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I'm trying to understand traduction Français

635 traduction parallèle
I'm only trying to understand.
Je cherche à comprendre!
Blackie, don't you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
Blackie, tu ne comprends pas ce que j'essaie de te dire?
You don't understand. I'm not trying to get acquainted. All I want to know is...
Je ne vous fais pas du plat, je voudrais juste savoir...
I wish you'd please understand that I'm only trying to help you find yourself.
J'essaie juste de vous aider à trouver qui vous êtes.
I'm trying to be honest, too. Can't you understand?
J'essaie aussi d'être honnête.
I'm trying to understand you.
J'essaie de vous comprendre.
I'm trying to write his story so that people will understand that he's watching us.
Je veux écrire l'histoire de sa vie. Pour que les gens sachent qu'il nous regarde.
But, Jim, can't you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
Jim, ne vois-tu pas ce que je me tue à te dire?
I'm trying to understand. I'm as worried as you.
Mais je cherche à comprendre, je suis inquiète, comme toi.
But one thing has changed now, I'm no longer trying to understand.
Mais une chose est changée, je ne cherche plus à comprendre.
But I'm not trying to sell you anything, understand. All I'm saying is that one day someone with a little imagination's gonna come along and steal this place.
Je ne cherche pas a vous refiler n'importe quoi, mais un jour... quelqu'un d'un peu imaginatif se jettera dessus comme un voleur.
You don't even understand what I'm trying to say, do you?
Tu ne comprends pas ce que je dis?
- Now, look here, Virginia. I'm trying to help you, understand?
Je veux vous aider.
Don't you understand? Can't you see what I'm trying to do?
Tu ne comprends pas ce que j'essaie de faire?
You can't understand what I'm trying to tell you.
Tu ne comprends pas ce que je veux te dire.
I'm not knocking it, man, I'm just trying to understand it.
J'essaie juste de comprendre.
You're wiser than I. You must understand what I'm trying to tell you.
Vous êtes plus sage que moi. Essayez de me comprendre.
Well, then you should understand what I'm trying to do.
Alors, tu devrais comprendre ce que j'essaie de faire.
You don't understand what I'm trying to say...
- Non, mon amour.
Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you, Peter?
Comprends-moi, tâche de comprendre.
Why can't you understand that I'm just trying to...
Comprenez donc que je cherche à vous...
I'm trying to understand it.
J'essaie de comprendre.
- Don't you understand what I'm trying to...? - Please.
Ne vois-tu pas ce que je veux...
I'm trying to understand, but I'm scared.
Tu ne le vois pas?
When you saw me get Michel to come to the house... like I did... did you understand... that I was trying to build on... his friendship with me?
Lorsque tu m'as vu attirer Michel à la maison, .. que j'essayais de mettre dans la balance.. .. son amitié pour moi?
Can't you understand what I'm trying to do here at this mine?
Tu ne comprends pas... ce que je veux arriver à faire ici?
You understand what I'm trying to say?
Vous comprenez ce que je veux dire?
- I'd like to understand what I'm shown. What was your father trying to do to you, photographing you at night?
Que voulait donc votre père, en vous filmant la nuit?
I'm trying to understand your feelings
- Je voudrais essayer de comprendre.
Look, kid, I may end up as your skipper yet... but you understand why I'm trying not to, don't you?
Vous devez comprendre que je ne suis pas très chaud.
And you got to understand what I'm trying to tell you.
Il faut que tu comprennes ce que je te dis.
Chimene... do you understand what I'm trying to say?
Chimène, comprends-tu ce que j'essaie de dire?
I'm not accusing, I'm just trying to put it together, to understand. It's not fair. You have no right to accuse them...
Vous n'avez pas le droit...
But don't you understand what I'm trying to say?
Vous ne comprenez pas ce que je dis?
Two other guys read two others. Don't you understand what i'm trying to say?
Je vois un numéro sur la queue, mais chacun en lit un diffèrent.
I'm trying to understand exactly what it is you wish me to do, sir.
J'essaie de comprendre ce que vous attendez exactement de moi.
- I'm only trying to understand you.
- J'essaie seulement de te cerner.
I'm not only trying to understand you, I'm even trying to believe you.
J'essaie de vous croire.
I'm not trying to be cruel, you understand, but you know something very important to our survival.
Je ne veux pas être cruel, tu sais, mais tu connais une chose importante pour notre survie.
No, I'm just trying to understand, that's all.
Non, j'essaie seulement de comprendre, c'est tout.
I'm sure he'd understand you were only trying to get Ringo of his trail.
Je suis sûr qu'il comprendra que c'était pour semer Ringo.
- Shino! Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?
Tu ne comprends pas?
You will never understand what I'm trying to do.... I did not understand...
Jamais vous ne comprendrez ce que j'essaie de faire.
Please, Darrin, I'm trying to understand the child.
Jean-Pierre, j'essaie de comprendre le petit.
- No, that's not it, I'm trying to understand.
- Non, c'est pas ça, j'essaie de comprendre.
I'm trying to be delicate with you but you just won't understand.
J'essaye de te ménager... mais tu ne veux pas comprendre.
I'm serving the Law, upholding Justice and trying to make a small contribution to society, understand?
Je fais respecter la loi, et essaie de contribuer à la société, tu comprends?
Try to understand, I'm trying to take you from an insignificant faith, and I think I've succeeded. I see how you're integrating into our community.
Essayez de comprendre, je vous aide à vous débarrasser d'une foi inconsistante... j'ai réussi et je crois que vous vous intégrez à notre communauté.
You will understand everything I have been trying to tell you. You will also understand me and what happened to me in the past few days.
Tu comprendras ce que j'ai cherché à te dire et ce qui m'est arrivé ces jours-ci.
But I... I'm just trying to understand, because...
Mais je... j'essaye juste de comprendre, parce que...
I'm trying to understand...
Vous ne comprenez pas...

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