I don't mind it traduction Français
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Well, I do like the chair, but as long as it helps you, I don't mind.
J'aimais bien cette chaise, mais si ça t'est utile, je comprends.
No, I don't mind, it smells mumsy.
Ça me gêne pas.
You don't mind if I come out with it straight?
Je peux être franc?
And I could use it, I don't mind telling you.
Ce serait bienvenu, je le reconnais.
She says it lingers. I don't mind.
Elle dit qu'elle est tenace.
Dammit! I hope you don't mind. I got it in beige to match Charlotte's fur coat.
Je l'ai prise beige pour aller avec la fourrure de Charlotte.
I don't suppose it ever entered your mind that if I were ill or had an accident, I couldn't go to Rome.
Je doute que tu aies pensé qu'une maladie ou un accident m'empêcheraient d'aller à Rome.
I will take it to examine, if you don't mind.
- Je vais l'examiner.
If you don't shake your mind loose of her, I got no respect for you, damn it.
Si tu continues à penser à elle je ne te respecte plus.
I don't mind admitting it.
Je le sais très bien.
- If you don't mind. I'll go after it.
- Si vous voulez bien, je la prendrai.
Mother, it isn't that I don't adore hearing you rant and rave but would you mind doing it somewhere else?
Maman, j'adore t'entendre râler et pester, mais pourrais-tu continuer ça ailleurs?
If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it.
Je préfère ne pas en parler.
I don't think your mind is as blank as you'd like it to be. That's your trouble.
Je ne pense pas que tu aies tout oublié comme tu t'entêtes à le croire.
I don't mind telling you, it shook me.
Je ne faisais pas le fier.
I know what's on your mind, but don't you think it's time to forget it?
Je sais ce que tu as en tête. Il serait temps que tu tournes la page.
I don't mind telling you, you sure make it difficult for a surgeon trying...
- Comment vont-ils? Vous ne facilitez pas la tâche du chirurgien...
I'd like to check it out, if you don't mind.
J'aimerais vérifier.
I hope you don't mind roughing it like this.
Pique-niquer ne vous gêne pas, j'espère.
I don't mind if that boy, José Macias, got it... I just wanted to know.
Je dis pas ça pour le petit José Macias, mais... c'est pour savoir.
On first exchanging up from marching regiment to horse it was all at sea and never a light to guide me, I don't mind confessing.
Je suis passé de l'infanterie à la cavalerie à la force du poignet, je n'hésite pas à l'avouer.
On account of I don't want to be responsible for whatever that dummy takes it into his mind to do.
Parce que je ne veux pas être responsable de ce que ce sourdingue pourrait avoir envie de faire.
I don't mind telling you, we've been terribly worried about it.
Je ne vous cache pas que nous sommes inquiets.
I don't mind doing it if it's part of the job, but -
Le travail, c'est le travail.
I don't know, it just came to my mind.
Comme ça, ça m'est venu tout seul.
It was to give category to my firm. - I hope you don't mind.
Il est pour donner du "prestig"'au cabinet j'ai vous gêné?
- You don't mind if I count it, do you?
- Vous permettez que je compte?
If you don't mind, I will have to cut up this picture. I'll need it for my investigation.
Si vous le permettez, M. Mahé, je vais abîmer cette photo... pour les nécessités de mes recherches.
And I don't mind it too much for the first 100 miles.
C'était bien, les premiers 150 km.
I don't mind it here at all.
Vous savez, je ne me déplais pas du tout, ici.
Well, now, seeing it's a wedding, don't mind if I do.
Comme c'est ton mariage, je dis pas non.
And here we are. I don't mind saying, to see it all together at last...
Nous cherchons tous les deux à avoir l'intégralité du texte...
And don't mind confessing I think it's a blessing
L'avouer n'est pas un supplice C'est un delice
I don't mind the cockamamie machine breaking down twice a day. But why the hell does it always have to be 500 yards away from the nearest hatch?
Que cet engin farfelu se détraque deux fois par jour, d'accord... mais pourquoi toujours à 500 mètres de la vanne la plus proche?
So I'll take it, if you don't mind.
Alors je vais les prendre, s'il vous plaît.
Deals I don't mind. It's partners I don't like.
J'aime pas les associés!
I don't mind eating if it's possible to make a martini sandwich.
- Salut, Henry. - Repos. Le lieutenant Bricker.
I'll keep it short, because I don't have time. You don't mind?
Oui, excusez-moi, je signe juste mon nom parce que j'ai pas le temps...
I don't mind being treated as a sex object... but it's like any other game.
Ça m'est égal d'être traitée comme un objet sexuel... c'est un jeu comme un autre.
I don't mind. Fix it tomorrow.
Vous arrangerez ça demain.
I don't care who he is. It's all in your mind.
Dis-toi ça, et c'est gagné.
I don't mind it so much anymore.
Je m'en fais plus autant.
You know, I remember when I was a child,... there were other similar legends. But now I search and search and search my mind,... and I just don't... Don't seem to remember it.
Toute petite, j'ai entendu des légendes similaires, mais j'ai beau me creuser l'esprit, je n'arrive pas à m'en souvenir.
I really don't want to talk about it, Peter, if you don't mind.
Je n'ai pas envie d'en parler.
Then, if you don't mind, I am going to lend it to you.
Alors, si vous permettez, je vous les prête.
- l don't mind telling you I ain't looking forward to getting plastered with lead all night but I guess if that's the way it's got to be.
- Je vous le dis... je n'ai pas hâte de me faire remplir de plomb... mais si c'est inévitable, alors...
I mean, it just, it boggles my mind. I don't know how the hell you do it.
Ça m'épate, je sais pas comment vous faites.
He didn't mind looking freaky... like I don't mind it,'cause I was doing it before he was.
Mais Jimi voulait arriver. J'étais comme ça avant lui.
Now I'll just take my mask, if you don't mind, and I'll strap it on to my face.
Merci beaucoup. Maintenant, je vais prendre mon masque, si ça ne vous ennuie pas.
[Clears Throat] Well, I'd like to think about it for a while, if you don't mind.
Eh bien, j'aimerais y réfléchir un peu, si ça ne vous dérange pas.
They're telling me it's the generator... If you don't mind, Lieutenant, I'm in something of a hurry.
Je suis très pressé.
i don't care how long it takes 27
i don't think so 6892
i don't speak russian 17
i don't know 71756
i don't smoke 209
i don't care 5140
i don't understand 6275
i don't 12020
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400
i don't think so 6892
i don't speak russian 17
i don't know 71756
i don't smoke 209
i don't care 5140
i don't understand 6275
i don't 12020
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400