I couldn't bear it traduction Français
188 traduction parallèle
I couldn't bear it. He's coming to ask you.
C'est au-dessus de mes forces!
I just couldn't bear the nurses'- evening-off aspect of it.
Je ne supporte pas l'idée d'être l'infirmière d'un soir.
Oh, I couldn't bear to do it except that I'm desperate.
Si je n'étais pas désespérée, je refuserais.
I couldn't bear it without them.
Sans elles je craquerais!
But I just couldn't bear it.
Mais je ne supportais pas.
I wouldn't mind for myself... but for you, I couldn't bear it. I couldn't have you pitied because of me.
Cela m'importe peu, mais pour vous, je ne pourrais le supporter.
I couldn't bear it any longer, darling.
Je n'en pouvais plus.
I couldn't bear it if you did.
Je ne pourrais pas le supporter.
I couldn't bear it.
Je ne le supporterais pas.
I couldn't bear that it might mean Elfy's disinheritance.
Je ne pouvais supporter qu'on déshérite Elfy.
I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you... but now I see, it's got to happen soon anyway.
Je ne pouvais supporter l'idée de vous quitter. Mais je vois qu'il faut en arriver là de toute manière.
Sorry. I had to tell it. I couldn't bear to be left out in the cold.
Désolé, Il fallait que je la raconte.
I couldn't bear it away from you.
Je ne peux supporter d'être loin de vous.
I couldn't bear it to see you break down and feel like a human being.
Je supporterais pas, de vous voir craquer et avoir des sentiments humains.
Don't take her, I couldn't bear it!
Ne l'enlevez pas, je ne le supporterais pas.
I couldn't bear to fly it out of French territory... so I cut off my fuel and crash-landed here in Casablanca.
Pas question que ça quitte la France. J'ai coupé les gaz et atterri en catastrophe ici.
I couldn't bear it.
Je ne pourrai pas le supporter.
But, Charlie... we can't live with these people! I couldn't bear it.
On ne peut pas vivre avec ces gens.
Don't do anything silly, I couldn't bear it.
Ne fais pas d'histoires, je ne supporte pas ça.
I couldn't bear it this morning when I though you and Dad were fighting.
Je ne veux pas que tu te battes avec papa.
I couldn't bear it. It would tear the heart out of me.
Je ne supporterais pas que tu continues.
Yes, and if you felt that way, i couldn't bear it.
Si vous le pensez aussi, c'est atroce.
- I couldn't bear it anymore.
- Je ne le supportais plus.
I couldn't bear it.
Cela faisait mal...
I couldn't bear it.
C'était insoutenable.
I couldn't bear it anymore.
J'étais à bout.
I couldn't bear living in the country. You think about it.
Je ne veux pas moisir dans cette campagne.
- I couldn't bear it. - We must.
- Je ne le supporterai pas.
I'm a man of my word and I couldn't bear the idea of going back on it.
Je suis un homme de mon monde et je ne pouvais pas supporter l'idée de revenir là-dessus.
I thought I couldn't bear it if I didn't see you again.
J'ai cru que je ne supporterais pas de ne pas te revoir.
Aucune raison d'avoir peur.
I couldn't bear it without knowing, so I went to ask.
Je ne pouvais pas souffrir sans savoir, alors je suis allé lui demander.
- I couldn't bear to face it alone.
- je ne pouvais l'affronter seule.
I just couldn't bear it.
Ce n'est pas raisonnable.
I couldn't bear it!
C'était intolérable!
I couldn't bear it if you got angry and left home.
Je ne veux pas qu'on se quitte fâchés.
- I couldn't bear it. - Don't even mention it, please.
N'y pense même pas.
You must forgive me, Robert ; I couldn't bear it any longer.
Il faut me pardonner, Robert ;
Your ship's the only home I've got now, and I couldn't bear it if...
Enfin, votre vaisseau est la seule maison que j'ai désormais - et je ne supporterais pas si...
Sooner or later you'd fire me so I'd like to quit now before the baby comes because even though I wouldn't do right by it I know I'd fall in love with it, and I couldn't bear to leave it.
Vous finirez par me renvoyer, alors je préfère partir avant l'arrivée du bébé. Je sais que je ne serai pas compétente d'ici là mais que je l'aimerai et que je ne pourrai pas le quitter.
I couldn't bear it anymore, so I left.
À un moment, j'ai craqué et je suis parti.
- I couldn't bear it.
Je n'en pouvais plus.
I just couldn't bear it any more.
C'en était trop...
I couldn't bear to throw it away.
J'ai pas eu le coeur de la jeter.
I couldn't bear it. I had to escape.
Je devais m'évader.
It smelled of acid. I couldn't bear it.
Ça sentait toujours l'acide, je ne supportais pas.
She couldn't bear the idea that I was gonna make it.
Elle ne supportait pas mon succès.
I ran because I couldn't bear the thought of them doing it to you.
J'ai fui parce que je ne supportais pas l'idée qu'il t'arrive la même chose.
It made me so sad I couldn't bear it.
Ça m'a rendue si triste, je ne pouvais pas le supporter.
I couldn't bear it, to lose you both.
Je ne supporterai pas de vous perdre tous les deux.
I don't know. Perhaps he couldn't bear it that you had left him.
Peut-être qu'il n'en pouvait plus.
i couldn't agree more 197
i couldn't find it 44
i couldn't find you 43
i couldn't resist 80
i couldn't help it 192
i couldn't stop 53
i couldn't stand it 38
i couldn't agree with you more 58
i couldn't hear you 49
i couldn't 1105
i couldn't find it 44
i couldn't find you 43
i couldn't resist 80
i couldn't help it 192
i couldn't stop 53
i couldn't stand it 38
i couldn't agree with you more 58
i couldn't hear you 49
i couldn't 1105