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How's it going here traduction Français

243 traduction parallèle
Here's how it's going down.
Voilà comment ça va se passer
Sometimes I wonder how long it's going to take the Inspector General to find out what's going on up here.
Je me demande quand l'inspecteur général va découvrir ce qui se passe ici.
I realise how difficult it's going to be here where you can't find what you need.
Ce sera dur, dans cet endroit perdu... où l'on manque de l'essentiel.
How's it been going up here?
Comment ça se passe ici?
- How's it going? - Great up till now. What are you doing here?
Je prends des vacances.
How's it going in here, brother?
Ça va, frère?
How's it going out there? There's something out here.
- ll y a quelque chose!
Hey, how's it going in here?
- Ça va?
- I'm in here. How's it going?
Je suis là.
How's it going down here?
- Comment ça se passe?
How's Quinn ever going to make it here with that thing out there?
Comment Quinn pourra-t-il nous rejoindre avec ce machin dehors?
How's it going in here?
Ça va?
Here's how it's going to work.
- Voilà ce qui va se passer.
Here's how it's going to work.
Voilà ce qui va se passer.
How's it going here?
O.K., comment ça marche?
You know, with everything that's been going on recently, I'm not sure how safe it is for a girl like yourself to be here... alone.
Avec tout ce qui se passe dernièrement, je ne sais pas si c'est bien prudent de venir ici.
If it's nice, you ought to buy it. Well, just wait and see. I don't know how long I'm going to be here, so...
Eh bien, puisque nous serons coincés ici pour un moment... je veux vous faire voir quelque chose.
Paris here. How's it going out there, Tom?
Comment ça se passe?
I came here to tell you how it's going to begin.
Je suis venu vous raconter le début.
- How's it going in here?
- Comment ça va?
All right. Here's how I see it all going down.
Voilà comment on va s'y prendre.
How's it going... What are you doing here János?
Qu'est-ce que tu as à trainer par là, Janos?
It basically means we're going to sit here, bored out of our minds for eight hours and wait for Mom to top our last punishment. How could you be so stupid?
c'est logique on va s'assoir ici faire le vide dans nos pensées pour huit heures et attendre que maman arrête notre punition comment peux tu être aussi stupide?
How's it going here?
Ça va, ici?
So how was she going to make it out of here?
Et, comment devait-elle s'y prendre pour le sortir?
I-I smell magic here. - How's it going?
Je sens la magie ici.
How's it going here with the embezzler?
Comment ça se passe avec l'escroc?
How's it going over here?
Comment ça se passe ici?
"How am I going to take care of her?" And, "How much time do we have?" Bill, I think you're right. I mean, Grams, you can't try and be a rock here because it's not making you any happier or any better and it's not making your life any easier.
Grams m'a dit qu'elle avait un cancer du sein, et c'était comme si le monde s'écroulait, mais j'avais des milliers de questions dans ma tête sur comment j'allais prendre soin d'elle et combien de temps on allait avoir...
- How's it going down here?
- Ca va comment?
- How's it going? He's here.
Il est là.
- Hey, everybody. How's it going in here?
- Comment va tout le monde?
- Joleen, how's it going out here?
- Bonjour Joleen, comment ça se passe?
How's it going? I'm dying here.
Comment va?
Hey, how's it going here?
Alors, ça avance, ici?
How's it going here?
- Comment ça va ici?
- How's it going in here?
Comment ça va ici?
- Hey, how's it going here?
Comment ça va par ici?
How's it going in here?
Tout va bien ici?
- How's it going in here?
- Ça se passe bien?
- Hey. How's it going in here?
- Ca va, là-dedans?
How's it going over here? Are you all right?
Putain, vous êtes fracassés!
So how's it going for you down here?
Alors, comment ça va pour toi, ici?
- How's it going, old man? - Here I am.
Leur contrat, c'est de la merde.
Look, alana, i don't know how long it's going to take For us to get out of here.
Ecoute, Alana, je ne sais pas combien de temps il nous faudra pour sortir d'ici.
Any idea how long it's going to take you to get this stuff out of here?
ça va vous prendre longtemps pour enlever ce truc?
How's it going in here? Cindy's comparing her acts to acts committed in the Bible.
Cindy compare ses actes à ceux décrits dans la Bible.
- Yeah. How's it going in here?
Comment ça se passe par ici?
- But listen, how's it going here?
- Comment ça se passe ici?
Gambling isn't just frivolous... it's downright obscene. And how is everything going here?
Alors, comment ça se passe ici?
How are you going to get this out of here when it's finished?
Comment allez-vous sortir tout ça quand ce sera fini?

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