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How did you know about that traduction Français

185 traduction parallèle
How did you know about that?
Comment l'avez vous-su?
How did you know about that?
Comment savais-tu que c'était la chose à faire?
Yuko, how did you know about that?
Yûko, comment es-tu au courant?
Now, how did you know about that?
Comment savez-vous ça?
- How did you know about that?
Comment es-tu au courant de ça?
How did you know about that?
Comment saviez-vous?
How did you know about that?
- Comment sais-tu ça?
Who's "we" and how did you know about that?
Qui est "nous" et comment Saviez-vous à ce sujet?
How did you know about that?
Comment le saviez-vous?
How did you know about that toupee?
Comment sais-tu, pour la moumoute?
How did you know about that place, Mr. Holmes?
Comment saviez-vous qu'il y avait cette pièce?
How did you know about that?
Vous étiez au courant?
- How did you know about that?
- Comment tu connais ce nom?
- How did you know about that?
- Comment savez-vous ça?
How did you know about that?
Comment le savais-tu?
Kit Kat, how did you know about that blue wire?
Kit Kat, comment savais-tu pour ce fil bleu?
How did you know about that? Your name's on record at the Center for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois.
Vous êtes sur la liste du Centre d'étude des OVNI d'Evanston, dans l'Illinois.
But how did you know about that?
Comment savez-vous tout ça?
- How did you know about that?
T'es au courant?
How did you know about that?
Le jour de l'honneur. Comment savez-vous?
How did you know about that?
comment t'es au courant?
- How did you know about that? - Oh, my God.
- Comment avez-vous trouvé?
How did you know about that?
Comment vous savez ça?
- How did you know about that?
- Comment tu sais?
But how did you know about that cruiser?
Mais comment avez-vous su pour ce croiseur?
How did you know about that?
Comment tu sais ça?
- How did you know about that?
- Tu savais?
How did you know about that?
Comment tu le sais?
How did you know about that?
Comment sais-tu pour ça?
How did you know about that?
Comment es-tu au courant de ça?
Come on, how did you know about that shortcut?
N'importe quoi! C'est pas un fantôme.
How did you know that I was thinking about your ears?
Comment saviez-vous que je pensais à vos oreilles?
I don't know how you did it, but you made me feel about that big.
Je ne sais pas comment vous faites, mais je me sentais toute petite.
- How did you men know about that?
Qui vous a dit ça?
You didn't tell me about your friends, and how did they know that you might be here?
Vous ne m'avez pas parlé de vos amis. Comment ont-ils su que vous étiez là?
01 00 : 33 : 30 : 19 And we can't protect you, 16 00 : 33 : 33 : 14 I advise you to heed that warning. - How did you know about that?
- La prochaine fois, ca peut être plus grave.
Not that it matters, but how did you know about Quinlen?
C'est pas vraiment important, mais comment tu as su pour Quinlen?
How did you know about that?
Comment le savez-vous?
How about, "Did you know that Shakespeare died of syphilis?"
Alors : "Sais-tu que Shakespeare est mort de la syphilis?"
- How did you know about that?
- Comment le savez-vous?
- How did you know about that? She's out on her own with Jean-Pierre, having a great time without you. Mum phoned.
- Qui t'en a parlé?
I had this big speech all worked out, right about how I didn't want to be second any more... how I wanted a relationship that felt... permanent, you know not just convenient... how I wanted to be part of a couple that did things as a... as a couple, you know?
Que je voulais... du permanent, pas seulement du commode. Faire partie d'un couple qui fait des choses en tant que couple.
Hey, did you know that the Coach was boasting about how he had
Hé, vous saviez que l'entraineur se vantait au sujet de la façon dont il a
How did you know I was telling the truth about Vince? I could've made that stuff up.
Comment saviez-vous que j'avais pas menti?
All that stuff you rattled off, how did you know about all that?
Tout ce que vous avez dit, comment l'avez-vous su?
- How do you know? Do you have written documentation about what beverages... they did or did not have on that long, historic night of standing?
As-tu des documents écrits sur les boissons qu'ils ont bues ou pas en cette soirée historique d'attente.
I mean, how did the people who she was connected with... how could they open up so easily to a foreigner... somebody that they didn't know... and somebody who was supposed to be a... you know, who comes, as you were saying before... a white person coming to learn about the culture of the black people?
Je veux dire, comment ont fait les haïtiens qu'elle a rencontrés... comment pouvaient-ils s'ouvrir tellement facilement à un étranger... quelqu'un qu'ils ne connaissent pas... et quelqu'un qui était censé être une-une... tu sais, qui vient, comme tu disais avant... une personne blanche venant apprendre la culture des personnes noires?
How did you know that's what I was gonna ask you about?
Comment saviez-vous que c'était ce que j'allais vous demander?
How did you even know about that?
Comment etes-vous au courant?
And whenever I would ask him how he did it or how he knew, he would just say that he could sense, you know, what was about to happen.
Et quand je lui demandais comment il savait quoi faire, il me disait qu'il pouvait sentir ce qui allait se produire.
Did you know that every Christmas after you go to bed, Dad, Mom and I sit up and we talk about how proud we are of you?
Savais-tu qu'à chaque noël quand tu partais te coucher, papa, maman et moi on parlait de toi, de combien on était fiers de toi?

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