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I knew it was you traduction Français

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As soon as the boy told me somebody tried to kill him, I knew it was you.
Dès que le garçon m'a dit qu'on avait voulu le tuer... j'ai su que c'était toi.
- I knew it was you.
- Je savais que c'était toi.
I knew it was you, Eddie.
- Je savais que c'était vous.
When he stopped barking, I knew it was you.
Quand il arrêté d'aboyer, J'ai su que c'était toi.
But I knew it was you.
Moi, je savais que c'était vous.
Soon as I seen the claybank, I knew it was you.
Dès que j'ai vu le bai louvet.
Look at this hat. If you hadn't ducked, that's what your head would've looked like. I never would've fired if I knew it was you.
Si tu ne t'étais pas baissé, ta tête aurait reçu la balle!
Then I knew it was you waiting for me in the dark.
Ainsi je savais que c'était vous qui m'attendiez dans l'ombre.
I knew it was you. - You could be wrong.
- On peut toujours se tromper.
I knew it was you.
Je savais que c'était toi.
I knew it was you at the chapel.
Je savais que c'était toi.
Frankie, I... I knew it was you.
Frankie, je savais que c'était toi.
That night on Alcatraz... I knew it was you I really wanted.
Ce soir-là, à Alcatraz, j'ai compris que c'était toi que j'aimais.
And you always knew what I was after. But I didn't know how you intended getting it.
Mais je ne savais pas que tu irais si loin.
He knew Duke was right when he said it was you I wanted.
Duke avait raison de dire que je l'avais cherché.
No, Denny, please. Honest, from the minute you picked up that grounder and threw to third I knew it was love.
Dès que vous avez lancé la balle, j'ai su que c'était de l'amour.
I asked if you knew what time it was.
- Il vous a demandé si vous avez l'heure?
I wanted it that way but when I saw you in the wickiup and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
Mais depuis que je t'ai vue... Depuis que tu as prié pour moi, je ne veux plus vivre seul. Je voulais te revoir avant de partir pour être sûr que je ne me trompe pas.
When you come to it, Francesca was the only satisfactory woman I knew.
En fait, Francesca était la meilleure des femmes :
I guess the reason I did it was because I knew you really wanted it.
C'est une bonne idée. Je crois que je l'ai fait car je savais que tu le voulais.
I knew it was going to happen someday. Either you or Abigail going on the stage.
Je savais que l'une de vous deviendrait un jour actrice.
I hadn't left Kate's gift in the hall, and yet... you knew it was a shawl.
Je n'ai pas laissé le cadeau de Kate dans le hall et pourtant... vous saviez que c'était un châle.
I could even tell you the truth, if I knew what it was.
Je te dirais la vérité si seulement je la connaissais.
Oh, I know you've taken a rich spoil, but... Would it interest you a little more if you knew that I was going to be aboard her myself?
Je sais que vous avez reçu une belle part du butin, mais vous seriez peut-être intéressé si vous saviez que je serai aussi à bord.
But it was understandable, under the circumstances. I knew I'd seen you.
J'étais sûre de vous avoir vu quelque part.
I had to find out if you knew it was there.
Je devais voir si vous connaissiez cette cachette.
You knew I was anxious. There was nothing to be anxious about. I told you Owens would do it for you.
Fallait pas t'inquiéter, je t'avais dit qu'il le ferait.
Of course, I knew it wasn't you in there while the burning was going on, but supposing your escape device didn't work and you oouldn't get out? What then?
Je sais que vous sortez avant la combustion, mais que ce passerait-il si vous restiez bloqué?
I knew it was coming. I warned you.
Je le savais, je vous avais prévenus.
We knew you were back, but it was so difficult to get information I didn't know when to expect you.
Je savais que vous reveniez mais c'était difficile d'en savoir plus. Je ne savais pas quand vous arriveriez.
But you know... it was so much fun that I knew some misfortune would come along.
Pourtant, j'ai eu un pressentiment. Tant de bonheur, je ne trouvais pas cela normal.
That's as far as it went, because I think we both knew I was the wrong man for you.
Mais je pense que nous savions tous les deux que je n'étais pas l'homme qu'il te fallait.
You knew how it was with me, crawling all my life because I never knew my folks.
Vous saviez comment c'était avec moi, A ramper toute ma vie parce que je n'ai pas connu mes parents.
But I was gonna make you take'em back because I knew it was too much.
J'allais te demander de les rendre parce que c'est trop cher.
I knew it was the right thing for you to move down here.
Je savais que venir ici résoudrait tout.
I saw you, I wanted you and before I knew it, I was Alexander Dumas.
Je vous ai vue et, pour vous, je suis devenu Alexandre Dumas.
Didrt I tell you? I was telling you all my life! I knew it!
J'ai dit, j'ai toujours dit, J'ai su!
I knew you'd try. I was afraid he'd do it, too.
J'avais peur qu'il le fasse.
It took me more than a month to find you, but I knew who I was looking for.
Il m'a fallu plus d'un mois pour te retrouver, mais je savais qui je cherchais.
Our press office people just sent it out as a standard release... and first thing we knew it was... Mrs. Barham, this picture was in almost every London newspaper yesterday. - I was sure you'd seen it.
Notre bureau l'a envoyée comme toute photo et apparemment, cette photo est parue dans tous vos journaux hier et j'étais sûr que vous l'aviez vue.
But I'm prepared to continue this assignment in the spirit you suggest if I knew what it was about sir.
Mais je suis disposé à continuer cette mission... dans l'esprit approprié si vous me dites... de quoi il s'agit, monsieur.
You all took it for granted that I knew all there was about fishing.
Vous avez tous supposé que je savais tout sur la pêche.
I knew you'd be tired but it was only possible today.
J'avais pensé que tu serais fatigué, je voulais choisir un autrejour, mais c'était impossible pour eux.
I knew it was too soon to be you
Ça ne pouvait pas déjà être vous.
I've heard of a housing shortage but I never knew it was so bad you'd have to spend Christmas in a Police Box.
Je savais qu'on manquait de logements, mais pas au point de passer Noël dans une cabine de police.
I knew it when that old woman killed herself. - I realized there was a connection between you.
Quand la vieille dame a préféré la mort, j'ai senti qu'il y avait un rapport avec vous.
It knew who you were! It sounds crazy, but it did. Knew who I was.
On aurait dit qu'il savait qui vous étiez.
Strange, don't you think? Since only you and I knew where it was.
C'est étrange puisque seuls vous et moi savions où il était.
It was in the beginning when everything was a struggle... and you were working too hard and sometimes frightened... and there were times when I felt... that I really knew that I was a help to you.
C'était au début, quand tout était une lutte... et que tu travaillais si dur, et que tu avais peur, parfois... et il y avait des moments où je sentais vraiment... où je savais vraiment, que je t'aidais.
I believe you knew it was me when you agreed to share the room.
Vous saviez que c'était moi. Alors vous avez accepté.
These last few years, working for you... It was the first home I ever knew.
Ces derniers temps, en travaillant avec vous... j'ai eu un toit pour la première fois.

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