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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ I ] / I'm trying to talk to you

I'm trying to talk to you traduction Français

189 traduction parallèle
Mind you, I'm not trying to talk you into anything.
Je n'essaie pas de te convaincre de quoi que ce soit.
As a matter of fact, I'm not exactly a reporter... but I was trying to get you to talk, and I didn't want bird talk either.
En fait, je ne suis pas vraiment reporter, j'essayais de vous faire parler. Et pas des oiseaux.
I'm not nagging. I'm just trying to talk sense to you and you won't listen.
J'essaye de te parler raisonnablement mais tu ne veux rien entendre.
Donald, I'm trying to talk to you.
- Donald, j'essaie de te parler.
What I'm trying to ask you, only you talk so much, is...
Ce que j'essaie de te demander, mais tu parles tant, c'est...
Hogan, if you don't mind, I'm trying to talk to Dave.
Vous permettez? J'essaie de parler à Dave.
My dear Vicki, I'm trying to talk to you.
Ma chère Vicki, j'essayais de vous parler.
I'm trying to get you to talk.
J'essaie de vous faire parler.
I asked you not to talk while I'm trying to think.
Je vous ai demandé de ne pas parler quand je réfléchis.
- I'm trying to talk to you.
- J'essaie de vous parler.
I'm trying to help you, you've wanted to tell me something for a while now, you talk around the subject, but you're never brave enough to confront it.
J'essaie de t'aider, Enrico. Ça fait un moment que tu as envie de me parler. Tu tournes autour du pot, mais tu ne trouves pas le courage de le dire.
I'm trying to help and you talk about sex?
J'essaye de t'aider et tu me parles de sexe?
Will you please stop playing when I'm trying to talk!
Ne jouez pas quand je parle.
I'm trying to talk to you, and you- -
J'essaye de te parler, mais...
I'm trying to talk to you. Hold it.
I'm trying to talk to you.
J'essaie de te parler, Eric.
I'm not trying to talk you into a project here. I'm trying to save my skin and the Foundation's credibility, and if I can help Nicole get her daughter back, all the better.
Je n'essaie pas de vous embarquer dans un plan, j'essaie de sauver ma peau et la crédibilité de la Fondation.
I'm trying to talk to you.
J'essaie de te parler.
Can't you see I'm trying to get St. Claire to talk?
Ne voyez-vous pas que j'essaie de Ie faire parler?
I am trying to talk to the people here, and all the time you keep interrupting with your dumb songs and comments and shtick and I don't know what else.
J'essaie de parler aux braves gens qui sont là et t'arrêtes pas de m'interrompre avec tes chansons idiotes, tes imitations ridicules et je ne sais quoi encore!
- I'm trying to get you to talk sense.
J'essaie de te raisonner.
Angela, I think I know what you're trying to ask... and as somebody who's known you for several years now... if you need to talk about anything, I'm always here.
Angela, je vois où tu veux en venir... et te connaissant depuis plusieurs années... si tu souhaites évoquer un sujet, je suis là.
I'm just trying to talk to you.
J'essaye de te parler.
I hope you're not trying to talk me out of my lawsuit. They kept me chained up for two days after I identified myself. - They knew who I was.
N'essayez pas de me dissuader de les poursuivre... car ils m'ont gardé deux jours, enchaîné dans une cellule... après m'être identifié.
I'm trying to talk to you.
Je vous parle.
I'm trying to help. Can I talk to you, Rick?
Ce sont mes enfants, pas les tiens
I'm not trying to talk you into anything.
Je te fais pas de propositions.
You're trying to rattle me. I'm thrown when two people talk.
Vous savez que je m'irrite quand on parle en même temps.
- I'm trying to talk to you.
- J'essaie de te parler. - Je sais.
I ain't trying to be your daddy or nothing, but if you need advice feel free to talk to me.
Je veux pas jouer les pères, mais si t'as besoin de conseils... te gêne pas pour m'en parler.
I'm just trying to prepare you in case people talk about it.
J'essaie seulement de vous préparer au cas où vous en entendiez parler.
You know, I'd love to just pal around and talk about the past- - really, I would- - but I'm actually trying to move on with my life right now.
J'aimerais bien copiner et parler du passé, mais j'essaie de tourner la page, en ce moment.
- Ma, I'm trying to talk to you here.
- Maman, j'essaye de te parler, là.
- What? - Well, I'm trying to talk to you.
Je suis sure que ton magique petit assistant de production peut arranger ça.
- Shut up, Jerry. - I'm just trying to help navigate love's wavy water... You should talk to her.
Tu devrais lui parler.
- I'm just trying to talk to you.
- J'essaie seulement de te parler.
- I'm trying to talk to you.
- J'essaie de te parler.
I'm trying to talk to you.
Tu m'écoutes pas.
I'm trying to talk to you!
Attendez un instant. J'essaie de vous parler.
What is you running for? I'm trying to talk to you.
Pourquoi tu cours?
I'm trying to talk to you... and you can't have one minute go by... without trying to insult me?
J'essaie de te parler... et tu ne peux pas rester une minute sans m'insulter.
I'm sorry, I'm just trying to talk to you here...
Désolée, je voulais juste parler de femme à femme, être sincère.
I'm not going to talk to you. I've been trying to contact you... since the last two months!
J'avais essayé de te contacter... depuis les deux derniers mois!
I'm trying to talk to you.
C'est insupportable.
I'm trying to understand why there's all these people here and you only want to talk to her.
J'essaie de comprendre pourquoi il y a tous ces gens ici et tu veux lui parler à elle.
I'm trying to talk, then you can talk.
J'essaie de parler, tu pourras parler ensuite.
I'm trying to talk to you, and you're being snobby, are you okay?
J'essaye de te parler, et tu m'ignores, tu vas bien?
I'm not trying to talk you out of it.
Je n'essaye pas de t'en empêcher.
I-I don't like to be thinking about you as a woman when I'm trying to talk to you.
Je n'aime pas penser à toi en tant que femme quand j'essais de te parler.
Okay, so I think you were trying to talk me into the pork chop.
Ok, je crois que tu essayais de m'inciter à prendre les côtes de porc
I'm trying to talk to you about something important.
J'essaie de te parler de quelque chose d'important.

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