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I don't mind that traduction Français

967 traduction parallèle
You... You're really capable, I guess. I don't know why, but it seems that the high authority has changed his mind.
Vous... je suppose.
That's why I'm crying, so it has nothing to do with you, so don't mind it.
alors ne me dérangez pas.
Oh, I don't like that woman. Well, never mind.
Je n'aime pas cette femme.
If you do one thing that I don't approve of while I'm gone... the least little thing, mind you... I'll show you what horror means.
Si en mon absence, tu fais quelque chose qui me déplaît, la moindre chose, attention, je t'apprendrai ce qu'est l'horreur.
You don't think you'll stop me, do you, now that I've made up my mind?
Ne crois pas que tu vas m'arrêter, ma décision est prise.
It isn't the job, I don't mind that.
Je me fiche de ce travail.
Then I'd like to spend mine for some new music that is, if you don't think Marmee would mind.
Alors j'achèterai des cahiers de musique... si ça n'ennuie pas Marmie!
- I don't mind that so much.
- Ce n'est pas ça.
Now that I know you like me pretty well... I don't mind telling you, if I pay off, this whole thing will cost me $ 200,000.
Je vais t'avouer que rembourser ces paris me coûtera des centaines de milliers.
- Well, if that's the way... I don't mind helping you kidnap your lady as long as we get the other first.
- Si c'est le cas, je veux bien t'aider à la kidnapper, tant qu'on trouve l'ivoire avant.
I don't mind. I expect that.
J'y suis habituée.
If you don't mind, I'd like that dress out.
Mettez cette robe de côté, je vous prie.
Better? In that case, I don't mind at all.
Alors comme ça, c'est différent, et comme ça, ça me plaît alors!
That Mrs. De Penable, I suppose she's all right... if you don't mind your friend collecting commission on the dresses you buy.
Cette madame de Penable, je suppose qu'elle peut aller... si ça ne te gêne pas qu'elle touche un pourcentage des robes que tu achètes.
I don't mind anything now that I'm back with you again.
Rien ne m'embête maintenant que je te revois.
I don't mind that.
Ça m'est égal.
I'm sure you don't mind that it's also our rum storage place.
J'y entrepose mon rhum. Un charme de plus, non?
That's all right. You can sit down. I don't mind at all.
Asseyez-vous, je vous en prie.
Mind you, I don't say that I'm going to, but just for the sake of argument what's the government going to do with it?
Je ne dis pas que je vais le faire, mais c'est pour discuter. Que fera le gouvernement de mon argent?
That isn't what I ordered. Well, then you don't mind if I take it back to the store, do you?
Alors, ça ne vous fait rien que je le ramène au magasin?
I don't mind telling you, Inspector, that as a guest in my own house, you'll find me extremely disagreeable.
Je vous préviens, inspecteur... que si je suis traité en invité sous mon propre toit... vous me trouverez très désagréable!
I don't mind telling you, baby, that means a lot, you standing up for me.
Je dois te dire que j'ai aimé que tu me défendes ainsi.
I don't mind saying that it did something to my girlish morale.
Ça ne m'ennuie pas de dire que ça a fait quelque chose à mon moral féminin.
I don't mind telling you the guy they ought to lock up is the guy that sent them things out.
Mais faudrait enfermer le type qui a pondu ces papiers.
That's the worst of you road slobs! Always getting too big for your britches! But I don't mind telling you one thing :
Vous avez tort de vouloir péter... plus haut que votre cul!
I don't mind that.
Les coups de bâton.
Tout à fait. Je ne dis pas que la fille est intéressée, comprenez-moi, mais je n'en dirais pas autant de son gardien.
If I had a balloon that would take me there and back, mind you, I don't know that I wouldn't have a go at it.
Si le ballon pouvait me ramener, voyez... je dirais peut-être pas non.
I'd like to have a look at that letter, if you don't mind.
J'aimerai voir cette lettre si vous voulez bien?
Well, if you don't mind, I'll just skip that part of the routine.
Si ça ne t'ennuie pas, je vais passer outre ce petit détail.
I don't like dead jockeys, Link. That's what's on my mind.
Je n'aime pas les assassinats de jockeys.
You know, Joe in a way, I don't mind that Indian getting off.
Le seul cavalier que j'aie vu ici! Mais ça va changer!
Well, I don't mind that as much as I did the dust.
Le plus dur, c'était la poussière.
I don't mind him calling. That's why he underpays me.
Qu'il appelle le jour, passe encore.
Now that we're speaking, I don't mind saying I've been admiring all your ties.
Maintenant je peux vous avouer que j'admire vos cravates.
If you don't mind, I'd prefer that you didn't.
J'aime autant pas.
Mind you, I don't say it runs in the family... but it's my job to check every angle... and satisfy myself that Professor Gleason didn't die in this house... or I'll have to ask the police to step in.
Remarquez bien, je ne dis pas que c'est dans la famille... mais c'est mon devoir de vérifier toutes les hypothèses et m'assurer... que le professeur Gleason n'est pas mort dans cette maison... ou alors, je devrai demander à la police d'intervenir.
And now that we understand each other so thoroughly.. Would you call it flirting if I took down some vital statistics? Now don't mind this.
Vous ne le prendrez pas mal si je note des faits importants?
I don't care if it's real estate or chicken farming, so long as it is something that will take his mind off himself and make him realize that he's still some use in this world.
Peu m'importe ce qu'il en fera du moment que cela le distrait de sa condition et lui fasse se rendre compte qu'il peut se rendre utile.
I don't mind Al being a colonel, but when I saw that star on Nails'shoulder, that finished me.
Al peut bien être colonel, mais Nails, général, ça m'achève!
- That's exactly the attitude we're trying to combat! - Now look here. I don't mind...
Le Lt-colonel Barnstable était un champion du tricot.
You don't mind if I take that, do you?
Ça ne te fait rien que je le reprenne, n'est-ce pas?
I'm trying to keep my mind free of things that don't matter, because I have so much to keep on my mind.
J'essaye d'avoir l'esprit libre de choses sans importance... parce que je dois garder tellement de choses à l'esprit.
I don't mind telling you I'd give anything to get my hands on that document.
Je n'hésite pas à vous dire que je ferais n'importe quoi
I don't mind that as much as having to eat it on the terrace.
J'aimerais surtout ne pas avoir à le prendre sur la terrasse.
I don't think rain water gives it enough nourishment. As soon as there's no longer any danger of pernicious anemia, would you mind removing that topsoil?
Quand le danger d'anémie pernicieuse sera totalement écarté, vous me l'évacuerez.
I'd prefer it that way, if you don't mind.
Je préfère que ce soit ainsi si ça ne vous gêne pas.
Sure I will. That is, if your mom don't mind.
Si ta mère le permet.
♪ I try to pretend ♪ Mavis! ♪ Saying that I don't mind it ♪ ♪ But everyone knows behind it ♪
Mavis! Monsieur Bennett.
I don't mind ordinary music, it's the wonderful stuff that bores me.
C'est pas la variété mais la grande musique qui m'ennuie.
Well, that kind of competition i don't mind.
Je ne crains pas cette concurrence-là.

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