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I never did anything traduction Français

270 traduction parallèle
I never did anything to anybody.
Je n'ai fait de mal à personne.
I never did anything.
Certainement pas.
I never did anything to you.
Je ne vous ai rien fait.
But that's impossible. You see, I never did anything of the kind.
Je n'ai jamais rien écrit de tel!
I never did anything to make my mother proud.
Je n'ai jamais donné de fierté à ma mère.
I never did anything to you, Christy.
- Je ne vous ai jamais rien fait.
- You're crazy! I never did anything to you.
- Qu'est-ce que je vous ai fait?
I never did anything against her but what right did she have to act like that?
Je ne lui ai jamais fait de mal, alors de quel droit a-t-elle agi comme ça?
I was never on your ranch. I never did anything to you.
Je ne suis jamais allé dans votre ranch.
I never did anything wrong.
Je n'ai jamais rien fait de mal.
I never did anything unfair to this family, I never gave our money away...
Je n'ai jamais été déloyale à cette famille, jamais donné notre argent...
I never did anything for him.
Je n'ai jamais rien fait pour lui.
I never did anything to you.
Je ne vous ai rien fait!
I never did anything without your advice.
Je n'ai jamais rien fait sans ton avis.
I never did anything!
Mais selon eux, on dirait presque que j'ai vécu avec lui.
I never did anything like this before.
Je n'ai jamais rien fait de pareil.
For 28 years, my whole life, I never did anything.
En 28 ans, je n'ai rien fait.
I never did anything to prevent it, did I?
J'ai jamais rien fait pour t'en empêcher, non?
Well, I never did anything. It was Bell who hated him.
Je n'ai jamais rien fait, c'était Bell qui le détestait.
I never did anything wrong.
Je n'ai jamais rien fait de mal de ma vie.
You know, I never did anything in my whole life... that was anything except I made you guys.
De ma vie, je n'ai jamais rien fait de valable, sauf vous.
Anyway, I never did anything to hurt Gisaburo.
D'ailleurs, je n'ai rien fait à Gisaburo.
- Don't say I never did anything for you. - Thank you.
Tu ne diras pas que...
I never did anything to hurt anybody.
Je n'ai jamais fait de mal à personne.
What are you talking about? I never did anything of the kind.
Qu'est-ce que tu racontes, je ne'ai jamais fais ça.
"I never did anything wrong," he said.
"Je n'ai jamais rien fait de mal", m'a-t-il dit.
I saw the hate in their eyes, but I never did anything.
Dès le début. J'ai vu la haine dans ses yeux. Mais je n'ai pas réagi.
You see, my father went bankrupt, and i was in a shop till... oh, i never gave a man away or did anything i was ashamed of, at least, i mean... i had to make my living in all sorts of ways.
Mon père a fait faillite... et j'ai travaillé jusqu'à... Je n'ai rien fait de mal. Je veux dire...
I never did do anything, only give'em a lot of castor oil.
Je n'ai jamais rien fait, sauf leur... donner beaucoup d'huile de ricin.
I know people that never did anything till they met Walter Burns.
Les autres non plus, avant de le rencontrer.
If I did that I'd never be sure of anything again in my life.
Dans ce cas, je ne serai plus jamais sûr de rien.
I never said anything about Vichy, did I?
Moi, j'ai cité Vichy?
Although I never did come across anything exciting I learned a lot about philosophy.
Bien que je n'aie rien trouvé d'excitant... j'en ai appris beaucoup sur la philosophie.
I never did think decency meant anything...
Vous ignorez toute décence...
You know I'd never do anything unless I did it perfectly.
Tu sais que je ne fais rien à moins d'être sûr de le faire parfaitement.
I don't know what that Yusa did, but he's never done anything bad to me.
En tout cas, Yusa ne m'a jamais fait de mal.
I never heard of anything so generous. What you just did.
C'est si généreux... ce que vous venez de faire.
I never thought anything we did together would be wrong or make us unhappy.
Avec toi, je n'aurais jamais cru faire quelque chose de mal.
I was born in this country and I've seen men fight and kill. But I've never seen anything as terrible as what they did to that poor man.
J'ai déjà vu des hommes s'entre tuer, mais jamais rien de si horrible.
Hope you never have to go through anything like I did.
J'espère que ça ne t'arrivera jamais.
But never once did I hear anything about right or wrong.
Mais je n'ai jamais entendu parler de bien et de mal.
I never said anything... but you did wrong...
Je n'ai jamais rien dit, mais votre relation était faussée.
I believe you, you do not know you did it on purpose, you never know anything
Je te crois, tu ne savais pas que tu le faisais exprès, tu ne sais jamais rien
Tell me, my... precious viper... how did you know that he was coming here... since, as you pointed out so petulantly... I never tell you anything?
Dis-moi, ma précieuse vipère, comment savais-tu qu'il venait, puisque, comme tu l'as dit avec tant d'irritation, je ne te dis jamais rien?
I thought about it. But I never did anything about it.
J'y pensais, mais je ne faisais rien.
I don't have anything... Never did have anything, never will have anything.
Je n'ai rien... jamais rien eu et n'aurai jamais rien.
There are no strings, but I never said anything about not coming back for seconds, did I?
Il n'y a pas d'engagement, mais je n'ai jamais dit que je n'en redemanderais pas, hein?
I have never seen anything like what you did to that man.
Ce que tu as fait, je ne l'avais jamais vu.
Well, I just know that Sharon never did anything to harm anyone.
Juste que Sharon n'a jamais fait de mal à personne.
I never seen this place before. Nobody ever did anything.
Je suis jamais venue ici.
I've never done anything foolish in my life and it's high time I did.
Je n'ai jamais fait de bêtise et il serait temps que j'en fasse.

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