best of our ability, his activities on behalf of England.
Nous partageons ses vues et son combat au nom de l'Angleterre.
My small friend from Brazil was so anxious... to pay his respects to Your Grace that he selected his own method.
II voulait tant vous présenter ses respects à sa manière.
Your Grace will recall she released Thorpe... after his attack upon my ship... and that on the heels of this offense she allowed the Albatross to sail... presumably to trade in Egypt.
Votre Grâce avait relâché Thorpe après qu'il eut attaqué mon bateau et autorisé le départ de l'albatros vers l'Égypte.
But he is the only young man in town beside Parris Mitchell who has grace enough to say sir to his elders.
Mais c'est le seul jeune homme en ville, excepté Parris Mitchell, à montrer encore un peu de respect à ses aînés.
May the Lord mercifully look upon you with all his favor... and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace... that you may so live together in this life, that in the world to come... you may have life everlasting.
Que le Seigneur vous accorde en toute miséricorde Ses faveurs... et qu'Il vous remplisse de Sa grâce et Sa bénédiction spirituelle... pour que vous viviez ainsi dans ce monde et que dans celui à venir... vous puissiez vivre éternellement.
Let your hearts, delivered from fear, rise up toward jesus to thank Him for His special grace.
Il faut que vos cœurs, délivrés de la crainte, s'élèvent vers le cœur de Jésus, pour le remercier de cette grâce tout spéciale.
After Your Grace has washed his face we squirt you with cologne
Une fois Votre Majesté bien propre on vous asperge d'eau de cologne
When we have matched our rackets to these balls, we will in France, by God's grace, play a set... shall strike his father's crown into the hazard!
Une fois nos raquettes assorties à ces balles, nous jouerons en France un set qui enverra dans le filet la couronne de son père!
Why,'tis a gull, a fool, a rogue, that now and then goes to the wars to grace himself... at his return into London, under the form of a soldier, and what such of a camp can do among foaming bottles and ale-washed wits... is wonderful to be thought of.
Quel idiot, quel vaurien pour s'en aller à la guerre et prendre du grade à Londres, sous la forme d'un soldat, et se conduire ainsi au campement à force de beuveries! Cela porte à réflexion.
Tell him his pranks have been too broad to bear with... and that Your Grace hath screened and stood between much heat and him.
Dites-lui de cesser... ces folies.
Announcing His Imperial Grace, the Grand Duke.
J'annonce sa Grâce Impériale, Le Grand Duc.
The Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace that ye may so live together in this life that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting.
Que la bonté de Dieu soit toujours avec vous... et remplisse votre âme de sa bénédiction et de sa grâce... Vivez ensemble dans ce monde... et dans le monde futur d'une vie éternelle.
Above all the graces which Christ gives His followers is the grace to conquer oneself and to endure suffering for love of Him.
Par-delà toutes les grâces, il y a celle de se dominer, de tout supporter par amour pour Lui. Là seulement est la joie parfaite.
His manly grace
Pas très viril

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