I'll try that traduction Français
728 traduction parallèle
And you, Olivier, don't try that again or I'll bust your ass.
Que j'aie envie de voir mon petit-fils est une folie?
I'll attend to you later. Don't try to pull that..
Je traiterai avec vous plus tard.
If you try to pull another break like that on me, I'll deliver you in a basket.
Essaie encore un truc comme ça, et je te livre dans un panier.
I am a selfish girl but I'll truly try to be better and not waste my time in school so that Father may not be disappointed in me.
Je ne suis qu'une égoïste... mais je vais essayer de faire des progrès... et de ne plus perdre mon temps! Pour que Papa ne soit pas déçu!
You try to force that palooka down the public's throat... and you'll find out what I know.
Attends la réaction du public et tu comprendras!
You try to keep me out of this, And I'll fix it so that no native in these parts Will come within a thousand miles of ya.
Si vous essayez de m'écarter, je m'arrangerai pour que personne dans la région ne vous accompagne.
I'll try that place.
Je vais essayer ici.
I promise you, my darling, that as soon as I've completed that experiment, I'll try to be more...
Je te promets, ma chérie, qu'une fois cette expérience terminée... j'essaierai d'être plus...
- I'll try. - Well, that's fine.
- Je vais essayer.
I'll do the fishing, Disko... you just get out that checkerboard and try to figure out how really smart you are.
Je pêcherai, Disko. Sors ton jeu d'échecs. Et essaie de te montrer malin.
And if that's being a halfwit, I think I'll try to get rid of the other half.
Si ça me donne l'air d'un demi-demeuré, je vais œuvrer à l'être totalement.
If you ever try a thing like that again, I'll...
Si vous faites encore une chose pareille, je...
You made a nervous wreck out of me, you tortured me, you took my pride away, my self-respect and I stood for it, but if you try to tell me that he just came here to bring a handbag, I'll kill you.
Tu m'as mis les nerfs en boule, torturé, privé de ma fierté, de ma dignité, et je t'ai laissée faire. Si tu essaies de me faire croire qu'il est venu te porter un sac à main, je vais te tuer.
I know that once I've gone, they'll try to strip me here at home.
Une fois parti, ils essayeront de me ruiner!
If you don't like that story, I'll try to think of another one.
Si vous voulez une autre histoire...
Maybe I'll try it someday on that jungle out there.
Je vais peut-être essayer de faire ça dans la jungle.
I can't give it back to you now but I'll try to see that the police don't bother you.
Je ne peux vous le rendre, mais j'empêcherai la police de vous ennuyer.
You try that again, and maybe I'll do it for you.
Essayez encore, et c'est moi qui vais vous tuer.
I'll try to think of a game that I play well.
Je ne sais pas si je serai à la hauteur.
If they try to keep you in Havana, I'll bust that town...
Si on vous retient à La Havane, je retournerai cette ville...
But if I live later, I'll try to live in such a way, doing no harm to anyone, that it will be forgiven.
Mais ensuite, j'essaierais de ne plus jamais faire de mal à personne, pour que je sois pardonné.
That's your specialty. But I'll try.
C'est ta spécialité, mais je vais essayer.
Try that again and I'll put you on solitary confinement, you would-be Frankenstein.
Si tu me refais ça, je t'enverrai au trou... espèce de faux Frankenstein!
I'll try to remember that.
Je m'en souviendrai.
I'll try to remember what you said last night... that years from now, this will seem the greatest adventure we ever had, even though we had it separately.
J'essaierai de me rappeler ce que tu disais hier soir, que dans plusieurs années, cette épreuve deviendra notre plus belle aventure, même si nous la vivons séparément aujourd'hui.
I won't try to tell you that you'll get over it soon, because it will take time... maybe a long time.
Je ne te dirai pas que tu t'en remettras vite car cela prend du temps, beaucoup de temps, parfois.
Would you give him a hand? Maybe I'll be the one that goes crazy, but I'll try.
M. Beltrán, que j'ai le plaisir de vous présenter, a trouvé un hiéroglyphe qui va le rendre fou si vous ne l'aidez pas à le déchiffrer.
I only wanted to warn you and to tell you that I'll try to keep it out of his hands if I possibly can,
Je voulais vous prévenir et vous dire que j'essaierai de la garder hors de sa portée, si je le peux.
But don't try to run away or pull any tricks like that, because I'll be keeping an eye on things pretty close.
N'essayez pas de fuir ou de me jouer un tour. Je vous surveille, et de près.
- I'll try to see that it's long enough.
Je vais faire en sorte que ce délai suffise.
And now I think I'll have a try at that fancy brass clock.
Je tente cette jolie horloge en bronze.
- I'll have to try that sometime.
- ll faudra que j'essaie, un jour.
Consider me invited, and I'll try and find out about that wine cellar business.
- Vous m'invitez et je percerai le secret du cellier.
I'll try and remember that, when I'm on the witness stand singing.
J'essaierai de m'en souvenir quand je témoignerai.
To the office tomorrow for that job, I'll try again.
Au bureau, demain, j'essaierai de nouveau.
You try and take that boat and I'll gut you out like a cod.
Essaie donc pour voir, et je t'éviscère comme une morue.
I'll admit, it's a little steep, but I'll try and get Retch to knock $ 100 off the bill. - If I can't get that, I'll certainly try for 75.
Je vais essayer de négocier 100 $ de rabais.
I'll try to answer that.
Je vais y répondre.
I'll try to see that you're not.
On va vous épargner ça.
If you try any more of that "again" business, I'll box your ears.
Et ne recommencez pas avec vos "encore", sinon je vous frapperai.
I'll try once more, and that's all.
- Juste une fois. - D'accord.
I'm not going to try it again with human beings. I'll stick to chimpanzees. - Is that right?
Je laisse tomber les êtres humains, je me concentre sur les chimpanzés.
Should you ever think of me in Earls Court, that's where I'll be, helping Harry's parents with the lodgers, if you do ever think of me, try not to let it be too harshly.
Pense à moi à Earl's Court, c'est là que je serai... pour aider les parents de Harry avec les locataires. Pense toujours à moi. Essaie que ce ne soit pas toujours trop durement.
Maybe next time I'll try that.
Peut-être que j'essaierai ça la prochaine fois.
I'll try and keep that in mind, Mrs. Denver.
Je vais garder ça en tête, Mme Denver.
Tell them that I'll try to make it.
Dites-leur que j'essayerai de venir.
I'll have to try that.
Il faudra que j'essaie.
Next time you try that, I'll forget that you're a woman.
La prochaine fois, je vous traiterai comme un homme.
However, I'll add that charge and try him for both crimes.
Je vais ajouter cette accusation, ça fait deux crimes.
I'll try and keep them that way.
Je vais faire en sorte que ça continue.
I'll try make things not too difficult for you. That's a comforting thought, ma'am.
N'essayez pas de compliquer les choses c'est bon à savoir.
i'll try my best 46
i'll try harder 24
i'll try again 49
i'll try 867
i'll try to 20
i'll try not to 35
i'll try to remember that 19
i'll try it 54
i'll try anything 18
try that again 27
i'll try harder 24
i'll try again 49
i'll try 867
i'll try to 20
i'll try not to 35
i'll try to remember that 19
i'll try it 54
i'll try anything 18
try that again 27
try that 85
try that one 21
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
try that one 21
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19