I know you don't mean that traduction Français
485 traduction parallèle
I will send you that file now. If someone has too many thoughts, he loses many things as well, you know. You know what I mean, don't you?
Je vous envoie le fichier maintenant. vous savez. n'est-ce pas? J'ai montré une mauvais image de moi à ces personnes qui m'aiment depuis longtemps. et cela rend mon coeur lourd.
I mean it. You don't know what a safe feeling it is to be sailing with a captain that's never been raided by the pirates.
C'est rassurant de naviguer avec un capitaine qui n'a jamais été attaqué par les pirates.
What do you mean by that? Don't you know? I don't care much, but maybe you still do.
Comment ça, peut-être? Tu ne le sais pas? Ce monsieur ne m'intéresse pas, mais il t'intéresse peut-être.
You mean to tell me I don't know which is me? That's me, right there.
Tu prétends que je suis pas capable de me reconnaître?
And I don't know how to make you understand it's not possible, - and that I'm not being mean.
Et on ne sait comment leur faire comprendre, que c'est pas possible et qu'on n'est pas méchant!
I said, I don't know what you men mean to Kay, or how you ever persuaded her to go on this trip, but I want you to understand that she is my fiancée.
Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes pour Kay ni comment vous l'avez persuadée de faire ce voyage, mais sachez qu'elle est ma fiancée.
Oh, I know that doesn't mean much to you but don't forget, monsieur Pepinard, your wife has to stay home all day and she's such a pretty little woman.
Je sais, l'éclairage vous importe peu, monsieur Pepinard, mais votre femme reste à la maison. C'est une si belle femme.
If you mean that infant trying to look grown-up, I don't know...
Cette enfant qui veut passer pour une grande personne...
You know I don't mean that.
Je ne veux pas dire ça.
Swede, what do you know about Bascopolous? I don't mean me... the sailor that kicked off.
Pas moi, le marin qui a soufflé sa veilleuse.
I don't know what you mean by that, but there's a new clue here.
Je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez, mais il y a un indice ici.
But I want you to know that compliments of that kind don't mean much in Russia.
Mais ces éloges n'ont guère de sens en Russie.
I don't think I know what you mean by that, Clem.
Où en veux-tu en venir, Clem?
I didn't mean to fly at you like that... but you're such an angel... and I don't know how to thank you.
Excusez-moi, je suis confuse. Mais vous êtes si gentil. Je ne sais comment vous remercier.
And I don't think it's right to walk out on something like that. Do you know what I mean?
Et je ne crois pas qu'il soit juste d'abandonner comme ça.
You don't know what it would mean if I could run a story about something that took place in this century!
J'aimerais tant publier un article sur des évènements contemporains.
- Well, what's that mean? - Oh, Bunny. I don't know what you're talking about.
Que voulez-vous dire?
- I know you don't mean that. - You don't know nothing, never did.
- Je sais que tu ne penses pas ces mots.
- Je veux dire, nous sommes amis, non?
I don't know how you feel, but that money don't mean a thing to me anymore.
Je ne sais pas ce que tu en penses mais je me moque de ce fric.
I don't know what you mean by that, dear, I'm sure.
Je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire.
I don't know what you mean by "that sort of man."
J'ignore ce que tu entends par là.
I know flattery don't mean much to a talented person like you, but when you sang that inspiring song "Beulah Land", it made me realise that music is the voice of love.
Avec votre talent, vous devez vous moquer des flatteries, mais en vous entendant chanter "Le pays de Beulah", j'ai compris : la musique est la voix de l'amour.
I mean, I don't have anybody, uh... you know what I mean, that I could talk to.
J'ai personne... comment dire, à qui je peux parler.
I don't know what you mean by that.
Je ne vois pas ce que vous voulez dire.
I don't know where you got that idea. I mean, we might have our little differences now and then...
Nous ne sommes pas toujours du même avis, mais...
Min, you don't mean that and you know it. I've got to go.
Min, tu ne le penses pas vraiment, j'y vais.
I don't know what you mean. But I have an astral map if that answers your question.
Je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez, mais j'ai une carte astrale, si cela répond à votre question.
- I don't mean that. You know I don't.
- Ce n'est pas ce que je veux dire.
Now, look, Darrin, you should know by now that I say a lot of things I don't mean.
Depuis le temps, tu devrais savoir que je dis beaucoup de choses que je ne pense pas.
Look, honey, I... I know I've been preoccupied with the part, but it is important. That doesn't mean I don't love you.
Je sais que je suis préoccupé par mon rôle, mais c'est important.
I mean, you know, if they don't like me. I mean, that's that.
Veut lui offrir un contrat à vie et je pourrais tout gâcher, si je ne leur plaisais pas.
Oh, doctor. I don't know how I can ever thank you. I mean, really, that is...
Docteur, je ne sais pas comment je pourrai vous remercier.
I mean, you know, there will be people... There's people out there that really don't dig it.
Bien sûr, il y en a, dans la masse, à qui ça ne plaît pas.
I don't have to tell you that our people are going to be quite concerned... if you know what I mean.
Inutile de vous dire que nos chefs vont être déçus... si vous me comprenez.
Well, uh, well, I don't know but, I mean, you promised us that you would stick to the spirit of the original text.
"Et bien, je ne sais pas," "mais vous nous aviez promis de rester proche" "de l'esprit du texte original."
I don't know what you mean by that.
Que veux-tu dire?
I don't know what you mean by that.
Je ne comprends pas.
I mean, your appearance is against you. You know that, don't you?
Et la tienne est contre toi, tu en es conscient, n'est-ce pas?
Look, my dear... you know what I mean by a normal smile in a child's eyes... and one that isn't, don't you?
Tu sais ce qu'est un sourire normal sur le visage d'un enfant.
This kid is and I'm just saying this because I don't know what the hell else to say he's a very smart....... you know, an ingenious guy that I think is one of the greatest guys I ever slept with, you know what I mean?
Ce gosse est... je dis ça parce que je ne vois rien d'autre à dire... mais il est tellement futé... tellement débrouillard... que... Je n'ai jamais couché avec un type plus formidable. Tu comprends?
I'm just a little nervous, I guess. I mean, I don't know, running all the time... it kind of gets you that way.
Etre en cavale, ça rend nerveux.
- I mean, if you don't have that electric blanket... and your apartment is cold and you need to put on another blanket... or go into the closet and pile up coats on top of the blankets you have... well, then you know it's cold.
si tu as froid, tu rajoutes une couverture ou tu empiles des manteaux, parce que tu sens le froid!
I mean, you know, let's face it. I mean, there's a whole enormous world out there that I just don't ever think about. I certainly don't take responsibility for how I've lived in that world.
Il y a autour de moi un univers énorme que j'ignore et je ne me sens pas coupable de vivre à ma guise.
I mean, you know... obviously, all ideas in science are constantly being revised. I mean, that's the whole point. But we do at least know that the universe has some shape and order... and that, uh, you know, trees do not turn into people or goddesses... and there are very good reasons why they don't... and you can't just believe absolutely anything.
Les théories scientifiques sont sans cesse remaniées... mais on sait en tout cas que l'univers a un ordre... que les arbres ne se changent pas en humains ou en dieux!
Because if you believe in omens, then that means that the universe... I mean, I don't even know how to begin to describe this.
Parce que si on croit aux présages, ça signifie... comment dire ça?
I mean, they don't mean anything. I mean, you know, if the turtle's egg falls out of the tree and splashes on the paving stones... it's just because that turtle was clumsy - by accident.
Si un oiseau laisse tomber un œuf et qu'il s'écrabouille sur la chaussée, c'est par maladresse...
I mean, you know, following omens and so on... is probably just a way of letting ourselves off the hook... so that we don't have to take individual responsibility for our own actions.
Obéir aux présages, c'est une façon de se défiler de ses propres responsabilités.
Are you so stupid that you don't know what I mean?
Ne comprendras-tu jamais?
I don't mean to sound forward - I mean, I know I don't know you, but I don't think that we're going to live through this.
Je ne veux pas avoir l'air effronté. Je sais que je vous connais à peine, mais je ne crois pas que nous allons survivre à la situation présente.
Well, I mean, I don't ask you about that work because, you know, what it's about because I know that a writer, he likes to be quiet about his work.
Je ne vous pose pas de questions sur vos écrits... parce que je sais qu'un écrivain... n'aime pas parler de son travail.