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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ H ] / How's that working out for you

How's that working out for you traduction Français

143 traduction parallèle
How's that one working out for you?
Comment celle-là marche pour toi?
How's that Cierra working out for you?
Tout va bien, avec la Cierra?
How's that pig-in-the-blanket working out for you?
Ils sont bons, les rouleaux au porc?
How's that working out for you?
C'est comment, pour vous?
How's that vegetarian pizza working out for you?
Alors... Vous avez commander une végétarienne?
How's that working out for you?
Comment ça va pour vous?
I quit three years ago. - How's that working out for you? - Good.
Et je ne vous en veux pas pour votre question sur les Mets.
And how's that working out for you?
Et ça marche?
How's that working out for you?
Comment ça se passe pour toi?
How's that working out for you?
Ca se passe bien? Super.
So, uh, how's that uniform working out for you?
Donc... comment tu te sens dans cet uniforme?
- And how's that working out for you?
- Et ça va, ça se passe bien?
How's that working out for you?
Et ça donne quoi?
- How's that working out for you? - Really great.
- Et ça marche comment?
- How's that working out for you?
- Ça vous a réussi?
- How's that working out for you?
- Ça te plaît?
How's that working out for you?
Et ça se passe bien?
And how's that working out for you?
Et qu'est-ce que ça t'a apporté?
How's that casual-dating thing working out for you?
Comment se passe cette relation désinvolte pour toi?
- So how's that working out for you?
- Et tu arrives à te supporter?
How's that working out for you?
Comment est-ce que tu t'en sors?
How's that working out for you?
Et qu'est-ce que tu as découvert?
- How's that working out for you?
- Et comment ca marche pour toi?
How's that flash screen working out for you?
Vous êtes contente de votre écran?
And how do you think that's working out for him, mom, huh?
Et quel effet crois-tu que ça a eu sur lui, maman?
Yeah, how's that working out for you?
Au fait... comment ça se passe?
How's that working out for you?
Quelle réussite!
Yeah, how's that working out for you?
Ouais, et ça te convient?
How's that working out for you?
Et ça te réussit?
- How's that working out for you?
- Y a pas de quoi se vanter.
- How's that working out for you?
Ca te convient?
How's that working out for you?
Comment vous en sortez-vous?
It's counter-intuitive, I know. - How's that plan working out for you?
C'est contre-intuitif, je sais.
The whole, uh, jumping-to-conclusions thing before getting the full story - how's that working out for you?
Tu conclus avant méme que je t'explique? - Comment vas-tu?
And how's that working out for you?
Et alors, comment ça se passe?
How's that working out for you?
Ça se passe bien?
I don't need you coming here uninvited, trying to make me feel worse, when all I'm doing is trying to make myself feel a little better. So how's that working out for ya?
Je n'ai pas besoin de vous ici pour que vous me culpabilisiez alors que j'essaie de me remonter le moral.
- How's that working out for you?
- Quel intérêt?
And how's that Working out for you?
Et comment ça a marché?
How's that working out for you?
Comment ça se passe, ton avenir?
How's that working out for you?
Ça va bien, pour toi?
" Hey, how's that homelessness working out for you?
" Comment ça marche pour vous d'être sans-abri?
How's that working out for you so far?
Et ça a payé?
How's that working out for you?
Comment ça marche pour vous?
How's that working out for you?
- Comment ça va pour toi?
How's that working out for you?
Eh bien, t'es mal partie!
How's that working out for you?
Et comment ça a marché?
How's that working out for you?
Et ça marche?
So, how's that class favorite thing working out for you?
Ça marche, ton histoire de coqueluche de la classe?
- How's that working out for you?
- Ca fonctionne bien?
How's that working out for you?
Tu le vois dans le coin?

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